An-com master race

Why are you not an An-com fgt

cause MLs are more woke

>inb4 muh cognitive dissonance XDD

Because I don't have a severe mental disability

good job user

Reporting in Comrade!

Just be warned we have a few degenerates cuckservatives left on this board

Sup man glad us leftys are taking some territorys back from the alt righters



can i be allowed in this ancom board pls **im a Leninist**

Sure... I am fine with Left Unity-- progress is progress

Even Stalin knew you can't live under anarchy. That is why he killed so many of his fellow compatriots.


lol salty nazi

we must use the state to crush the bourgeois my dude

the best part is he peed himself in the picture

we must organize and once and for all cast off the degenerate chains of Capitalism

idk man im skeptical about marxist leninism. i just don't see what a state can do that free association can't

if i may suggest the state and revolution has some good material on the subject my man

Sorry, I thought you said anticom.

why do you not like commies

Hail le pinochet! xD


ancom is well defined and not an oxymoron like ancap is

Step into my office, we'll discuss the terms.

kek didnt see that

>20 pages in to basic economics

Esperanto master race here, the Jews literally are behind it all. Gongdam commies must fucked en la kapo