Most of worlds guns, bombs and armaments were and are made by the 1st world

Most of worlds guns, bombs and armaments were and are made by the 1st world.
Most of the worlds guns, bombs and armaments were and used in 3rd world wars.

If that's not white privilege, I don't know what it is. If you fuckers stopped funding wars, there would be none. You deserve to be destroyed.

It is called arms industry.

Most of the illegal drugs are from 3rd world country.

So why it is any different. It is just business on the willing buyers. Free market. What's wrong?

>If that's not white privilege
It's first world privilege.

>free market

Shh the globalist finance want us to be destroyed though.

>Germany, Italy and France produce more than EU

this statistic is bullshit

>people who can't produce military stuff buy military stuff from a people who can produce military stuff
What's the problem here exactly?

>smallest production
>best guns

How do they do it?

>Anglo-Alliance account for 3/4 of weapons sales
Woot. Go Team.

>people go to war because guns exist
>people kill each other because other people are selling guns

Seu crioulo de merda, macaco nojento, para de passar vergonha porra

The Hutu and Tutsis went at it with clubs and machetes. They managed a pretty decent kill count. Didn't take that long either.

>Most of the worlds guns, bombs and armaments were and used in 3rd world wars.
I call bullshit.
When is the last time you saw some 3rd world militia using M16s and Abrams tanks? It's always AKs and T-72s.
The U.S. certainly does spend the most on defense, most of that for overpriced weapon systems for its own and NATO militaries.

But bakka Germany and UK are part of the EU in 2013

Is this per capita?

>arms "industry"
demand makes supply

3rd world fags "demand" weapon
and 1st world fags "supply" weapon.

Most of America's guns are consumed in America. How else would I own 25 guns?

That same pic could be used on you though.

Shitskins are too dumb to make weapons

The only way to save this bad joke of a country is to start making bullets,bombs,guns and whatnot,
Then sell it to anybody who has the cash
One can only dream.

There seems to be a (((country))) conspicuously missing from that info-graphic.

Truthiness: Questionable.

>if they didn't have guns and rocket there would be peace
Ok, im glad that you started with "OP is a moron".

yeah, next time your gun doesn't jam and it hits targets accurately at 100 yards, thank an american for ensuring the even poor people have access to quality weapons.

or just go ahead and use some nigger-tier firearm and have it blow up in your hands shortly before you're torn apart by your enemy. then you'll know what the world is like without white privilege.

>Sup Forums is too dumb to know that most of those guns go to criminal organizations

Thanks guys.