I'm not mentally ill!!!

>I'm not mentally ill!!!

Sage shit thread why does this keep get posted everyday I mean everyone here knows that picture and that trannies are mentally ill


>Trying to pretend to be a woman
>Not shaving for 4 weeks

At least trannies in the 80s and 90s tried. These people today have to be trolling irl

>not knowing about transsexual beardkins
Get educated you hairphobic bigot

Jesus Christ, I would murder that thing. What the fuck white people. Cleanse your gene pool

I like this sign better


We already have those, Except they're called "Family restrooms".

Sounds like a great way to get my 8 year old daughter raped by some man dressed up as a female clown

its about having power over you . you are forced to call them "mz" or person ..... so they can scream and shout for attention and have you arrested for misgendering them

its 2017!!!

I want to fuck it

>not wanting to shit on the floor

Clearly Glen/Glenda is racist against Indians and needs to attend sensitivity training.



what the fuck is that cancer shit again??
I hope they'll fucking burn

protip: Trannies WANT to be recognized as mentally ill because then their reassignment surgery is paid for by national health.

OP is a tranny nigger

ITT: a bunch of sexist xenophobes, die cis scum!

>Doctors and scientists said so!!!

>Exley Science Center
Is that some made up science center too?

Xlee is not mentally ill. The one thousand virtue signalers are mentally ill. They are actually retarded individuals. Xlee has just capitalized on a niche. The virtue signalers are people who have absolutely no marketable value to society, therefore they must earn social currency through tolerance and "egalitarianism".

It is the same principle as good boy points except in a societal instead of familial setting. It allows the non marketable signalers to remain worthless and comfortable.

>gender expression
Gender became fashion

no penis in sight

the year of the great gay purge I guest (hope)

why there can't be a single gay purge?
theses cancerous fag don't deserve living.
