Can you imagine the more glorious moment in the human history?

Can you imagine the more glorious moment in the human history?



First post fucking best post


why do russians wear adidas and act like drunken idiots?

It's pretty epic.
Arrogant faggots BTFO by "subhumans" while their meth addicted leader took a leadpill.

Being a tool for jewish bolsheviks and their manlet while fighting&destroying the true saviors of the world?

goat finale
season 3 when?

Can you imagine worse moment in the human history?



>muhh butthurt
>muhh jewish tools
Stfu faggot. They were defending their homeland from a schizoparanoic degenerate hopped up on meth. Not that you gypsies would understand the conscept of home

That's true too.

a fucking medkit defending communist wiggers, how cute.

>tfw you can get imprisoned for saying that it's not glorious
>even if you think that it is glorious
It sucks to live here.

The ironic thing about this is that it was Germany who transported Lenin into Russia to cause unrest in the country and drag them out of WW1. How ironic that it was communist Russia that destroyed Germany in WW2 though.

My dad said he cried when he heard of the collapse of the USSR. Cried tears of joy.

your dad is a faggot, lel.


Yes but my vision is filled with communists in gas chambers.

The left helped to make Israel, now the left cry for Palestine.

Why are leftists so fucking idiot?

>a fucking medkit

the gypsy with the savage tongue

nah, it was the west whose idea was to create israel

Stalin wanted to give jews a cute little republic deep in siberia

google Birobijan

Siberia? Wtf? Even Stalin didn't want them

America says hello.

>implying the soviets did anything special other than die so much that the Nazis ran out of supplies trying to kill all of them.

he means gulag them

any day black lives matter protests

gommunism is for faggots user.

Sacking of Rome was pretty glorious



when i butthaxxed hilda and gave the election to trump

Not just Germany, everybody jumped ship. Trotsky was sent by Wall Street. UK also wanted piece of action.
And USSR was industrialized by the West.

>a more glorious moment in the human history
Is this the day Slavs stopped being white, and became Jews?

>How ironic that it was communist Russia that destroyed Germany in WW2 though.
It was communist Russia that destroyed Germany in WW1 as well. The first resolution the Bolsheviks made after defeating the Whites in Russia was the overthrow of Germany.


Pretty great except for the commies. That's why I'm glad Schulz getting elected just in time for war with the new Anglo-Russo-American alliance.

this meme needs the 60% face

Still it sickens my heart to see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.

Same, its like looking at a fucking trap. I hate it.

Just found it desu


Russians will never be your friends, impossbile after all this fucked up stuff

fucking cowboys sositi huj