Shutting down Libs on Normiebook

So first off i dont spend much time on Sup Forums but for shits and giggles i decided to troll a bit on facebook because of a dumb cunt posting false lies and shit she dosent know about, when ive actually lived through the immigration system. Beofre you flip, im not some shitskin motherfucker, Im white as shit, but my parents were hippies and i have an ethnic sounding name, it helped during college applications, lemme tell ya.

But I thought you guys would enjoy reading the bulshit hoops libs jump through to push their narrative of poor poor "Undocumented workers"




hope I get these in the right order

Also hope i censored the names in the right order

now that im doing this i wish i put them in 1 pic, but size limits?

maybe i couldve got them in 1 pic

took me long enough to censor the shit though



And now for what the red cunt was texting my biddy about me during this




apparently im kind of scum



Nice job sperg

Your best friend sound fucking based.

i had a good laugh. thanks OP

he sounds like a fucking apologist, "Im not saying I agree with him".

I've dealt with types like her. You have to give them a little just so the conversation doesn't devolve into liberal shit flinging.

the people you are arguing with are absolutely set in their ways and no amount of arguing will change their minds, in face when you argue with people like this on the internet it is a fact that they will double down on their ideas and turn hypocritical and sarcastic, which is exactly what we see here.

these people possess no critical thinking skills, they do not truly care about what they are talking about, nor do they have an adequate amount of information to objectively speak about it.

the only answer for these people is the rope.


Welcome to Sup Forums. Now stop being an autist and get a kikebook meme account. No need to taint your real name with evil white male propaganda

tldr, Im an immigratn who was illegal, got naturalized on my own, and libs cant accept that going through the system is a thing because im a fucking white male.

You are wasting your time friendo. Liberalism is their religion. You cant change an emotional position with a logical argument.

>he sounds like a fucking apologist
don't go to harsh on him. You still seem to have an emotional influence on him, use it, but be gentle. Show him the vid of good old yuri, works like a charm :^)

I feel like I did a job, I dunno. It was fun for a lazy sunday, that and there is a real achilles heel in my arguments, but they are too fucking stupid to even learn about immigration shit to know it. And its not im a fucking white male so teh world was handed to me.

Learn to spell you foreign piece of shit.

yeah I give him shit but hes my best bud. Im just glad he isnt dating her anymore, still think its weird they still talk though.

Attention whore.... let me your feet faggot.


>still think its weird they still talk though.
Kek. Why, if he still can get his dick wet. No shame in using a hole. Just don't be a dick about this or him being an apolgist. It helps nobody going full red pill on any normies, except for triggering.
what achilles heel? That you are white, or described how it doesn't matter being a white male? Don't get demotivated by religious fanatics, as the Leaf said, they don't listen to logic or even data or laws if it threatens to shatter their worldview. As I said, no need to taint ones name with discussions like this, even if you are 100% right, because unfortunately they still can do some damage with such information pinned to a name.

Unfortunately you have to try and mediate the conversation so it doesn't end up becoming an argument. This is especially hard over the internet when its hard to convey emotion. People dont like being told they're wrong and arguign for a "win" is pointless and only makes them hate you more. Don't ever let them make you act like a dick. Stay strong brother and we can destroy the left with Christ.

When will these cunts realize that the condescending "holier than thou" attitude paired with strawmanning every statement doesn't work? above all else that's wrong with leftists the trait i hate the most is when they stand on their high horse and try and tell everyone they understand how the world works armed with no experience and links to huffpo/buzzfeed

That I was sponsored by an american citizen my mom married. These fucks dont even know how to apply to be resident, let alone you can be sponsored and it makes a difference in processing time. In terms of waiting time/likelihood youll get accepted in goes
>sponsored by a parent/guardian who is a citizen

> "When will these cunts realize that the condescending "holier than thou" attitude paired with strawmanning every statement doesn't work?"

Probably not until it's too late and they haven't had a democrat president in 20 years.

One can only hope.
Oh and the only people that got deported in my family were being white trash and got nailed for drug offenses first.

They'll just cling to their feelings and say it's too hard to come legally. You forget these people openly despise borders and nations.
The fact is we don't have the means or the obligation to shoulder every poor piece of shit around the world, of which there are literally billions. They are not the economic boon (((economists))) try to tell people they are. They are leeches, criminals, and rejects.

Good on yah lad but there's no use talking to these types they drank way to much of the koolaid

I think I did it to really see how bad libs and fems are when they actually have to argue. Ive never been called scum before, I feel good about that.

Bump for a good read


Let me summarise this thread for you all.
>i'm OP i got into a dumb argument on facebook and comported myself at exactly the level i criticise others for and failed to convince anyone
>hi OP you did literally nothing wrong and no matter how shit your argument comes off it's always someone else's fault that you failed to convince anyone. everybody knows that personal charisma and competence has nothing to do with making an argument and everyone who disagrees with you is just straight up retarded without exception
>thanks user, this circlejerk sure made me feel better

They're retarded, you're retarded, and everyone in this thread is retarded including me for thinking you spastics will actually achieve self-awareness and not just dogpile.


also I dont htink theres any harm either professionally or socially from dumb shit like this, im 2 cities and 2 hours away from these people havent met 2 of them ever and havent seen the main cunt since high school and we moved in opposite directions for school. That and I barely ever use facebooks.

never been bumped before, feels good.

Holy shit lmao

Good on you for getting yourself citizenship. Glad to have you. As someone that lives among a ton of illegals, I really wish they'd do the same. Some of them are being taken advantage of, in the name of "good will". AKA fear of deportation.

The great majority of them are being used by the media in the hopes whitey will take pity on them and not deport them, (I think a lot of times the media makes promises it cant keep about letting them stay just to use them) but then theres the fucks that just wanna smoke weed and collect welfare and get mad when they get deported.

Also I laughed really hard and how many times i was written off for being white, and how many different ways they tried to, my skin color, my country of origin, every fucking thing.

>My mother in law came in illegally from Nicaragua during the fucking Contras
>Became a citizen before marrying an American citizen
>Took her under a year and only because she fucked up her application the first time, since she spoke very little english

serious, shits easy as fuck. it took me 2 years cause i was 15-16 and fucked up the paperwork 3 times.

>Learn to source your information
>It's a first hand experience
You can't reason with retards that think they're above it all, user. I'm sorry you know these people.

I'm pretty blue doesn't fucking read what you write and is just virtue signalling to topcunt green machine, who is just demanding citations for your personal experience and opinions???

Good God reading this is giving me an aneurysm, they make violence seem like the best answer at this point.

Is it really necessary to go through and reply to these fucking pictures one by one?

Try reading it all in one go and composing a synthesised opinion instead of your fucking retarded stream of consciousness shitposting.

whats your problem man, i get you just woke up in bongland but chill out.

wrong flag, I know you just got plastered on fosters after getting arrested for having a plastic bb gun, but chill out.

nice argument with pathetic idiots
quality way to spend ur time matey

Its a lazy sunday afternoon, i shitpost and drink its how I relax. Thought id shitpost on facebook for once.

>"Poor me"
Uh, no. OP is clearly showing that there is no reasoning with some people. They clearly disagree but refuse to accept his opinion on the issue and work to disregard everything that he says, his first hand experience, based on his skin color.

They're claiming he's being prejudice and is privileged by citing their own prejudice and privilege as proof. It's ridiculous.

"I'm not an illegal but I think illegals must have a hard time getting accepted because they're not white"
>implying being white makes you a better person
"Hey, let me virtue signal to my friends and talk shit about you behind your back. That will win this argument!"
>OP is a fag for behaving similarly
>Everyone is retarded

You've got to wonder why your skin color and gender matters so much to supposed globalists...

I can reply however the fuck I want, faggot. Go suck off a great fowl, platiroo.

You're a retard and the longer you are unaware of this the more damage you will do to the cause.

>OP is clearly showing that there is no reasoning with some people
How? His argumentation is fucking garbage. All OP is showing is that bad arguments don't convince people.

I AGREE with the OP and I still think his argument is shit because unlike you and all the other ankle-biting pseudointellectual cretins that OP is relying on to get the (You)s he so desperately craves I actually have a sliver of impartiality.

>i enjoy wallowing in my own filth
Power to you, free thinker!

Gtfo moron
Fucking this

I cant tell if this is bait, or just retardation.

I'm aware that you're not going to understand my point, which is half the problem.

Let me put it in baby words:
If your arguments don't convince people it's because they're not convincing arguments.

Okay, sure. There are genuinely retarded people out there who can never be convinced rationally. But isn't it pretty fucking coincidental that those are the only people you seem to encounter? When was the last time your """argument""" actually convinced anyone? Are you saying every single person who has ever disagreed with you (and every single person who would disagree with you on the planet) is an irrational retard?

And even if that is the case, irrational people can still be convinced. If you go into an arena with the goal of making a convincing argument and leave without having convinced anyone there is nobody else to blame for that failure but you.

You failed here, and every time you fail it only strengthens the convictions of the people you were trying to convince. They will chalk up your defeat as further evidence of the resilience of their ideology.

In short, shut up and leave it to your betters.


so you routinely convince everyone you speak in every conversation to to follow your beliefs? Your either lying, in an echo chamber, or your the most persuasive man in the world, Jim jones except more charismatic and double the koolaid.. I didnt go into the situation trying to convince them of anything, i offered my experience to see if libs and feminists are as bad as everyone says, I never lied, shitposted, or used anything other than my own experiences and what i know to be true.

In short, your either bait, or retarded.

seriously... becoming a naturalized citizen is easy as shit. My grandma did it and she doesn't even know how to operate her microwave.

>so you routinely convince everyone you speak in every conversation to to follow your beliefs?
Generally speaking, yes. Not everyone, not all the time, and not all the way at once, but yes I do tend to be able to bring people closer to my position by increments. I don't turn people into goose-stepping Nazis overnight. Nobody does that. I have a vegetarian bushwalking music-degree hippie leftist friend who over the course of the time I've known him now supports reducing our immigration intake of non-whites and agrees that multiculturalism is dumb.

Part of this is because I'm capable of not going balls out and ease people into my position, but the other part is because I pick smart arguments to have.

>I didnt go into the situation trying to convince them of anything
Then you failed at the first step of having an argument.


Die of aids, troll

>when your entire worldview rests on the belief that everyone finds it as hard as you do to talk to other people like a rational adult

>it's impossible for people to sincerely disagree with me because my opinions are self-evidently correct

p u r e i d e o l o g y

Die troll


Who are these cretins your are associating with on facebook

I'm going with retardation.

>shut up and leave it to your betters

Your shilling is showing

They're not my cretins, but i do see them sometimes in facebook, red dated my bud for a while and apparently I bullied her in high school. In high school she was just some awkward memester and tried to guilt sex another friend of mine and i told her to fuck off. ive never met the others in my life.

Please start using a tripcode.

The entire world wouldn't hate you if you stopped destroying everything and being entitled, evil selfish sociopaths.

For a guy that's supposed to be good at getting people to see his point of view you are sure do come off like a real big faggot.

I don't even bother arguing with people online or in real life anymore.

I realized at the beginning of the election that people already take sides near the beginning. If somebody actually does change their minds (they rarely do), it's because they had a personal experience with something.

I wouldn't even bother. Then again, I guess it is good to normalize anti-PC views in social life

Should this "person" go back? He was in the USA Illegally for 14 years, he should pay fo his crimes.

its the only way to win arguments, you cant just say"youre being a fucking idiot" that just makes the person shut out everything you have to say

feel bad for you senpai, you really shouldnt post shit on facebook thats conservative, you get eaten alive but liberals who care too much and know too little they also come in groups so it seems like you lost an argument to every onlooker who doesnt know shit

You have to go back

Oh yeah, my crimes of working, paying taxes, going to school, paying over 6k just to become a permanent resident, I should seriously be punished. I went through the path to citizenship, I went through the proper channels, deport the fuckers who wont work and leech off the system, the assholes who deal drugs and slash up cops who try to deport them.

And why is "person" in quotes, what am I a goddam lizardman?
