Why do you hate pitbulls Sup Forums?

Why do you hate pitbulls Sup Forums?

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I don't I love them.

because backyard breeders have fucked up their genetics so bad they're either not actually pitbulls or they're mentally retarded and unpredictable

also they're just ugly let us be completely honest

pic related best doggo

nigger breed


Maybe because of all the people mauled to death?

>why do you hate the niggers of the dogs


there is literally nothing wrong with canine civic nationalism

>Tasting the empty socket of an eye it ripped out.
Wow. How heart warming.
All Pitbulls should be put down. Especially the Mexican one.
All dogs in general, realistically.

Because shit like this or even worse literally happen.

>Husband, wife and baby lying on bed with pitbull that has shown no prior violent streak
>wife coughs
>Pitbull gets upset and decides to eat baby

And the case where the nigger was literally so aggressive it broke down the bathroom wall to get to and murder the girl.

You look at list of dog attacks since the late 80s to early 90s and pitbulls show up as often as Muslims do for a list of terrorist attacks.

I hate to break this to you but German Shepards have been inbred and damaged too.

They are the niggers of the canine world.

show shepherds are fucked but working are fine

They've been working very hard to improve the health of the breed

Why are we so sure the pitbull didn't inflict the injury initially?

Because they're bred for killing and having one that doesn't have an intent to kill is very rare.


Why has someone not recreated the looks of pitbulls but without the shit tier nigger tier actions? We know a fuck ton more about breeding than we did when we first made the fuckers, someone could do it. Then we can gas old-pits and roll out of the nu-pits

Why libcucks act as dogs were humans?

Is it wrong of be to dislike siberian huskies because they such a creepy death stare in their eyes?

They're niggers of dogs. Unpredictable and dangerous. Would not trust one near my kids.

wrong? no, only beta.

he'd probably make you his hooman slave, and eventually eat you when you're not fun anymore.

Border collies and hilariously enough as long as they aren't from inbred parents, poodles, are the most intelligent of doggos from my experience. Ones great for water fowl(poodle) and the other is just a good overall ranch dog to help with the herds and a both are great company.

Small chihuahuas are the most inbred but thats blatantly obvious.

Common in ghettos. Very violent especially around non-owners, but the owners do not often realize this and think it is like any other dog. Look up human deaths to dogs in the USA and you will have your full answer. Many maulings occur but are not reported. These dogs should not be supported in the number they are, but I suspect liberals and democrats like Maxine Waters level of IQ are the cause.

Dog of peace

Why risk the liability of a kid being mauled by your nigger dog when you could pick a different breed??

alsatians are fine

I've met only maybe one or two good pitbulls in my life; you're otherwise right. It's an easy indicator of a person's intelligence when they don't mind how absurdly volatile their dogs are. There was an instance when two mad dogs were on a leash and started lunging at me, foaming at the mouth, eyes popping out, just because I walked on the same sidewalk as them. They would've killed me had they not both been tied up. I heard some white burger yellin inside his shithole house when it happened. I fucking hate dogs. Only good when you get to know them.

Anybody who knows anything about dogs would not recommend a Pitbull as a guard dog. Professionally trained German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, etc are way better.

That nigger dog probably mauled the smaller dog

They're the physical embodiment of niggers in the dog world

Something is afoot with this story
Cant quite put my finger on it


they're dogs of niggers. that's why there are so many pitbull-related incidents. because a dog is only as good as his owner, and if the owner is a dumbass shitskin mong who mistreats it all the time the dog will turn out aggressive and attack people. i've seen a pitbull on the street last week, leashed by a typical weedslave nog.

Living hell

niggers of the dog world.

why do we hate niggers pol?

Insert answers below this post

and same exact reasons we hate pit bulls

you cant maul on an empty stomach.

I lived in a some pretty bad neighborhoods in New England. I never saw any other dog breed than pitbull there. I was the only one in the entire hood with a normal dog breed. My friend adopted a pit from a co-worker, and I did not feel safe walking into the house. He kept it in a cage in the middle of the room because it was so violent it could not be let out. I would walk in and he got so angry I am surprised he didn't break through the cage. He wouldn't stop barking and growling until I was completely out of his sight and quiet. Very oppressive atmosphere. His prior owner was a very calm and peaceful person, never hit him once. Eventually the god got out the door one day and attacked some neighbors, so he had to be put down. I've never met a pitbull that I felt truly safe around. You can just tell by their eyes and their stance that they are ready to attack as necessary with their hands on the trigger at all times. Really bothers me that anyone would have a kid around these when they could get 99% any other dog and have the sweetest most sociable dog ever. They never think it's worth it when their kids get mauled to death, or they come home and the dog has the kid by the throat bleeding profusely. Pit owners are like liberals, they cannot be reasoned with.


They're the dog of niggers, because they're the niggers of dogs. They're fucking bred to be violent fucks, and the statistics in Denmark are the same as in the US. (No, Muslims don't have dogs)

Niggers buy them because they're dangerous as fuck. They're not dangerous as fuck because niggers buy them.

Don't give me that "BUT MUH WELL TRAINED DOGGO WOULD NEVER DINDU NUFFIN WRONG". Even among loving upper middle class white families are these monsters the #1 breed if you want to have your kid mutilated.

Reminder that if you depend on a DOG for protection of yourself or a loved one, you are the ultimate cuck.

>Genetic predisposition to violence, athletic aptitude, unfirendliness, and ugliness
Anybody's guess.

wat is a staffordshire bull terrier

>Why has someone not recreated the looks of pitbulls but without the shit tier nigger tier actions?
Why would anyone bother, pitbulls are ugly as fuck

You have the American pitbull terrier, which is often referred to as the nigger of the dogs world. They are a VERY strong breed of animal, like a a miniature ninja ox, they are often abused, fought, fed stuff to alter their mental being, these are the dogs you read about and see on TV.

Then there is the American staffordshire terrier, these are the smartest, most loyal dog you could ever own. A breed beyond words, truly a mans best friend.

You cant run

You shouldn't ever own an animal that can over power you or if you do, it should be locked up most of the time and you should possess an "equalizer" when you are handling it. It would probably give me a few nasty scars but I could strangle a pit bull. My wife however could not and I can't be there most of the time.

So right. The only intelligent pitbull owners I've seen are the ones that go out of their way to adopt them in order to show people they're not bad dogs. Big campaign about that. It's a good cause and I hope it work out for them but until then, I don't want anything to fucking do with them. They're killing machines. I wouldn't feel safe around one unless I had a big sharp knife.

Your "friend" is a fucking moron and should have put that "dog" down th moment he realized he couldn't have it in normal social situations.

11/10 would throw ball and buy pigs ears for

I have a Johnson's American Bulldog although not the same as a pitbull he is the most loyal, affectionate protective dog I have ever known. A real pleasure to spend time with.


>Then there is the American staffordshire terrier, these are the smartest, most loyal dog you could ever own. A breed beyond words, truly a mans best friend.

There are many better, smarter and more loyal breeds that don't look like the most violent dog on earth. There is no need for them.

You're only luck is to have a knife with an arm or hand you can throw away.


huskies are so sexy.
I wish I could own one so I could lick his bum and play with his dick+balls and/or let him mount me.


Pitbulls are a dangerous breed, purely because of their physical prowess. Ive had more shitty little yappy dogs run up and snap at me than Ive had pitbulls or any other breed, they just lack, obviously, the size and power to do any real damage.

Pitbulls are extremely smart as well, now how do you think an athletic, intelligent dog raised by a bunch of fucking niggers, poked with a stick, taught to latch onto shit and be violent in general, kept in a cage and only walked around the block on a choker chain so Tyrone can stroke his dick is going to turn out?

Anyone who hates pitbulls is ignorant, look at the majority of owners of pitbulls in violent cases and you'll find they are generally bottom feeding degenerates.
Don't hate the dog, hate the owner who fucked it up, most loyal and loving dogs Ive ever had are pitbulls.

amazing dog he can run up the wall/jump like 10 times his height imaging how stupid it would look if humans could do that lol


Jesus Christ dude.

but you're wrong, and have OBVIOUSLY never had the joy of owning an AMST.

No need for them, lol, you must be a hillary voter. Only you ignorant fucks think your words are the decree of another mans needs.

Get fucked faggot, I hope you die in a fire.

Because sometimes nigger become doctors too.

That being said I own 3 and grew up with them. Great loyal dogs, smart as hell, but like blacks you can never fully relax. There are certain precautions you have to always have to prevent some shit.

This would make a good scene in a movie. You have the villain invite the protagonist and his daughter out to his big parcel of land with his dogs. After an exchange of intense dialogue with the naive protagonist, the villain starts to subtly let on that at any moment he could have those dogs tear that girl to shreds. Once the protagonist recognizes the danger and before he has a chance to call his daughter back, the villain sicks the dogs on her all at once and the tension is broken by the score.

>Jesus Christ dude.
Huh? Where?

No, they are violent fighters by nature. It's in their genes. Dogs aren't just a clean slate that you can mold into anything you want. They all have specific genes that make them suited for many different things. You can pressure and teach them and raise them to be good, but then you have a good dog for you that will STILL snap at people if provoked wrong. It's not worth it. It simply isn't. Also try other dogs, there are many loyal dogs and many smarter dogs. Just do your research.


staffy's are nowhere near the smartest of doggos. They too, just like the pitbull (bred using staffy's) are inherently aggressive, with a strong prey drive, as they were developed for bloodsport. They are the nigger dog in countries where "pitbulls" are prohibited.

>Get fucked faggot, I hope you die in a fire.
When you resort to arguments like that you've already lost. I think you're violent enough to not understand why owning a violent dog is bad, you make that clear. Also again, try other dogs. Many more loyal, smarter, etc.

>someone tweet this to trump

Is the pitbull another example of the ANGLO ruining the world for everyone else just because he likes to watch animals kill each other?

>only violent if they're taught to be violent
>eager to go out and be active

>violent no matter what
>nigga I ain't gon work

This is fundamentally wrong, Vlad. Pitbulls are far more intelligent

>inherently aggressive, with a strong prey drive
So are GS, only they dont lose their shit with no reason.

>staffy's are nowhere near the smartest of doggos
These nignogs don't know what a smart dog is. They think if a dog sits and rolls over and comes when you call it, it's a smart dog. They've never had a really smart dog like a German Shepherd, Collies etc where you can see the smartness every time you look in their eyes, who you can teach to sit down in literally 5 seconds. They are kids who have only owned one or two dogs in their lives and have little experience.

Literally the only way to keep pits is if you train with them like this every day and wear them out and are a good master
Like .01% of dog owners

Are german shepard huskys Sup Forums approved?

The only way to calm down an angry one is to suck its big dick.

That gets old really fast.

Because they're the dindu dogs.

Yes, Yes, yes, yes...

tell us more stories about things you know jack shit about. You don't know who I am, or how I know what I know. I may train 1600 German Shepards every 6 mos for government work, I may watch 1 staffordshire out run, out fox and out smart every dog to cross its path. Then I again I may not, but either way I know that you are talking out of your asshole.

get medical attention you fucking faggot

really, staffs are unruly as fuck, I have never seen a well trained one (compared to a lab or collie etc.), just also happens to be the dog that most pit bull owners claim to have.

>Do your research
My wife is a vet and I can tell you first hand smaller breeds are a lot more aggressive than pitbulls.
I think you need to do your research and look beyond the muscles and scary face and the bullshit you seem believe from the media.

Except I actually do train GSDs and I work at an animal shelter during the summer. Nice bait though.

Good for your wife working with dogs under anesthesia. I'm sure she has a vast amount of experience with all kinds of dogs, and with dog owners who can't afford a proper vet. Go walk through any poor black neighborhood and then come here and tell me pits and their ilk are not violent.

>replying to me
I wasn't even talking to you faggot, I don't think this is the sub reddit you're looking for cumsipper.

chances are you're just some unemployed neckbeard who got the piss scared out of him by someones pit and now you are on a mission.

>thread about nigger dogs
>throws this pic out there to give me a very out of context boner

Why dude.

>because a dog is only as good as his owner
Absolute trash. Any dog, even trained correctly, can snap, especially if it's an inbred, mentally challenged nigger dog. Just because some don't attack people, doesn't mean they're all good.
Go get a REAL dog, not a nigger dog.


If dogs can't see color, explain that pic

This was a local news story in my town, the pitbull actually attacked the small dog and walked around shaking it in it's jaws. The pit was essentially playing with (ehat it thought was) a dead dog. Sorry to ruin the magic for you, boys.

Retard alert.

Pit bulls are fucking psychopaths. I can see it in their eyes.

GS were bred for herding and flock protection, they are in the top tier of intelligence for a dog. Their prey drive shouldn't be confused with that of a bull type breed, because GS have a working prey drive, not a blindingly aggressive one like the bull types. With saying that, even the GS have been so heavily inbred that non working lines are practically useless and come with a multitude of physical health and mental problems, which are known to cause aggression.


>mentally challenged nigger dog
this coming from a guy who eats a toast fucking sandwich, or beans on bread.

I'm tempted to turn you in for hate speech ya no freedom having faggot, calling someone or ANYTHING a nigger is surely a crime in the UK. Seriously tho, you the fucking hitler dog whisperer?

gtfooh ya limey cunt.

>what is lighting contrast

But in either case, this is wrong. Dogs can see color just not in the same spectrum humans see. Their eyes can't detect one of the colors (I think red)

Btw there's absolutely nothing wrong with fucking a dog.

They're an amazing working dog. They're capable of almost wolf tier pound per square inch bone shattering jaw strength, they're built like tanks acrobats and fearless. You admire that. They're not pets however. Hate the retards that think they can override centuries of selective breeding and make them house pets. Darwin awards for their kids.

Beans on toast is God-tier, you nigger.

>they are in the top tier of intelligence for a dog
lmmfao, it burns you boys up to know a that a bull terrier will not only rape your GS, but is faster, stronger and smarter...

I'll just sit here and smile knowing that we both know the truth.

Only white trash glorifies these retarded


>Nigs treat dogs like shit
>Dogs act like arseholes
What a strange occurrence, if only there was some pattern to identify a cause...


Dogs can't SEE color, but they can SMELL color.