Holy SH!T... Sup Forums has been eternally stumped.
Holy SH!T... Sup Forums has been eternally stumped
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Hate to say, but he has a point. Even Sup Forums can't refute that.
I honestly can't think of anything to counter this...this actually makes sense, I can officially say he has a point.
get your redpills here
Nice strawmen broh
This is a pretty correct criticism, especially the last point.
Whites are absolutely retardedly suicidal and literally every advantage they have is for naught if they don't fucking breed. We've got ourselves to a point we're smart and rich enough we've become like the dog that caught the car he was chasing and we don't know what to do. So we decided to become SJWs killing themselves off in a mass collective suicide cult where we engineer society in a way they helps others while eliminating ourselves.
I believe whites may fall a lot further before they recover from the stupidity of their own actions.
I'll say this about the non-white races.
All of them respect families and mothers more than white people do, who as a collective spit on those things, and consider them beneath them. White people think THEIR destiny is starting a career making lots of money for Mr. Shekelberg, so they can give that money to people that actually have children.
Whites are collectively the most cucked of all the races, their entire society is built around self-cuckolding, their entire morality is built around self-cuckolding, especially on the left, but even to an extent on the right which you see with cuckservatives.