Cut our losses

Give Mexico Aztlan

Give Black people reparations

Cut off all foreign aid, particularly to Israel, Egypt, etc.

Bring troops home, put them on Southern Border

Stop pissing on American Indians

Adopt policies that encourage increased Caucasian birth rates

Roll back all politically correct language-especially in regards to white privilege and similar destructive SJW ideologies.

Don't lie. Be kind to one another.

Reconnect with your Imperial Selves

giving up any of texas
nice try juan

Its nice to see even the younger members of our community getting redpilled, even if only slightly.

We took it by force. You're free to take it back by force.

No, fuck off

no fuck yourself spic, we should take over mexico and deport the mexicans to chili or brazil

Texas, along with the rest of the American Southwest has already been taken back, no shots fired. Who lives there...Mexicans, Mexicans, and more Mexicans. A vibrant 5th column who have no particular loyalty to the United States of America, but instead, root for the reconquest of Aztlan!

Fuck off, this is our land. I got ancestors that fought at San Jacinto, and beat those mexicunts back across the river. They never amounted to more than 3,500 Mexicans in Texas, before the Anglo came. The Mexican government gave my ancestors land there, in an attempt to settle it, because the Mexicans didn't want to live there. So now they are talking like it's their land, when their chicken shit ancestors couldn't hold it down.

The U.S. has neither the political will nor the man power, in terms of force, military might or otherwise to deport the millions of illegals even from our own country. There would be much bloodshed. In fact, the construction workers who attempt to build a wall on the Southern Border will be risking their lives on a daily basis. It's that bad! We give $7,000 a minute to Israel by the way...just sayin'.

Fuck you leftist cocksucker

There is more white people in Texas than half of Canada.

leave texas out of this and you have a deal

Fuck off shill, they got enough manpower in this country to enforce the tax laws, then they got enough to kick out a bunch of free loaders fucking up our collective IQ.

>lose war
>oogabooga my atzlan

How about we

Annex Mexico

Release smallpox


We should just invade all of central and South America through Brazil and kick all the shitskins out.

Those mexicunts rule the roost in Southern CA, in Arizona, NM, and Southern TX. White people stopped reproducing, remember? Mexicans reproduce four of five times faster than whites...the math is not that complicated...even for me. Time to cut our losses. The Mexicans may not have inhabited the Southwest in any significant numbers back in the day, but brother, take a trip down there and have a look, it's that bad!

Gee, what a deal!?!?!

but we won that war fair and square

or how about we kill them all rabbi

We would turn it into a paradise within 20 years. We would do more in 10 than they have in 400, and every body in the world knows it. Half the worlds land is wasted on useless fucks that don't want anything but a corrugated tin shack, and a roosting hen.

>M-muh Aztlan gringo....

>Give Mexico Aztlan
>Give Black people reparations
>Stop pissing on American Indians
>Reconnect with your Imperial Selves


Better yet, kill all life south of Rio Grande, cheaper than wall and we already have tools laying around.

>give black people reperations

Fuck that if we never bought them as slaves they'd be in africa still being fucking useless pieces of shit living in huts with spears n shit. They have it 1000x better than actual africans and they want more? Eat a fat cock you liberal nigger.

>cut (((our))) losses
quitters never win, winners never quit. this thread is gay i'm leaving to find some real habbenings

>Give Mexico Aztlan
lol suck a dick
>Give Black people reparations
lol suck a dick
>Cut off all foreign aid, particularly to Israel, Egypt, etc.
>Bring troops home, put them on Southern Border
>Stop pissing on American Indians
lol suck a dick
>Adopt policies that encourage increased Caucasian birth rates
>Roll back all politically correct language-especially in regards to white privilege and similar destructive SJW ideologies.
>Don't lie. Be kind to one another.
lol suck a dick

I have some alternatives OP.

Throw out the illegals and build the wall, we won Aztlan fair and square.

Send the Blacks back to Africa; after all, it was a crime to take them in the first place.

Point 3 is good

Point 4 is good

Integrate the American Indians rather than stuff them in ghetto reservations.

Point 5 is good.

Point 6 is good

Point 7 is good

Point 8 is good

We can't just give up the entire Southwest and expect to still stand on top of the world stage.

agreed. Give them that then declare ethnostate.

They need to stay out of the Great White North. The Latino population of the Twin Cities is predicted to increase by 30% in the next decade. My habitat is drying up.

>Give Mexico Aztlan
As if they know how far that goes? It's sketchy Aztec records that have topographic indications of how far it stretched. Some interpretations say it only extends to within Mexico, some say it goes all the way up to Colorado. Which one would Mexico want more?

>Give Black people reparations
I would be okay with this if it came via CCC/WPA sort of deals, where they are employed by the government to fix their own neighborhoods and given the training/expertise to do so. This gives them money, jobs and a better quality of life. I only see good in a CCC/WPA form of reparations.

>Cut off all foreign aid...
No. We need good relationships with countries. We need to continue funneling our soft power across the world.

>Stop pissing on American Indians

>Adopt policies that encourage Caucasian birthrates.
Sure. While you're at it, promote immigration from other countries as well. Looks like Afrikaaners might need some help soon....

>Roll back politically correct language

Please... it's divisive and hurts the nation state and weakens our national morale and international image. No good.

>Don't lie. Be kind to one another.
I'm a cucked civil nationalist, so I agree with this.

>Reconnect with your Imperial Selves

100% I want the United States to export more soft, and hard, power.

>Implying the loser gets anything.
Your lucky the US even bothered to stop occupying Mexico in the 1900s.

Hello Shill please see image

Exactly. That's what I've been fucking thinking. For some reason white people hold back on conquering when we could make so much use out of the world's land. If we invaded all the way through Brazil think of all the amazing land we'd get. Beautiful weather, great soil, warm oceans, and beautiful nature. Tourism would be perfect for that. If we invaded Brazil we could preserve the rainforest, ramp up tourism, and start palm oil plantations for renewable energy. I was also thinking about how perfect it would be to invade Africa and kick the niggers into the desert. There would be amazingly rich farming soil for us to use and diamonds and gold galore. If we did that we could make such good use of the planet but we inexplicably hold back.

All we'd have to do is invade and kick shitskins out of their land.

The God Emperor will have you executed for your sedition and treasonous actions.

People referring to the Mexicans as losers are correct, in regards to that war fought so long ago...however, they pull ahead into the winner's position now, because their' population is thriving. Our people are becoming increasingly irrelevant. The Trump miracle is kind of a last gasp in my opinion...Jew puppet that he is. The next time the libs take control, we're doomed. They are going to bury us. I like the Ethno-state idea. We would have to make a deal with Israel; we'll support your WWIII against Syria and Iran if you grant us a U.S. based Ethno-state...please Jews we beg of you! Please lend us the funds, we'll cry on the dotted line.


How about we just invade and annex the rest of Mexico, and expel all Mestizos to Europe to live with the rest of the cucks and refugees? Hell, why stop there? Might as well conquer everything between the Rio Grande and the tip of Patagonia at that point.

Stop being a Pussy, neither the money nor the land belongs to these victims and do you really believe they'll stop bitching? Reminder, people thought black people would bitch less when obama was elected look how that turned out.

Hey faggots, in case you haven't noticed, we don't conquer anything anymore and haven't for a very long time. White people need a refuge, a safe space if you will. Do you realize that every habitat of ours on this Earth has been severely and deliberately compromised? Why not live?

>Stop pissing on American Indians

Let me lay this down for you, white man.
I get free dental for life, free car insurance, I can get into any college I want and be paid for it, my medical is covered by my tribe, I get a stipend for $500 a month, I get $150 every Christmas from my tribe, I get massive discounts on hotels in my state, and I didn't even get any of the bad genetics that turn me into an ugly red alcoholic potato.

There's no such thing as white privilege but there is definitely red privilege.

Gimme gimme never get don't you know your manners yet?

I'd be okay with this if the line were redrawn to keep Lubbock and Midland, and give away San Francisco.

>Give blacks reparations
For what? find me a nigger in the United States that was a slave and then you can talk about reparations you dumb fucking nigger.

this is the best solution. give non-whites a piece of America and keep part of the country 100% White.

Fuck off beaner. Be glad we don't take it all.
Hail Victory!

>Give Black people reparations

they already have got them. its called foot stamps.

>Not Building A Wall around California
You have to go back

I've always been concerned with Mexican revanchism. Every major ethnic group in Europe has caused a major war attempting to unify lost territory due to some "claim" on the province. Mexicans and Native Americans are the only ones who can do this in the US, and only one of them has a big enough population.

Mexico is already ass land.