We're just as bad as Antifa guys!

> /r/the_donald

> Self defense is just like going out to commit terrorism! Don't fight back!

> Upvoted

Fucking Reddit, man.

>implying antifa is bad because they try to beat up their enemies
lol, /r/t_d is full of cucks. Antifa is bad because they're nigger loving commies.

>implying redditors would get out of their mothers basement, let alone in riot gear to stump out lefties

These are the same cucks who believe in civic nationalism

>Still reading a place where 99% of the comments are made for profit or whatever that shit was.

OP plz.

These faggots talk about Redpilling. the redpill for them is letting your wife be fucked by a black guy ,but its okay because hes REDPILLED TRUMP supporter

>horseshoe meme

I don't understand the point of antifa, they want to destroy facism by being facists?
is it some sort of art message that is >too deep for you?

Sharia blue brigades that subreddit from time to time. 9 upboats ain't nothing to freak out about.

Yeah lets just let Western Civilization go to the commies cause we might look bad...

It's ok though. We'll be the minority soon and we can take the welfare and live off the nice societies...

um yeah

Most americans are indoctrinated from birth to be rigidly pacifist by the media

they don't want to "end fascism", they're a bunch of entry level Communists LARPing as Bolshevik revolutionaries. They use the "Smash the Fash" rhetoric to beat up people they don't agree with, which means everyone right of Mao Zedong

I dont think you understand how pussified and cucked the media makes the average American, Malta.
They are borderline inhuman with the amount of passiveness and cowardice displayed on a regular basis.

so they're just commies that decided 'anti-fascist' is a more palatable label for themselves?

i mean, their logo uses the AnCom colors for fuck's sake

How did you find that post, OP? You have to go back.
I don't know when we started letting Redditposting slide, but it has to stop. Go the fuck back, OP.

Just ignore american posters, the rest isn't a bunch of cuckservatives. Antifags and all other commies deserve what they get.

I'm pretty sure that Antifa would end up full of lead if they tried that here.

And we're a country that has gun licenses.

Pic related is correct. You misrepresented it in your post.

what they said is totally correct though

punching some fag antifa isn't helping anything

>uses cuck more than twice
>Shill detected

Anti fa is a sub organization among ancoms. It's not an ideology or anything like that.

They have other orgs too, like cop watch. These groups serve different purposes.