What are they hiding?
What are they hiding?
>implying cliff patterns can ONLY form with the intervention of intelligent beings
I have it on good authority that there is gold.
is this on both and north and south poles?
ice kikes
Remnants of a highly advanced ancient civilization, human or otherwise.
Nothing. You failed at life and at school and you're trying to find a sense to your shitty and boring life by trying to find some kind of plot that is going on worldwide because it makes you feel you're on to something but in reality you're wasting time on crazy theories or suspicions.
To answer your question, they're hiding ice and water, that's about it. Maybe oil but in that case nothing really spectacular.
much easier to hide in plain sight
Planet X. Nibiru.
probably wasnt really advanced. but the fact that there was something there would still shake everything the fuck up.
absolutely unequivocally nothing
How in the fuck is this political related
wrong thread?
wrong board?
are you high/drunk?
That's where the Bogdanoffs are building their factory.
What in the blue hell am I looking at?
Are these 4 cliffs related?
hey!! stop that.. that's rude...
Can't be stupid enough to believe something like that if you weren't there.
it all makes sense now
its the GATEWAY or the PORTAL
maybe an access to the main hard drive that we are written to?
maybe just maybe its ice cream
point is WE will never know because THEY dont want us to
33 more continents.
These pics are all aerial. Why not just fly over them?
>remember Admiral Byrd
>in x-men comics there's a hole leading to hollow earth where dinosaurs etc still live in a tropical climate
>in the movie "The Thing" there's a crashed ufo beneath the ice
>in tv series "Stargate" there is ancient planetary defenses systems beneath the ice, also a stargate if I remember correctly
OP thinks the world is flat and that these are walls to keep people from falling off the edge. The,world is not flat, OP. Wrong board to post this bullshit in.
how do the cliffs actually form such a neat face?
Well I know for a fact that they have store some ADN from every species that humans ever laid his hands on.
Predictive programming intensifies
I bet Byrd saw some serious shit
>Ha ha, what are you talking about user, there's no cabal of eight secretly running the government with the president as a figurehead!