Can /pol please red pill this poor deluded child?

This child needs some pills in the color of red. Can we please offer assistance? His shit-licking family is probably brainwashing his poor gullible mind and other kids may be influenced.

Communism is a wog political movement.

>the means of production
His mom ought to be owned publicly.


I have never wanted to punch a 10 year old in the face more

Single mom or lesbian parents? Which one Sup Forums?

It's a stupid child talking about economics.
Are you actually dumb enough to listen?

Fucking parents.

Kill it now

>is obese
Cant make that shit up

>little Jimmy doesn't get a PS4 but his friend does
>"Holy shit we need to give money to the poor comrades!"
>"All those morons who say communism can go leave!"
Pic related

put his ass in a factory to work.

Is this kid white? I dunno, I'm picking up a bit of hispanic in there somewhere. Maybe half or a quarter spic?

Regardless of his race he's still an idiot.

He's fucking 10 years old
Not a real political player
You guys just relax and have a good laugh

single lesbian mom, obviously

I watched a few of his vids. They are total shit. One or two minutes long and he really doesn't say shit in them. Then you scroll down to the comments and it's a bunch of black women who say he's so smart and "woke". lol what a fucking joke women and niggers are.

they need to go back to the kitchen and make me a fucking sandwich

I thought the stereotype was that they are malnourished skeletons.
come on /pol./

>kids says the rich hog all the wealth
>kid hogs all the food while family starves


You mean chris chan 2.5

Send him some Tom woods links.

>The sentences that come out of his mouth don't even make sense

Yeah, a real threat.