Every morning I thank Jesus for not making me American

Every morning I thank Jesus for not making me American

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Americucks, amirite?

Every morning I thank Jesus for not making me Indian or American

Don't worry in a few years you'll be smelling curry on every street corner.

At least we're not as bad as Korea
>circumcise basically anyone at any age because you think the Japanese are doing it

Who's to say it hasn't already begun?


do you guys really check your toilets for snakes and spiders?

Do you guys really imprison parents for not mutilating the genitals of their babies in accordance with Jewish tradition?

this is true, I found a huntsman in the crevice of my toilet bowl once, had to squash the fucker

praise kek we aren't either

Yes, we also check our boots cause' there are red backs that fuck you up if they bite your foot


It's obviously because her husband wants to do it, it's not fucking illegal to be uncut

fake and gay

But keep trying to be Australia, raj.

Every morning I thank Jesus for making me Australian with an American citizenship so I can have all of the benefits with none of the bullshit.

apparently yes. i still don't have to check my toilets for snakes or see people shit on the streets though.

Circumcision is a human right and should be complusory


gross man, why would you want a burger passport, so you can comingle with the shitskins and jews?

Why the fuck is circumcision still a thing anyway? Hell, why was it ever a thing? Who the fuck thought of or invented it?

she's lucky the cops didn't shoot her or take her kid for podesta to rape/kill

pick two, you disgusting wizard sleeves

Shut up leaf boy

The Jews

Atleast I know if I ever need access to the most relevant country in the world I can have it.

Heather Hironimus signs paperwork giving approval for four-year-old boy’s surgery after a yearslong battle with the child’s father and a week in jail

>Genital mutilation
>savage barbarians

Pajeet is right on this one.

Also, go fuck yourselves you kikes! You got shit on China and they will steal your thunder.

Oh mr sand-glans. Dont bring me a treat. Take your deadened door knob and fuck thru the sheets. Give me a sword and sheathe real men are wanting

losing its relevancy extremely quickly day by day, it's frankly a backwards influence on our pure lands tbqh

the jail was for contempt of court because she probably chimped out .you dont have to circumcise your chid if you dont want to

where is the archived link, curry nigger?

I feel like I can remember something about them not actually inventing it but copying it from some other Semitic group like the Egyptians. I know some African tribes do it still without any Semitic influence.

It will still take 40 years or so of losing relevancy before it's Australia level tbqh


All memes aside, yea you're actually correct

>"Mmm user, I want to blow you"
>"uh, heh, ok. Let me go shower real quick"
>"Why user? I want it now! "
>~"I can't tell her about my dick cheese, I'll have lie~"
>"uh, I just smell bad. It'll be real quick"
>"you smell fine! Come on user!"
>~(aw fuck)~ "o-ok"
>*pulls down pants* *mouth goes onto penis*
>*girl barfs on dick*
>*20 calories of dick cheese ingested*
>*user cries himself to sleep, alone*

Many such cases. Sad!

No the judge literally refused to release her until she agreed to the father's demands to have the kid circumcised.

>said the Abo

No one is stopping user to get it done if he or she desires it as long as he or she is old enough to make that decision

it's not that bad, it's kinda tingle.

I ain't no nigger boy how dare you compare me too one

Literally Z.O.G.

uncut American master race here but unlike you I don't have a micropenis and I'm known for using the loo when I poo

Cut dicks are nore a e s t h e t i c
That's why people have always done it, it helps you attract a mate

>cutfags think that naturalfags never shower

What an odd stretch of imagination

>first question you ask potential mate
>are you or were you ever a liberal?
>second question
>how many guys have you fucked?
>third question
>what do you think about circumcision?

wait theres been a mistake, india won next superpower, china is failing, this is not a joke, india won next superpower.

I would imagine by the time your mate is seeing your dick you have already attracted her. Don't know how you do it over there

If you have to have your penis out to attract a mate you're not worth having

Do you suck dick like i do? This has never once happened to anybody. Enjoy the stankpuss. Muh smelly ass! Nobody knows anything. They really dont

i hate this fucking country

>calling normal people "naturalfags" instead of normal people

I actually protested outside the Hospital the morning of the scheduled procedure. I'm a menrights fag and also a Florida fag.

It was very much real. IMO Circumcision should be illegal until they are 18 (like tattoos) or if it's medically necessary.

I'm personally cut and have no issues with being cut - but it's a pretty invasive act, especially when it's almost never necessary and the person that it's happening to can't give consent.

LOL @ this logic. Every doggo would rather just complain like SJWs about "muh mutilation" rather than have it done because "owie, it hurts my pee pee so I'll just keep my roastie dick skin"

I'm unmutilated though

Why do you want to hurt a baby

Zion has crept into your nation, goyim. We own your media industry, we own your technological advances, we own your government, we own your banks and now...

We finally own your children

We are the most powerful race indeed

Australians are gross

Top fucking kek
This is how autistic you faggots are about this
Protip: no actual, human being gives a fuck

What a piece of shit father. Fights to have his son mutilated and apparently the mother can't do anything about it.

>The court rules in the mother's favor, except for when it goes against Jewish interests.

Ok mr joospeaker


>ex tells me story
>out at club
>guy she likes is there
>end up back at his apartment
>no shower
>pulls down boxers
>"what in tarnation?"
>holds dick in her hand examining it bc weird dick is weird
>rolls back foreskin
>strings of mucus from GLANDS (you people disgust me) extend from shaft to skin
>she said she literally gagged

By that logic, fuck cutting the umbilical cord we simese twins nao

>medically necessary
Except it never is
Stop believing (((their))) lies

>what in tarnation
Were you previously dating a 70 year old man?

>be uncut fag
>clean dick
>no dick smell

It falls off by itself and doesn't have nerves that feel pain

Most people in the civilized world shower atleast on every second day. This prevents dick cheese.
I guess its a cultural thing which the americans have yet to learn.

What is dick cheese?

The one time the (((court))) sides with the father is when it has to do with upholding (((their))) barbaric ritual.

That was a pussy she was looking at. There is no wetness or glands or smells on uncutters or any dick. Stupid rabbi. Only for females. It's called "pee" and whatever else they do and have

I am uncircumsized and unironically did not know what 'dick cheese' was until I searched it. I think you would have to avoid showering for at least three weeks in order to get it.

Ironically, an uncircumcised penis is still more hygienic than any vagina ever.

>dick cheese isn't real
Which stage of grief is denial again? I think it's the first. Next you'll tell me armpit sweat is real. Your wizard sleeve is basically an armpit. Absolutely disgusting

It's what you sprinkle on your curry, faggot

guys i feel like i was robbed of my manhood. what do i do!? i feel disfigured.

They're pretty much the same thing. Both are prone to bacteria bc folds of skin (barf)

>>more hygienic than any vagina ever.

As nature intended. You don't want any sperm making it to the egg. You want only the strongest and smartest.

Only when they refuse to show up for court and run away with their son to a shelter to evade capture, sure.

Took me 30 seconds on google to find the full story. This thread was created to slide other, more important threads.

Ya I'm mutilated and I'm seriously considering moving somewhere else if I'm about to have a son to have him somewhere else so I know he's safe.

I'm really hoping for regenerative medicine to solve this disgusting cruelty soon enough.

When are tattoos medically nessesary?

you thank jesus for making a people who cant use toilets


So youre retarded for fucking them. K thx and good to know

You're a stupid woman so you can leave at any time

Thats weird. Its usually the dad who doesnt want it done, maybe hes jewish.

First ones to the egg dissolve themselves opening the way for the late sperms to stroll in and take the prize

Hell, I do that and I live here

>american education

I'm pretty sure he was Jewish. The mother ended up having the charges against her dropped. Still a complete miscarriage of justice.

Ugh I work in a research lab and a lab a few doors down in my building has a dozen fucking Indians working for them. Sometimes I'll go to the bathroom and see that one of them is leaving and the bathroom always smells intensely of curry.

well the actual story was the father wanted it done the mother didnt the court sided with the father and the mother tried to kidnap the son.

another stupid thread started with a pic and no link.

Not a single state or even Israel forces circumcision.

Sup Forums is shit

>protecting your son from genital mutilation is kidnapping

wew lad


It's an old story but it did happen. The mother had signed an agreement with the father saying she would have it done but had a change of heart and took her son on the run.

That makes two of us..

This is fucking real?

Jesus, what the fuck? Since when is circumcision required?

This is just an example of how religion has fucked USA. These fuck wits would believe in santa claus if their family said it's true. Get your fucking heads out of your collective asses and research the things you hold true.