I can't imagine why any country would want to unify with both Brazil AND Mexico.
lol kys nigger
well, most countries aren't as stupid as the USA
Dream on faggot. You fuckers hate each othermore than the Europeans hate each other.
Nice, now back to our plan of being irrelevant while yurop falls apart
>niggerilian wanting to rule over all of Latin America
you do know everyone outside of brazil hates brazil, right?
Where is the kuruminha avatarfagging and the lulaposting, you massive faggot?
>you do know everyone outside of brazil hates brazil, right?
everyone loves us
Like Oliver here says. Pointless thread.
says the brazilian
Do any of you have any real objection for unification.
And by that i mean countries portrayed in that map, I really don't care what everyone else thinks about it.
Fuck off monkey nigger.
>Do any of you have any real objection for unification.
They want to be american puppets and cucks
sum the GDPs and wonder my friend.
Why did you leave Quebec out?
this coming from some dirty Brazilian, you know how fucking poor your country is buddy? it's embarrassing how fucking stupid do you have to be over there. Have a high rate of child prostitutes and drug dealers running cities, you guys are fucked. Because you're all stupid as fuck .
unify, and force barzil to learn spanish
Ah yes Mexico is going to tear down their wall to keep all the trash from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador out and join together.
Why does this cut off before california?
>Brazil wants to turn from a shithole with 280 million monkeys to a shithole with 750 million monkeys
Godspeed, Cristiano
We've got about 40 million excess Mexicans you guys can have free of charge
Hey, at least we're not Bolivia
Also, most latin countries are even worse than us
>central americans
>getting along with south americans
Top Hue
>Latin America
we make central america government be mexico, and south america government be brazil. first thing to do : invad... i mean save venezuela from itself. and split the oil to all the participating forces. we are literally USA now.
>ever working
I'd force something else on their sluts.
Personally I think it's hilarious that this entire thread was in english.
Yes, economic immigration will be a hell.
Think in haitians and similars flooding the most developed areas
yes. i don't want to pay for gibs to the whole continent.
being middle-class and paying for our niggers is already enough.
>when all the countries share the same religion, culture and language backgrounds
haitians and all the island niggers should be kept isolated, the rest of the continent has all the reources we need.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a mistake. Fucking Whigs and their refusal to accept manifest destiny
Should have gone Monroe Doctrine on steroids and steamrolled the whole continent during the mid-late 19th century.
>mfw we spent that time killing each other over the nigger question instead.
I'm Ecuadorian but I'd take a fucking Peruvian over one of you huemonkeys or mexicrements.
Yes, they are nothing bunch on violent illiterate savages.
There's no benefit for us.
i never agree with fellow brazilians. but when i do i do it properly :
here is your (You)
would unite just to do separatist mov and take back panama. venezuela and ecuador
>Same culture
i guess you never went near an airport.
But Mexico will still have a wall on its southern border to keep you out :(
Sorry bro, everything below the Equator is pretty much full of niggers. We could use you as a human dump though.
I can't see where it all goes wrong. Let's find out.
>everyone in latin america is the same
You sound like a dumb amerifat
Oh god
The first step of whatever you guys do has to involve Haitian genocide
The Dominicans have been keeping those fuckers out for 200+ years and they're on the same godamn island
Anyone else forget South America exists?
I mean, in Europe, Africa, middle east, and Asia I can pretty much name where every country is on a map.
I probably couldn't even fill in Brazil on a map. Let alone any other country from south America outside of Mexico. As far as my mind goes it is all just one big brown wasteland.
>Mixing with a lot of indians
>Surrendering your laws to bolivarian countrys influence
>Taking a lot more cholos and columbians
>Stop being a comfy country
T. Juanito Lopez
All you people in one country is sure going to stink
>share the same religion, culture and language backgrounds
You guys can't read can you
When I see comments like these from Mexico I cannot even muster some banter. Its mexico, people get decapitated daily there.
What can you even say to someone that lives there?
I fucking keked, because if Latin America unified it'd just be sex fest.
Sometimes yes, but it's more of a fetish than anything else.
They should learn spanish.
It's not gobalism it's localism, we share the same continent, and the world it's organized in continental and subcontinental unions.
>implying dominiggers are any better
Just a blokade will starve them in 5 years and in 50 there will be new islands to be populated with non niggers.
I can, and you sound like a fucking jeca tatu who never went to any of our neighbours.
No. You're a fucking idiot.
I know because I'm a fucking idiot and I could still place Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Columbia and Venezuela
I couldn't properly arrange that cluster of countries around Panama if my life depended on it, though
Nah learn some English then you'd be able to btfo Europe and America. Also most Latin Americans wouldn't put up with Islam bullshit. It'd be beautiful to have a continent full of based people.
>Latin American countries uniting
>Even fucking México uniting
Top kek nice dream
Y chinga a su madre el America
Kek fuck over Poortugal's only son
you have to go back.
The European countries also share a continent, but a lot of people dislike the EU.
You people are willing to surrender our sovereignty to an Imperial like government just beacuse you're butthurt at the Americans?
Our plan is to be irrelevant so in the wake of a Nuclear War they'll forget we exist.
I went to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia
All of them spoke an iberian language, were catholic, had culture oriented toward family and enjoying the moment pretty much like brazil. Sure there were differences, but pretty much like there is in Brazil and we are united and strong and able to project ourselves worldwide
>dominiggers are any better
They objectively are. Even if they're not great they're still better than Haitians. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone on earth as shit as Haitians.
>No arguments
I mean, what else can you expect from sudacas?
Ew no
Oh I'm going back one day, when I'm of retirement age. Got a nice bit of land there too.
The only thing uniting latin america is comunism and the hatred towards the USA
Hey why are have all the Sup Forums tards I've met in real life been either Cuban or Mexican. Are most of you guys sad and depressed like white people or what? Literally it's super common for you guys to like anime too wth.
Lmao nope.
George Washington is better and smarter than Simon Boliviar.
The founding fathers are based.
Meanwhile, the Spanish were a culture with no virtue or insight (a quality that persists today in all peoples unfortunate enough to descend from that shit).
Latin America is fucked for reasons from the apparent and immediate down to innate and historical.
It'll be a shit hole indefinitely. The culture demands it.
I thought communism was basically ded everywhere save Venezuela and Cuba
I am a Brazilian and I hate Brazil.
Most of South America is socialist/leftist and centralized governments bordering on communism, it fucking sucks.
Go prep your wife's bull, americuck.
Yeah I've got plenty of objections
>Costa Rica
>The Bahamas
>El Salvador
Shit no, only the southern cone
That's not even close to justify a unification
Just look to Spain, they're very closely related with each other, and yet everyone want to separate.
Not even talking that brazilians hate eachother.
>The only thing uniting latin america is comunism and the hatred towards the USA
Met Cubans?
Where do you live?
>Not even talking that brazilians hate eachother.
>he unironically believes imageboards are the accurate representation of Brazil
The Falklands are British.
Fuck off I dont want to be with México you monkey
Latin america is very different from Spain though
>Sao Paulo
Pls no
why should we consider this a bad thing?
if it strengthens your economy, economic interactions can be more favorable for both countries (except a bunch of US companies which won't get severely under priced labor and resources from south america anymore, but fuck those outsourcing cunts)
it seems to me like the US would benefit from it's neighbors being stronger and healthier economically
If we make Paraguay into a parking lot, it's a deal.
What do Brazilians and Mexicans think each of other?
Seems most of Latin America hates both of you why is that?
I'm a brazilian myself if you didn't noticed.
Everyone hate people from the Northeast, Santa Catarina(some parts at least) hate people from Parana, São Paulo hates Rio, etc.
>los suramericANOS
Nobody likes mejico doe.
>The founding fathers are based.
The founding fathers were a bunch of contradictory hacks. The reason the third world exists is because they adopted their retarded system of government.
It would be a upgrade for you