Do you think that, ultimately, dropping the bombs was a good or bad idea?

Do you think that, ultimately, dropping the bombs was a good or bad idea?

Yeah it was alright

Should've saved them for Moscow and launched Operation Unthinkable instead

Well, we got decently animated cartoons and glorified paper weight desk figures out of it.

nuclear weapons are a psyop, faggot

>japan dropped out of the war
>japan sucks our balls now
i don't see the problem

Was still wartime so it doesn't matter.

It helped Japan chill the fuck out so I guess it worked.

Who cares we are BFF now

should have saved them for moscow instead

it was a good idea and it prevented more deaths than it caused

Nukes don't exist!

Japan was fire bombed.

Should have been Germans dropping the bomb on London instead.

It created Anime so yes. Great Idea

Yah it was the invasion of the mainland would have cost us way more not mention it would probably have ended with the Japanese race being decimated.


Shame we had to do it. It's also a shame that Imperial Japan was a den of inhuman savages. All in all it was the best possible outcome given the situations.

We got anime out of it

So yes it was good

Good idea. Ended war with Japan. Lead to end of direct high casualty war between powerful nations. The bomb has mostly been an instrument for peace so far.

Barely any Japs died from it (proportionally when looking at total deaths on the pacific front). It also prevented a land invasion which obviously would have been much more catastrophic.

Compared to the warcrimes the Japs apparently commited the nukes were pretty humane. Then we boosted their economy after and now we got animes n shiet. Also the nukes have created an age of peace (so far). Pretty win/win if i do say so myself.

radiation mutations made the most superior race on the planet and anime so i mean yea