Everyone hates our guy

>everyone hates our guy
why is that

enormous penis

enormous penis

Did he bring back jobs? No. Är du som naiva?

enormous penis

enormous penis

enormous penis

because he's an opportunist too short for the costume

Daddy issues.
feelings of inadequacies from envious inferiors.
latent sadomasochism and the consequent self-destructive inclination from leftists.
general cuckery.

They hate us cause they ain't us.

He holds the nuclear codes and we can't let him have them.

Mainstream media attacks anyone viciously who is not a globalist.
Plenty of otherwise intelligent people are stupid enough to believe their lies.

Media wants everyone to think the minority opinion rules the majority.

All this has happened before.

Zionist/Sucks Israeli dick
Sucks Saudi dick
Surrounds himself with pro zionists jews

They hate him because he puts the people ahead of international capital.

They hate him because they are corrupt.

They hate him because he sees through the social justice charade. And calls bullshit on it.

They hate him because they are traitors.

I was just reading that thousands of marines had applied for White House duty. Under Obama it was 0.

Marines love DJT. You should too.

t. china

Sometimes doing what's right isn't always popular

Policy aside, he's a petty, loud, arrogant, narcissist who seems about as emotionally mature as a 13 yr old boy.

because Trump is a mediocre businessman managing the greatest country.

Pedo rings are like a house of cards. it's takes one to bring them all down. Trump is not reliable and they fear him.

none of you got it right. the answer is: because he's worth it

Cuz the cucks that run the internet ( buzzfeed huff post) heard him say 'build a wall', couldn't comprehend that maybe letting immigrants enter the country freely moght be bad, called him a nazi and all the 10 year-olds that go there listend like the sheep that they are.

they resent him, he's a successful winner