Why No Conservative Psychologists?

How come none of none of us go into psychology? So many problems could have been solved if right wing therapists could just diagnose snowflakes with chronic degeneracy or zero discipline syndrome rather than worsening their snowflake complex with an even more unique and special affliction.

A lot of people's lives could have been a lot easier if they got legitimate advice rather than psychoanalytic bullshit with no correlation to the scientific method.

0.3 percent of psychologists are conservative. There's a real market here for writers and researchers. What's stopping us?

Everyone would be unemployed.

Can't make a living by billing every client you have 1 hour and telling them all, "Quit being such a faggot."

Psychology is quackery. It's never been a legitimate field.


I'll try to be a psychologist I guess

>Why No Conservative Jewish Double-Speak Psuedoscientists?

>Why don't more conservatives study "scientific" astrology


what's stopping you is getting kicked out when you start confronting the truths

>So many problems could have been solved if right wing therapists

>What's stopping us?

There's hardly any money in developing cures - I'm sure these (((psychologists))) know exactly what's wrong with their clients but would rather have them coming back so they can bill their insurance $100/hr for therapy.

there is some value from studying psychology though. there are patterns and you can help people. the issue is that the pc world we live in doesn't allow us to be truthful about how the factors that affect a person's psychology

It's only quackery because leftism has let it stray from actual science. If rational people who could objectively look at history and understand the causes of of fulfillment and happiness went into the field, it could be an actual science.

Top kek

jordan peterson

a large segment of psychology is jewish quackery

>I'm sure these (((psychologists))) know exactly what's wrong with their clients but would rather have them coming back so they can bill their insurance $100/hr for therapy.

This is frighteningly true actually. I've always wondered why so many "successful" psychologists are Jewish. They always know exactly what to say to keep the goyim coming back.

I wish I wasn't stupid and could actually interpret the Talmud sometimes.

jordan peterson has more business talking in a literary theory classroom than a psychology classroom.

As it sits right now Psychology/Psychiatry has a lot of fucking metaphorical crime scene tape all over the place. Certain things are very much considered career suicide or require significant clout prior to your investigation into the matter - particularly in neurophysiology. And this is not even taking into account that certain specializations/subfields within it have very much politically aligned themselves or face a sharp divide. Social Psychology is a great example of this - it currently only has somewhere in the realm of approximately 6% right of center or "conservative" identifying social psychologists. And those that do identify as such have communicated that there is an open hostility or unfriendly intellectual climate there. When a poll was conducted with hundreds of professionals within the field - a few questions were asked to see if there was a willingness to discriminate against the political conservatives within the field:
>Would they be more likely to reject a paper or a grant application that showed a politically conservative perspective?
>Would they be reluctant to invite a conservative colleague to a symposium?
>Would they favor a liberal job candidate over a conservative candidate?
Liberal respondents answered yes to all three of these, and it was found that the more the number of liberal respondents in an area, the more likely they were to be willing to discriminate against the conservative respondents.

So when you are dealing with shit like that - that plagues Psych as a whole, never mind the BA fags shitting up stuff, its easy to see why no "progress" can be made. You need to be willing to stick your neck out for it. And you might be chopped.

>why can't conservatives convince a panel of batshit crazy libs to give them a degree
Difficult question.
Internalized racism?


My psych professor right now strikes me as an okay enough guy. He plays music from Youtube at the beginning of every class, and then one of the videos had some SJW-looking ad and he reloaded it saying "Just the music, not the bullshit" under his breath.

In about a week we're gonna do the chapter on "gender and sexuality." The book presentation isn't tumblr-tier but it's kind of lib-leaning, we'll see how he handles it.

I studied Psychology for a few years before dropping out. Its actually a much harder science than people think. people think its all armchair psychology, and speculation, but it isn't. There are statistical tests to see if your results are valid, the standard is just slightly lower. Most sciences (other than biology) use 99% probability the results are not due to chance, Psychology uses 95%.
The catch is that you can get completely different results depending on what groups you test, but also when you test them. So things tend to get re-tested every decade or so to check their validity.
There's only a few things that are true of all humans, like the Stroop effect.

As to why conservatives don't go into it. I think it's mostly empathy honestly. And I don't mean this as a criticism of conservatives, but psychology is a lot to do with helping people and not doing much productive, like building or designing something. You might come up with a therapy, or discover an aspect of human behaviour, and that would help some people or broaden our understanding of people, but conservatives generally sort of discard people who arent useful, rather than investing in making them useful.

One area of psychology conservatives would love is the overlap between psychology and engineering/design. Discovering the most efficient ways to convey information to a pilot in a cockpit for example

Psychology is a joke. Literally just interpersonal sociology.

Neurology and Psychiatry are actually useful fields that provide you with a real Medical Degree and make you an actual doctor, an there are plenty of those who are in fact conservative.

>Psychology is a joke. Literally just interpersonal sociology.
t. never even opened a psychology textbook in my life

My only experience with psychology was I stole an AP psychology book in high school. Wasnt impressed. Its far too unreliable.

Im basing it more on the opinion that social fields have an average IQ range 5-10 poins lower than a comparable STEM profession, both for social sciences and various types of social work.

My IQ is sufficient that I could do almost anything as no major profession has an average IQ floor exceeding 120 or an average IQ ceiling exceeding 135. So Im going off that, an that almost every psychology major Ive ever met was borderline braindead.

my psychologist reads brietbart

we talk about Sup Forums