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>(((Sources))) to NYT say
>Rowdy Gowdy tells us not to believe the NYT and WashPo after a meeting with Comey just days before this was said.
Stop reading CIA propaganda.

So the tapping is true? Atleast true enough for Rowdy Gowdy?



I kind of feel bad for Comey.

He seems like a principled guy, he used to get abuse from the right and the left under Bush for not kowtowing to the President.

Just brilliant by Trump.

Exposing the media as Fake News. Forcing FBI to make a statement which will support his claim. Flushing out the leakers that fed the info to NYT. 3 for 1. The Art of The Deal.

Yes, the media even reported on it just two months ago. But they think we're so stupid that we forgot about it already.
I think something big is about to drop very soon.

Trump was the one claiming obama wire tapped him to begin with.
If what he said is true then that would mean they had legitimate reason to suspect he was colluding with the russians. If it's not true then Trump is just lying and making shit up.
Neither situation is advantageous to Trump.

>giving a fuck about legit reasons

the guy is always so close to breaking a case but then it slips out of his hands in the end. i wonder why

He really is the wildcard character of this anime. Whose side is he on? Does he have an endgame, or is he just trying to safeguard his men? Will he die a villain's death, make a noble sacrifice, or will he wistfully read off the epilogue as the last named character after the unexpected kill-em-all wham ending?

I've missed that last couple of daily episodes of US politics, so unironically can I get a quick rundown?

I really think he's just covering his ass at this point. He's shown no loyalty to anyone other than his ass.

The Comey story is Fake News. It's from anonymous sources. No quote or statement from Comey. It's a fake news plant by Trump

I agree he's showing no loyalty but believe it's because he's trying to do the right thing.

>comey has switched sides again, back to the dems/globalist Jew elite. We are confused.

Monday is going to be spicy

Not really, it's quite simple. He doesn't support the deep state or trump, he supports saving his own ass.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Why the fuck did Trump keep this guy...

You're obviously not very intelligent because either move is a win for trump from where I'm standing.


He better not be motherfucking Brutus, I'll tell you that much.

Have fun with your dictatorship then

If anybody will be Brutus it will be Mike Pence.

thank you for the link

>If what he said is true then that would mean they had legitimate reason to suspect he was colluding with the russians.
No, it just means Obama convinced a FISA judge to sign off on a warrant.

Or hell, just did it without a warrant.

As ammo. Comey got to stay on for condition of maybe being man enough to go through with the Hilary stuff.

It was obvious he was going to get run over the rails at a moment's notice if he didn't deliver while in the interim providing whatever service he might or might not have.


Cassius = Priebus?

Marc Antony = Bannon?


benis (((WE)))

You think they needed "russia trump" links to get a fisa warrant? Are you retarded?

Newsflash if there were any links the tapping would've found them and it'd have been leaked prior to the election.

>If what he said is true then that would mean they had legitimate reason to suspect he was colluding with the russians.

No, it means anonymously sourced news reports were used as paper-thin justification to obtain a warrant from a court that has turned down only 11 requests in its nearly 4-decade history of issuing secret surveillance warrants.

We've already seen the evidence used for the warrant, it was that retarded shit about a server previously owned by trump that was spamming marketing emails at Alfa bank that was made out to be some super secret communications between the Trump campaign and Russia.

That is literally the standard required to get approval from a FISA court, almost fucking nothing, which is why more than 99% of the applications are approved.

That was fake news

An """unnamed source""" claims cumey assured to ignore the request

And the utter dumbasses aren't going to get the punchline until somewhat down the road, if ever.

I know this most likely bullshit.....

But why would it matter what he tells DOJ if trump asked congress to investigate?


thanks that was a great link.
Obviously WaPo and NYT are spinning faster than ever before.

There's no need to be upset.

>If what he said is true then that would mean they had legitimate reason to suspect he was colluding with the russians.

'If the government says you colluded with Russians it's true. Even if there's no evidence and the wiretaps showed the government it was wrong.

This is normal, freedom-loving Democrat logic.

Just enjoying the side-show ma'am.

If the wiretaps show that he didn't do anything wrong then why is he so worried about it?
He's clearly not an innocent. Innocent people don't freakout if they have nothing to hide.

They failed to get one without the links.

You guys are so dumb. Gowdy just told us not to trust the NY Times.

He's worried because Sessions recused himself. Doesn't want a fucking Dem Bureaucrat shill put in his place.

The amount of fake evidence they've tried to vomit onto us... you think they won't go whole-hog given the opportunity?

Media is already backing up Adam Schiff. That means they are scared and trying to spin. They have played their hand so poorly for so long we know their bluffs now.

They failed to get one the first time because it was too wide of a request. They were told to refocus and hone in on their purpose. Their first one was denied almost instantly because it named Trump specifically. In the second one, they targeted people very close to Trump that they then by proxy had to tap Trump's comms. If they found anything (they didn't), it would've been blown out by now. Obama and Hillary through the Russia propaganda would crush his campaign and they would have never had the wiretap stuff come to light: it was their last resort on getting information.

Trump is viciously ruthless when it comes to revenge. He's not going to let these fuckers get away with it.

MAGA Mr. Trump.

You know, I know, and the American People know. We watched it live time on the intertubes.

Yep, NYT is a shit show. Utter garbage.

He's corrupt. He's connected to the clintons and he got where he is working the system in their favor.

However, he also seems to have something of a conscience. I don't know what the fuck is up with this guy. He's constantly back and forth with both sides; I can't even imagine the kind of hell it is to deal with deep state vs trump vs public vs media.

I don't trust Comey but I do trust Gowdy.
I'm watching this all unfold very cautiously.

If Trump believe he was corrupt, then he would've replaced him. It makes no sense for Trump to keep Comey in the position if he thought otherwise. What I think happened during the campaign is that the Loretta DOJ/Obama tied his hands and made it remarkably difficult for him to do anything, if not completely stonewall the investigation. If anyone followed the details of the email scandal, Clinton was so far beyond grossly negligent its not even funny.

I think Trump is keeping him in that position because Comey knows who the rats are.

That's not true. It's a complicated game and I'm not going to spoil it, but everybody could see that keeping Comey in and saying "you can investigate anything you want" or whatever the quote is was the kiss of death.

He told that to Chaffetz

kiss of death for who? Hillary, Trump, or Comey?

o shit son

>everybody could see that keeping Comey in and saying "you can investigate anything you want" or whatever the quote is was the kiss of death.

What do you mean by 'kiss of death'? The end of Comey's career or essentially reaffirming what I said? I think Comey was carefully maneuvering the situation to stay where he was in hopes of Trump getting in.

Based fucking Gowdy. Replace Ginsburg's jewish ass with him.

Oh this good

Yes, Comey was carefully maneuvering. He is talented.

He knows full well he's a pawn, as anybody would understand given a cursory look into his history. Like the puppet Obama, he was given a chance, an "out" and if he did or didn't use it, the only thing I can say is that let's get into the court record.

If she floats, she's a witch. If she drowns, she's innocent.