Born into an evil world

>there is a satanic tribe working towards the enslavement of you, your family and fellow men
>they own your media and control what you believe
>they invented psychology and used lobotomies (Walter Freeman) and now chemicals to control how you think
>they own your government and control how your money is used
>they are now taking possession of the last refuge of freedom (the Internet) via Google, Facebook etc
>there is nothing you can do because your ancestors betrayed you or were duped

Well us and our offspring will be the next generation of zombified goy slaves

We are to them as dogs are to us except instead of love they display utter hatred and contempt for us. We are now being bred and selected

As a Christian and a believer in a soul, I'm struggling to reconcile this evil world with spiritual transcendence. Jesus did warn us of their pernicious ways and yet here we are.

Will there always be a chance (no matter how much they physically augment us and our brains) to break free from this enslavement?

Is there something eternal in all of us that they cannot touch

Other urls found in this thread:

If you believe in Christ then you know that wickedness and the devil are always with mankind.

I don't fully understand you

Do dogs have a chance of breaking free? No because we put unruly dogs down.

We will be the same. This is the next step in evolution and unfortunately we lost. Enjoy the ride

That's scary user.


bump pls pol

last bump

this is important politika

RIP thread

RIP polsters

RIP humanity

Justice will be done

All we can do is urge people towards traditional, Christian values.

Explain to me the specific ways in which you are being "enslaved" by this so-called satanic tribe. I'm genuinely want to understand your perspective.

Render unto Caesar OP...

I* not I'm

>Jesus did warn us of their pernicious ways and yet here we are.

i've got some bad news for you buddy...

there is a coming race war

do everything you can to spread the truth about why it is being thrust upon us

DO NOT let them write in the history books of tomorrow that they were innocent and did not deserve what they are going to get

This world and our time here is but a vapor, brother.
Those who believe in him shall be saved.
And ultimately, that's all that matters

>Yes goy don't have children, They will be enslaved because I say so

Nihilists are a joke

they are almost there, trying to fulfill prophecies, jews are a necessary evil

true freedom can only be reached from inside

Amen brother.

>Those who believe in him shall be saved


those are not jesus' real teachings


I never said don't have children. What the fuck are you saying retard?

>jews are a necessary evil


>As a Christian and a believer in a soul

But it's so worth it, isn't it? Once you do away with your christian master, money will be the next one to do away with. And after that every last bit of remaining morals you believe to be true.

>G-guys quick! Before it's too late we have to stop the Jews from establishing a base to wreck world dominat-

Ohh wait too late.

He will return to destroy them.

they are trying to summon Christ by making the world like it's pictured in the prophecies, now they are at war in middle east, trying to destroy damascus to keep fulfiling the prophecies, they want to put a world goverment for the same too

good people wont make those things happen, thats why we need them

Why would they want to summon Christ? They killed him in the first place.

Wasn't Jesus just another really good Shepherd?

Good people are being literally bred out of existence user.

I don't understand you, krautbro

Yes and he was also just the son of God

What other people do is irrelevant.
You're a Christian.
Do what you're commanded.
Don't sweat the rest - it's not relevant.

“Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 )

Only your first statement is true.

What do I win?

well they didnt accept Chirst as their Christ, that's why they want to bring the end, when the anti Christ comes, they are going to see him as their Christ


"white guilt" being promoted by the anti-American, marxist jew mass media/governent/(((higher educational))) system is the DIRECT cause of "white genocide" in this country.

>Census: Hispanics overtake whites to become California’s largest ethnic group

Romans 10:9-10
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.


This same realization hit me roughly around when I drifted back into Christianity. You start to see the serious Satanic evil in the world.

The worst kind of evil is always dressed up as good. The "refugee" situation in Europe is an obvious scenario. Even the use of the word "refugee" is an insult when most are unmarried men from countries not at war, who are coming for the sole purpose of hurting those giving them charity. And the people bringing them in know it will happen, and they do it anyway, shutting down any criticism with cynically strategic photo ops of crying children and other such emotional manipulation.

The Anti-Christ, if such a person ever does exist, will definitely be a Jew. No one will see it coming, and those that suspect it will never say it out loud. Persecution via control of media and government will see to that. Holocaust guilt will silence the rest.

>is there something they cannot touch
Yeah, why are you afraid of them? stop living on their terms & by their rules and they lose their power over you.

same fag much?

>drinks soda fucking cuck

oh look, another frogposter

''Jews is Devil in human form''- Goebbels.

But they are forcing our children into slavery. Common core is now the new thing

It's no longer a choice of doing evil things and harming ourselves. now they force our hand

God will protect us, user. He does not give the faithful over to be destroyed by the wicked.