Defeat Anti-fa

What keeps anti-fa around? Maybe their free lawyers....

People need to unite against these groups and get lawyets too.

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bump. i always thought it was their sponsors. of course lawyers tend to come with that. gotta be a way to set up a legal fund for antifa victims.

Huge barrels of cash from Obama and Soros

We Alt-Lighters need to come together

how are slush funds legal? doesn't seem like funneling taxpayer dollars into independent activist groups should be kosher.

>what keeps anti-fa around
you do

gay joke. faggot

shit response, cretin

As much as I love stick man, fighting them head on is a sucker's game; cops won't arrest them and we'd end up with a stack of charges. Best plan is to just bait and troll them into going too far. Don't hurt them, even in self defense; just try and piss them off as much as humanly possible. Take a few hits if you have to, but let them be the ones to cross the line.

herdeth thine kine back to /tg/ gandalf

crawl your way back to public school, nigger

Anti-fa is government funded one way or another through soros or obama. If you truly want this shit stopped it's a no brainer. Coup up locally and call these fags out. Calling them out was a red pill for me. I live in commiefornia so I expected some "resistence", would post pics but using back up computer as main went to shit. I only found "stare fags" at best. I'm onto a few local organizations myself (can't explain for now). You need to target locally if you want to sort it out.

is there actually any proof tying obama to thsese clowns?
nigger seems to slippery to leave a trace

>not linking
lazy nigger

>taking pride in a small vocabulary
How embarassing

>being a litfag
i dont know, thats... asian or something

To be honest you and I will never know the real "truth" as the government can do with what it decides with it's own trace of influence. But the facts remain that we have discovered roots in the ideology of both the left and the right. When I expose myself, it's for the truth. The truth is how you sort your final conclusions from the evidence you can research. There exists no such court for Humans to be tried therefore our knowledge is only limited to our own research.

Unemployment keeps them around.

fair enough, I dont think Obama has enough stake in the ideology to risk himself like that. Im sure youve seen things that would make you disagree. I hope we can out some of these shadowy fucks in the coming days; left and right

>lol reading is gay
literally neck yourself, you give the rest of us a bad name

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