Why are so many men balding nowadays? Is it something in the water? I feel like it wasn't always like this

Why are so many men balding nowadays? Is it something in the water? I feel like it wasn't always like this

Christian beta marriages and toupees

too much fapping

I'm bald, women love it, had a girl randomly rub my head today.

increased stress, shitty mixed genetics, unhealthy foods, drugs.

delete this

>muh feelings

quit being so anti-intellectual

high test

balding is a symptom of corruption of the soul

Does masturbation really cause balding?

Ive looked this up and haven't found an answer

multifaceted thing which activates the balding gene.

this kinda.

no it doesnt

high test bby

What are the consequences of over-masturbation? I feel like there must be some

The something in the water conspiracy usually related to esteogen I thought, so wouldn't that decrease balding?

Why do you have to be so retarded when they fucking give you a flag to represent

>I feel like it wasn't always like this
your feelings are wrong, dunce

Sore dick.

Ball or prostate cancer if more than 3-4 times a week.

Stress, fapping too much, and weak buying power.

I've heard high test, low test, genetics, stress, substance abuse, smoking, drinking, wearing hats, combing your hair too much, not combing your hair enough, too much shampoo, too little shampoo, etc.

There's no clear answer here but as a man who's 25 and started losing my hair at 21 I've gotta say if you're balding from front to back dread that shit. It will stop your balding and makes you look a little neater if you have long hair and do it right.

I successfully stopped my hairline from receding anymore by dreading it.

Muscle Tears
Ripped Gouche Muscle which can cause Limp Dick

Tight grips can cause sinkholes in your dick and destroy the cavities where blood flow

So... lots.

yes it does

people aren't balding more than in the past
your idea of the past is wrong


Too much fapping. Unnecessary spikes of 5-alpha-reductase converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, the molecule directly linked to baldness.
Stop fapping degenerate.

I read somewhere that body hair in general is leftover from the ice ages and the longer we don't have one, the less hair people will have.

>inbreeding is a major cause.

But Drumpf told me Global Warming is a Chinese hoax?

Society wasn't as superficial and men didn't give a shit about going bald.

You only notice it because you're balding and are more conscious of others doing the same because you're constantly comparing your situation to others.

Either get a shockingly expensive transplant or get over it. Pretty much your only foreseeable options unless you want to be popping pills and rubbing goop into your scalp for the rest of your life.

Just do finasteride. 5mg daily. Been doing it for a year and hair actually started growing back. Only noticeable side effect is lower libido, but before I was masturbating 5 or 6 times a day, so I actually love it. It has improved my productivity, concentration and actual sex life because I'm not as sex-obsessed as before if that makes sense.

Full head of slavic hair here bud, idk about you but I'm set

I dunno Julio it seems a little shady to me.
Your country would be the exact one to push fake hair growth pills.

You got before and afters?

None of this shit.

A "man" was considered younger than we consider nowadays. Genetics hasn't changed one bit.

It's normal for someone to experience their hairline to recede after their teens. Get on with you lives.

Then why would you give a fuck?

So you're shrinking your penis just for some hair?

All the good genes died in the war.

Curiosity, I see people my age, college age, going bald. Wondering what it might be

What a great outlook.

This actually.
You have to be comfortable with the fact that it happens.
Besides some women think it's sexy.

Masturbation makes your penis stop growing.

Balding is natural, look at some greek and roman statues. I would post a pic but im a noob

Bad genetics SE goes for bad eyesight.

In early years of evolution it favored the physically strongest. But now that survival is t really based on physicality evolution works out for people who are good at making money and people who cuck other people.

If evolution favored the strongest then why are humans so weak compared to Chimps?

I'm sorry, "fittest" not strongest.

Aka the person who fits the best with his environment. Now we live in an environment where losing your eyesight or hell even getting fat doesn't matter because muh wheelchair and glasses.

Who wants to fuck a fatty in a wheelchair though?

No pics, sorry. You can google it. It is used to treat prostate issues and balding. It doesn't lower test nor is it antiandrogen in any way, it just stops test from becoming dihydrotest.

Read above, not antiandrogen.

I have no idea how hard it is to get on countries with actual regulations. Here I can buy a month's supply for 15 dollars in any drugstore.

You are wrong. It was always this way.

GMO foods and the end times.

Poor diets, don't work out.
Sit on their ass all day and play video games for 13 hours.

DHT is an androgen and it's even more powerful than testosterone. So it is antiandrogen.

they putting chemicals in the water to make the motherfucking frogs gay

Men wear less hats. It has been always this way.

Are you retarded?

>tfw you will never experience Swinging London in its heyday before it turned into a sea of brown people


>Why are so many men balding nowadays?
No they arent. Same as it used to be.
> Is it something in the water?
There many new factor but they cannot influence genetics so much
> I feel like it wasn't always like this
It was always like that.
Because of pop culture and tv standards. TV nor cinema show balding ppl anymore. They show only attractive men. Watch a movie from before 1950, especially from europe or asia. Balding wasnt a big deal back then. If you dont have access to such movies just watch Madmen. Also in movies and tv show baliding was hidden. Do you remember Breaking Bad? Both main characters were balding and yet you didnt notice that because it was hidden.


There is an EXTREME paranoia in the online balding community, I only ever checked it because I had a scalp infection once, but they're practically retarded, flat-earther-tier, a lot of people have a high hairline naturally, and a lot of people also have a hairline that has those triangles at the top of the temples once their hairlines mature, they basically urge these kind of people to hop on libido-destroying drugs

btw one good example would be styx, look at his early vids and now, his hairline hasn't changed in years, and retards in the comment section accuse him of balding

>balding is a sign of high test.

Where did this false premise come from?

Baldness is a result of having the scalp hair be overly sensitive to DHT. It's why clearly low test nu-males also go bald.

How old are you? Balding is genetic trait that's picked up from your Mother's Father, of course there are exceptions, but it's more often than not that you pick up the genes from you maternal Grandfather.

Says the low test Jap. Asians don't bald cause they have low test.


I'm white you fucking retard.

A lot of asians go bald as well, false info

I live in the north of England and my wife is from the south but studied and works here. She has always maintained shes never seen a place with a higher density of slapheads

So you're low test and white.

>watch older movie
>everyone is balding or bald
>watch new movie
>everyone has hair

Gee, it seems as if the elites pay good bucks for their hair

I have nothing to prove to you but you're wrong.

Men have always been balding. It's just nature

"There are racial differences, however, in the incidence of male pattern baldness. The highest rates are found among Caucasians, followed by Afro-Caribbeans. Chinese and Japanese men have the lowest rates. For some unknown reason, this form of hair loss is does not occur among Native Americans." How's it feel to be retarded?

It doesn't happen because of low test

I'm not though. I'm glad all those synthetic estrogens in all the soy you're eating is keeping your hair nice for ya.

Say that to my face not online.

First you're trying to tell me Asian men often go bald and I prove you wrong so you switch arguments.

Sure if you book me a ticket to Japan.

Just use your mum's credit card.

There seems to be a consensus among top transplant surgeons and other experts that while balding isn't increasing in overall prevalence, it's happening to people at younger ages.

I think it's reasonable to suppose that all the endocrine disruptors and xenoestrogens in our environment cause our androgen receptors to compensate by becoming more sensitive, which is at the root of what signals the balding process to begin.

That would also probably explain the increasing prevalence of people in the autism spectrum, since autism essentially represents an overly masculinized brain (all the symptoms of autism are extreme/hyperbolic versions of things men already have issues with relative to women, like reading faces/minds/emotions).

It also probably has something to do with the number of people who have an "alternative" sexuality and/or gender issues.

It's genetics, and rarely, disease or medication side effects. Stress can make your hair thin but not bald.

>Ball or prostate cancer
But i heard fapping reduced prostate cancer risks

Try washing your hair with cold water and stop masturbating, when I used to do that, I'd dry my hair with a towel after washing, shake the towel over the bath and there would be 15-20 hairs, now there's literally none

people used to wear hats

Shave your hair off and join the alt-right skinhead neo-nazi's m8.

You don't want to look like a pussy do you user?

Men have always balded, retard


only if your skull is fucked up

As a Finn, this phenomen is alien to me.

Well, fuck.

Masturbation increases DHT levels that attack your scalp and hairline

Stop masturbating

ugly af

Im balding, its not really bad but im slowly coming to terms that ill need to be bald in 3-4 years

I started losing hair after discovering Sup Forums

You just notice it more because shaved heads are cool.

That's definitely one of the better things about these days. Being bald isn't as socially unacceptable.

>pls kamikaze protect us from mongols we cant do it ourselves pls
>t-t-they too stronk for us

>lets bully small chinese instead!
>Yea and impale their kids!!!!!
>We japan we stronk

You nip fuckface. Suck my muumi cock

Humanity has been moving toward hairlessness for a while now, guy. Look at how we compare to other species of primate in this category.

spoilers: this guy is now completely bald


Fuck me too
>tfw literally becoming wojack


You only lose your hair genetically if your hair follicles are sensitive to DHT. Hardly matters what you do if this is the case. Also the body doesn't know the difference between masturbation and sex so you may as well say sex causes hair loss.