What do we do about this?

what do we do about this?

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Im going to it m8

Crash it like Diana's car.

Crash it boi

Bring back the commonwealth


Marxists pretty much exist so that I can hit them and take their money. Where is this happening?

read the sign you dumbass burger, it says Melbourne

get the helicopters

Start handing out pictures of the gulags

I normally doodle on them, put the woman in a burka and make her hold a bomb.

tear down and ignore

they're fucking capitalists
none of these fucking pampered shitters are really into redistribution
ask them to sell their phones in order to help some rapefugees and they will of course refuse
only the head person probably actually gives a shit
the rest are posers strung along because they possibly perceive their (pampered) lives as somehow shit

Take bleach in one container and ammonia in the other. Infiltrate the meeting. Mix both compounds into the same bottle, spill it and run for your life.

they always say "not real goyimunism"

Why does that girl thing have weird man arms? You should leaf some old unrefrigerated chicken around in key hidden areas. Maybe a week old or so.

was also going to do this if I got annoyed enough after seeing those faggots pedaling their "utopia" again

Just doing it because Im lonley desu

Replace the venue with a giant helicopter that looks like the actual venue. You know the rest.

reminder that they are of the Frankfurt School of post structuralism, and relativism: cultural marxism, the ones behind SJW, muh equality, everything is racist, white guilt, and everything is a social construct

start around 7 minutes


i meant 5 minutes sorry

Bump for potential

Use this one perhaps but care for the multiple autistic screechings

>Take bleach in one container and ammonia in the other. Infiltrate the meeting. Mix both compounds into the same bottle, spill it and run for your life

it costs like $500 for tickets to these marxism conferences btw

gas leaking

Do the tickets cost money?

The germans knew how to deal with this.

500 $ WTF and then people say that not all SJWs are spoiled rich kids

tear the posters down, or report them to based campus security who will tear them all down

Why can't they just charge a ton to professors and distribute the tickets to each based on their need?

Imagine if it said "Nazi Conference"

With that in mind, why is this allowed?


Because the germans lost the war, thus marxism became socially acceptable and mainstream.

Piss on everything surrounding the building, you need to tell these beta cucks that you dingo shitposters own that territory

Shit like this scares me desu. And the unfortunate part is I have actual real reason to be afraid, unlike the crybaby leftists who were screaming that Trump was literally Hitler and would put all the trannies and liberals into death camps.

Remove communist

counter it

Ok I'm genuinely upset

Fuck Marxists also bump

This is hilarious.

Start tearing them down. Get your friends and organize a mass tear down.


this is what we do

>The elites vs the masses in the era of Trumpist populism.

Tear it down.


Fuck communism and fuck communists

when 2 or more gather in KEK's name he shall appear

Crash it, set torch the place. Fuck the law. Destroy these leftist pigs. If you get caught I will personally raise a g0fundme to bust you out.

Who UQ here?
Just want to go to lunch without passing that fucking stall.

I thought making a post entirely out of buzzwords was impossible, but gj you proved me wrong

>fill waterbombs with orange juice
>chuck it at the crowd

reporting in

did you see the posters at the lakes bus stop yesterday? some marxist polisci professor was trying to stop a based aussie patriot from tearing them down, when uq security showed up with a handful of ripped down posters and tells him he can't stop anyone from taking them down

Rev up those helicopters


Based woman.

Send in these guys


also glad to know i'm not the only based user there

that post number

This won't have the intended effect and will likely get you charged with terrorism. Be smart people. Our side wins by being smart or we don't win at all

Stop being a bootlicking classcuck

the very reason humans HAVE different cultures is because groups of them were so different they couldn't live with each other anymore

just let you 6th grade idea of one world government go, it's pointless

Anders Brevik - In teams


offer free helicopter rides to all attendees from the event to the parking lot. drop them off on their cars as a courtesy

we execute the people who put up that sign once the communists take over.

They're useful idiots.

>drop them off on their cars




This, build a smarter bomb.


>girl is fat and ugly

like clockwork

"useful idiots" part

Get some glue or other substance and pour it on the girls face, then write CUMONCOMMIES.COM on the poster, they'll take it down

You Aussies know what to do


Simple, go find all the abos you can and tell them that there will be a lot of rich people at whatever the location is of the event. Tell them that they will be given money, jobs, drugs, etc. Whatever they could want will be provided. And I mean fucking go everywhere you can and tell the stinky abos to show up.

Then, on the day of the event, as the abos start to show up, direct them at the fat hipster attendees in che shirts and soviet flags. Tell them that those are the people interested in giving their money and possessions away.

Now, you sit back and film. Watch the looks of disgusts roll across the faces of the attendees. Watch the shameless abos beg for money and stuff, and when no one gives them shit, watch them get violent. Oh boy, that little beta male just got stabbed and robbed. Woah, you seeing that? That fatass blue-haired bitch got knocked out and her pants are off, I wonder if she got raped.

Bring the poor to their door and watch as they refuse to do what they seemingly love to do, take care of them.

>Simple, go find all the abos you can and tell them that there will be a lot of rich people at whatever the location is of the event. Tell them that they will be given money, jobs, drugs, etc. Whatever they could want will be provided. And I mean fucking go everywhere you can and tell the stinky abos to show up.
>Then, on the day of the event, as the abos start to show up, direct them at the fat hipster attendees in che shirts and soviet flags. Tell them that those are the people interested in giving their money and possessions away.

all we need is a community organiser like Barak Hussein Obama when he was at ACORN

Tickets are $35-$150 depending if you have a job, you can pay extra if you are wealthy. You can also get a discount if you are an abbo. I'm almost tempted to contact them saying I'm high paid but also want the abbo discount. I think this would confuse them.

>paying to attend a conference on Marxism

Has anyone bothered to look at the program? It is the most cancerous shit I've ever seen. Melbourne should be nuked.

Right-Wing Safety Squad needs to turn up to ensure that the venue is safe.

Tickets were like $90 bucks if you earned a wage, $55 for neet's and $120 for good goys.

Nothing like arguing with an acne ridden beta pajeet about the economic viability of bernie 'lynch the 1%' sanders' policies to kickstart a new year of uni.


Spray paint Is cheap.

fuck yes


I've been seeing these around Dee why NSW
We plan on putting a hitler moustache with a speech bubble "heil Hitler" and then a swastika on the hand

Best to change the poster than try and remove them


>what do we do about this?
i think you already know the answer to that 'straya. we spread open our boipuccis and start slowly stroking our sheshafts. waiting. gently in the night. waiting.