Other than the upcoming civil war in the US

thats going to wipe out millions of whites (this is very good news; i have erection & masturbating to this very good awesome good amazing news as i speak)

Is there other big happenings currently?

Other urls found in this thread:


According to the prophecy of the most prominent medium of brazil, who accurately predicted his death (Francisco Xavier) when man step on the moon our species stopped being considered a planetary species and started being considered a solar species.

Due to our dangerous nature, Jesus, the spiritual governor of earth convened a council with the solars, the other planetars, etc. And they decided to give us a moratorium of 50 years which will end in 2019

If by june 2019 we get our shit toghether, dont start WW3, dont nuke ourselves to death, then aliens will land on major capitals and start tech transfer and diplomatic process for earth to enter the galactic community


Its all part of kardecist spiritism canon

fucking what

Think about it user

Trump is destined to be the president that will shake hands with aliens

His mayan sign fell on a galactic activation portal, which means he has the power to change things

>Kin 107, Blue Electric Hand

>I activate with the end of knowing
>Binding the healing
>I seal the nexus of realization
>With the electric tone of service
>I am guided by the power of magic
>"Im a galactic activation portal, enter thro me"

Thats his 'phrases' from the mayan callendar

And his moniker

>"When ignorance ends, I reach and find the magic of my healing"

>thats going to wipe out millions of whites



Alright buddy

Here is hitlers, which does not fell on a galactic activation portal

>Kin 47, Blue Galactic Hand

>I harmonize with the end of knowing
>Modeling healing
>I seal the nexus of realization
>With the galactic tone of integrity
>Im guided by the power of magic

"Artisan of life, the magic for your changes is inside you"


Now check gustavus adolfus

Kin 245, Red Spectral Serpent

>I dissolve with the end of survival
>Liberating instinct
>I seal the nexus of vital force
>With the spectral tone of liberation
>I am guided by my own duplicated power

>"I listen to what my body tells me and free myself from the bonds of the old ways"

Love it when a bait thread turns into a skitzo dump. Keep it up, also, you got any links to read through where you're getting this from?
Have a beautiful day senpai

Here is Obama's guys, mfcker is also a galactic activation portal! Damn

Kin 173, Red Self-existing Skywalker

>I Define in order to Explore
>I Measure Wakefulness
>I seal the output of space
>With the Self-existing tone of Form
>I am guided by the power of Universal Water
>"Im a galactic activation portal, enter thro me"

"I explore and seed working in group, and define my knowledges"

Is this the ultimate redpill? Why hasn't man stepped on the moon since?

Im actually using a portuguese website because its slightly better made, but you can check the Kin's here


And to calculate im using this one

The prophecy is well documented but ill give you a link you can easily translate


I believe it is son

The ultimate redpill is when you realize Jesus is in constant contact with other Jesus's from other planets

God is likely unaware of itself and its tapped into by this spiritual community, which over the eons learned to organize itself and will into reality a real spiritual world

spirits and matter do a sort of symbiosis, life and conciousness is us hijacking matter to evolve our spirits

Pietro Ubaldi, italian 'philosopher' predicted that gravity was not natural and that some mysterious and divine power utterly caused things to repel from each other, and that all the forces that 'glue' things toghether in the universe, such as gravity, and other forces found in atoms, are somewhat arbitrary and artificial, yet they sustain our hole reality

Thanks dude I ran myself through it and it's scarily appropriate, though it seems astrology can be close to home by its vagueness.
Losing power now, I've bookmarked those pages.
Consider me intrigued

This is where the Sphinx is truly facing

The stargate at the gulf of Aden


Same as me, im slightly fascinated, specially since I discovered im a galactic activation portal myself

I got
>My role is tofulfill the Buddha's actions,
I unload the electron-neutron-mental in the center of the Earth"

Been interested in Buddhism since I found it, nothing else activates my almonds quite like it

What's this about portals?

The galactic activation portals, afaik, mean that on that day, the boundaries between the different dimensions are weaker, and they are closer, and in these days weird/miraculous/unorthodox things can happen, and that people who happen to be born on those days can have incredible destinies/powers

Any maps?
Link to when the are weak?

You gonna have to do some digging but its all predicted in the calendar.

If you check the one on spacestationplaza you will realize there are some that have colored borders, those are the days that have the portals opened

But ironically, today is WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD day

Which is a galactic activation portal day

How many layers of woke are you on?


Once I took LSD and went to heaven and saw the tower of God, then I knew my mission was to redpill humanity, I was freed from ever wanting to use LSD again, and became a neuroscientist, thats when I started discovering high lvl science is nothing but magic and well...

You could say im illuminated, I can see and sense the ebb and flow of the flux, the ways in which reality twists and turns, what is natural, what is unnatural, and as God as my witness, I promisse I will cleanse the measels that ail mankind

Well this is just proof positive that vaccines need to be eliminated.

Look I'm here to tell everybody something really important but this post will likely be slid right on by and no one will notice. Some dumb anime picture will likely get more replies than this. But here goes nothing.

In my cosmic lifetime, spanning nearly 4 dozen hundred years, I was sent to warn everybody on impending doom. Trump is the 700th son of God and I am here to pass along the good word that if nothing happens soon, something will happen on June of 2019. He has also said that if you don't reply to this post your mom will die in her sleep tonight and that won't be the only thing dying, your hopes and dreams will die alongside with that. Please kiss your loved ones and say goodbye because when Trump gets arrested for this debacle, we will have no hope. The Jews are literally going to kill the next thing to Jesus like they did 2000 years ago.

I'm so old, so tired.

>went to heaven and saw the tower of God
What did you see there?

Tomorrow is Blue Crystal Eagle Day, also a galactic activation portal day

I Dedicate in order to Create
I Universalize Mind
I seal the output of vision
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Accomplishment

I believe this is good for trump

So true.

murica is kill,
Obama is going after trump, and Hillary is not going to stop.
In retaliation, trump can't let this go, he's survival is at stake, and trump is nothing if not a wirley ole fox. but having flynn get taken out (unless it was a controlled ejection so flynn can do other things) and now they are attacking session.

it looks like it fucked kek.

Just the outside, the heavens were a sea of golden clouds, the horizon was the most beatiful my mind can conceive, the tower crossed the clounds and elevated itself to infinity, I merely gazed at it from a distance, as if permited to glance what awaits in the afterlife

How far gone am I since I want this to be true

What can I do to prepare myself for what's coming in 2019?

This is the second time in two days i see a malaynigger talk shit about whites.

Not that far gone, I think a significant % of the Brazilian population believes this, millions of people!

If you follow prophecy, you should move to south america, which will be the least nuked place, and in the interior, away from the coasts, which will be destroyed all over the world due to huge tectonic reverberations caused by the nuking

All I can say is even if this is bait you'll have done LSD to come up with this shit, I need to get hold of some


Zero baiting, nothing I posted here was manufactured from my mind (well aside from the LSD trip)

Is this the prophesied anime picture to get more replies than

Read my full entry. You will be enlightened.

He probably is the same person. He might be angry because he was born with unfair attributes.

I did. I was.

Fuuka does have god fists.

Now think that, if there is a devil, his main goal, is to delay our ascencion, so he can keep reigning here on earth

If our world is evolved, all umbral planes and the abyss will be 'moved' to a new primitive prison/school world (alex jones knows this, hence prisonplanet.tv)

This is the war for ascencion of mankind, which was alluded in Mage TA

kin #134 White Self-Existing Wizard

I Define in order to Enchant
I Measure Receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the Self-existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Heart

What does this even mean?

Look it as if you were looking at a meme

Its not what it means, it what it can mean

There are places that explain this kind of stuff, im not an expert

But id venture to say that its a sort of descrition of your personality?

Oh okay, and yes it's actually pretty close, interestingly enough.

I just fucked your mom, and your grandma, and your sister, and your daughter, and your face

Mine was too


I Perfect in order to Enlighten
I Produce Life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Elegance

found a place that explains the types further!


oh boy, it's Malaysian Mike, aka CTR

He should have created better bait

he made this amazing pepe

Putin's Kin is also placed on a galactic activation portal

Kin 72, Ressonant Yellow Human

I channel with the end of influencing
Inspiring wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the resonant tone of harmonization
Im guided by the power of flourishing
Im a galactic activation portal, enter thro me

"Analyse everything you can and open yourself to this oportunity"

Trump becomes the president to make first contact with aliens.

How many libtards would off themselves?

I think you would not be able to fill a river with so many bodies



After all the CIA documents released, you really think its impossible ?

Stop speaking about yourself in third person you fucking dumb gook

shut your bitchboy mouth before I rape it again and make you complain about it everytime you see my flag

Dude you live in muslim japan without anime

Can you do me?

sure, give me your birthday

Brazilian Alex Jones?
Is that you?

I am thinking of making a youtube channel, but.. Id have to use a mask or something so it doesnt ruin my career

Why use a mask when you can use a self-created cartoon character?

Digits of truth

Ok, cartoon character it is.

But which cartoon character?

Gotta pick the right one

may 13th 97

If you want to avoid the jews stealing your money you'll use something generic that you make unique to you.

In the states owls are wise animals, a snake brought is the knowledge of good and evil, and so on.

I'd go with the owl, but you need a twist of some kind to make it your own.

Sorry bro, you are a dog

Kin 230, White Solar Dog

>I pulse with the end of loving
>Realizing loyalty
>I seal the process of the heart
>With the solar tone of intention
>Im guided by the power of death

>"Im loyal because, when dying symbolically, I surrender my limiting beliefs and can fullfil myself"

same as my dads tho, and hes an amazing guy

A monkey of course
Boots from Dora would be my pick


Owls are also pedo satanic shit

Ever heard about the owl in epsteins island?

Also, the city most visited by FBI agents in alaska, the shrink there did some regression and people saw owls and then killed themselves

Not gonna use these damn strygas

Monkey is good idea, actually im luvin it, gonna call it "Macacones"

>not destroying humanity

fuck someone got that name already

100% will subscribe for pure almond activation.

Also I didn't know any of that about owls, I just remember the owl from Winnie the Pooh when I was a kid and he knew everything.

If I ever create it, I will post it here and link this thread

Here is Obama's guys, mfcker is also a galactic activation portal! Damn
And so are probably 4 billion others you schizo

Pls be tru

Can i get quick rundown? I'm 1 March 93

Kin 257, Red Planetary Earth

> I perfect with the end of evolving
>Producing syncronicity
>I Seal the matrix of navigation
>With the planetary tone of manifestation
>I am guided by the power of vital force

>"Applying acquired knowledge means my evolution on earth"


>Once I took LSD and went to heaven and saw the tower of God,
They autism is strong in you. And everyone else on this shithole of a board.


Obviously I want to keep some plausible deniability while dropping redpills

Last time I went too deep I felt intense chest pains and ended up in the hospital, they started as I was on the phone talking with my friend about what I had just learned

You guys have no idea what we are up against

I don't know what to say anymore.
I once came here because /pol was the most active board.
But it became a place that sickens me. It's disgusting to see people promoting their crude ideas of holocaust and race wars.
There was a time when conspiracy theories were actually funny because they were harmless back then. Today the whole board is a intermixture of several "-gates", racism, fascism, aliens-from-outer-space-reptiles-are-the-deep-state-shit and other shit.
Even /x is ruined. *ยต*#!

Dont let shitty memes do all the magic

This, its so satisfying.

Why would an inter-galactic coalition of aliens agree on time units measured in Earth revolutions around the Sun?

Because they are deciding on earth related matters yo

>bumping a brazillian soothsayer's thread then complaining about it.
I really wish Germans would just die.

Dunno I feel like he is praysing this as a better than avg conspiracy thread