Alright Sup Forums, time to prove your wits. Where in the HECK is the discernible pattern here? It's taken from a free IQ test that I've answered literally every other question correctly, but this one stumped me. Any turbo autists here that can make sense of this one?
Alright Sup Forums, time to prove your wits. Where in the HECK is the discernible pattern here...
how do these fucking patterns relate to real life? These fucking IQ test are questionable if you ask me. give me the same as Einstein. I'd take a chance with bot right
Idiot leaf detected
I'm not sure if asking others to do your IQ test for you really counts... but hey nice digits
Second row, third from left.
Compare them vertically, not horizontally.
you can do addition and subtraction can't you?
You can flip things across a vertical axis can you?
If yes then you just need to learn to recognize them in various representations.
Pattern is vertical, third row is the sum of the squares in the first two row. Squares on opposite sides will cancel each other out, squares on the same sides add together.
Who needs intelligence and reasoning , when you can crush your enemy , with a single blooooow.....
First row, 3rd block.
Consider each column. Add the figures from the first and second row, and eliminate any symbols both on the left and right side. This results in the figure in the third row.
its pretty easy actually. the squares cancel each other out if they are on opposite sides of the line. if a square is only on one side of the line then that is what is left over. the answer is 2 black squares.
top row: 3 white 1 black left + 1 black left 2 white right = 2 black 1 white left.
It's bottom right.
I've no idea why but I'm pretty confident.
>119 even though I got bored at 88% & clicked finish.
The Cambridge Uni one is better, That scored me 100 & I felt like a retard all through it.
2 black on left nothing on right
last pic
last pic first row fuck my autism
You still need to work it out though you dumb fucks.
So, I just have to add them vertically and whatever is equal on both sides cancels out (like 2 white squares on both sides when both top and middle pictures combine would cancel each other out). It all makes sense now, I'm a dumbass.
you're on it. see what adds, see what cancels out.
third one is easy once you see that.
Nice paint skills
its addition and subtraction..
dont be a retard
Beat me to it. Squares on the left side of the black line are positive, squares on the right are negative. Then sum them as normal from right to left