Why is Israel the only country in which all citizens are soldiers?

Currently, only seven countries have conscription laws that are actually forcing women into the armed forces:

Failed states randomly conscripting people (mostly men, but also partially women)
Eritrea (failed state)
Libya (failed state)

Selective drafting overall with a large part of the population not being drafted:
Norway (overall selective drafting only)
Peru (overall selective drafting only)
Malaysia (selective drafting overall)

General drafting all men, but selective drafting of females:
North Korea (selective conscription for females only)

Universal drafting of all men and women:

Military service is providing discipline to Israeli society, which makes them the most technologically and most educated society in the Middle East. Obesity rates in Israel are also low. Why are Western countries not adopting the Israeli conscription model?

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oh man i wanna put my pee pee up their puss puss's

Post more Israeli girls

You are forgetting South Korea has conscription

You forgot real China.

Fucking feminists want "equality" but that only means they want to get everything good a man gets but none of the cons (getting shipped off to die in the name of the weapons market) Fucking feminists...

What about Finland? They only draft males.

>Post more Israeli girls

>You are forgetting South Korea has conscription
The current Conscription Law, enacted in 1965, however, applies only to males, aged between 18 and 35, although women are allowed to enroll in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps as of 2010

Because throughout history there has never been a people who have loved making war like the Israelites.

And best China?

>You forgot real China.
No, I did not. Women have not been drafted in China for decades.

"Technically, military service with the PLA is obligatory for all Chinese citizens. However, in practice, it is entirely voluntary; because of China's large population and of the large number of individuals who volunteer to join the regular armed forces, the authorities rarely enforce compulsory military service."


Because everybody else pays for their defense.

>And best China?

Because they are surrounded by countries that follow the religion of peace.

I said real/best China, not the ancap paradise.

I imagine it's because they're outnumbered and are slowly spending their moral high-ground killing children. They know that eventually their western allies will abandon them after a wave of right-wing nationalistic sentiment hits (probably sooner rather than later) and people start publically denouncing their genocidal rampage through the middle-east, and correctly identify them as the central issue causing the instability that radicalizes and threatens the rest of the world.

When that time comes, it pays to have your entire population have at least minor military training. Even if your women aren't efficient in high-speed/low-drag operations like other professional armies in the world at least a little training will be better than being raped to death and crying about it.

You forgot USA.

In North Korea everyone is a solder. But unlike Israel they can really fight for their country and not ask goyim to do it for them.

>fucking kikes

What about German Shepard pussies?

Bc they are surrounded by ppl that want then to disappear off the earth.

Because their owner the Rothschilds said so

Because freedom.

>standing forces

they still all look ugly, german yid shill

> all citizens
I wish
Orthokykes are exempt and they are welfare queens because "studying the torah is their job".
Leftie fags who fake being unfit.

The above two groups need to leave the country. Into the sea, for all I care.

GSDs are pretty needy and kind of neurotic

The whole point of drafting women before men that are mediocre at best completely idiotic.
What we have left now is a generation of NEETs with no life experience and a shitty army.

It's like our government think war is a fucking fair game that you play in the woods and then go home for dinner.

The moment you start sending women to war the society will start collapsing.

Because jews can take the heat.

>Because they are surrounded by countries that follow the religion of peace.
The question was why they are the only country. Apparently universal conscription disciplines the Israeli people and has thus many benefits overall. Why are we not adopting this system across Europe and North America?

2 years of military service would do wonders for some hijab radical or a Turk or same African negro. They could probably even make their bed and clean a toilet after the service ends. Maybe even speak a few words of the local language.

Literally all citizens.

fuck this generate thread , more Israeli worship

Because they know nothing outside of war.

No fucking way lmfao

All those people volunteered and somebody found a niche for them. You should be jealous our society makes military service seem so important.

>the Rothschilds
>the special forces
What did they mean by this?

Here in Peru it's "voluntary". However the government still has to fill a quota so if there aren't enough voluntaries, they are chosen randomly from those men not studying/working between the ages of 18-25. You can buy yourself out of it of course, but poorfags can't so we have our soldiers.

>I said real/best China, not the ancap paradise.
"According to the laws of the ROC, all male citizens 19 years of age on January 1 to 36 years of age on December 31 are obligated to render mandatory military service; they are considered draftees. "

>Libya (failed state)
western countries destroyed a stable place and is now in civil war

hurr durr

just a reminder

Y'know, I half agree. Whenever a thread remotely touches on the subject of Israel it's either blind hate and ahmed shilling or Israboos who want some jewess butt or shitty Israeli firearms. Both are equally cancerous.

>You forgot USA.
When have you ever forced a woman to serve in the US army... ever?

You're a fucking retard kike.

Because it is a police-state?

>Orthokykes are exempt and they are welfare queens because "studying the torah is their job".
IT is just 13%. No other country in the world comes close to drafting 70% of girls of a generation.


Have you seen Taiwanese men? They're more feminine than any of the women you've posted.

I bet you're also one of those retards that think Israel is an ethnostate.

There's not even a dominant ethnicity in Israel, it's multiethnic as fuck within jews and 20% of its' population are Arabs, with 18% of the population being PRACTICING SUNNI muslims

They are still a demographic timebomb. They hate the state, they ostracize those of their community who choose to volunteer or actually HAVE A JOB instead of living of off my work. They pop a kid literally every 9 months and get even more welfare for it.

I've always wanted to get a Jews girl to convert to Christianity.

Israel is surrounded by a bunch of radical groups that want to wipe it off the face of earth so it makes sense to have a population ready for war.

Mandatory military service is a big pain in the ass for most societies. Where I live it's being phased out because enforcing it was costing more trouble than it was worth. A male couldn't do jack shit without their military service card and to get that you had to waste a few weeks of your life dicking around and marching. There's more than enough people who are already willingly in the armed forces, so making people go do service was just a waste of time for both the government and people who had to do it
>tfw dual nationality so i'm not obligated to do any of that bullshit



Well, there's Finland that, as far as I'm aware of, also drafts woman.

As for Israel, the massive gap in (military) power between us and the next best thing around, allows the IDF to practice somewhat of a selective draft by turning a blind eye on dodgers who are deemed low quality manpower to begin with.
Secondly, Muslims (and Arabs in general, as well as Bedouins) don't get conscripted unless they themselves reach out to the military and ask to volunteer.

But to answer your original question: it all comes down to Jew magic. If you're a goy, don't expect to understand.

Wtf I love Orthodox Jews now

Because there's no other way to make a country thrive in proximity to the lands of Allah

shut the hell up

>or shitty Israeli firearms.
What? Who wants Israeli firearms? You mean the Uzi... or US weapons???

They also think that anybody who isn't an orthokyke is subhuman. That includes me and you.
All those "infographics" stormfags publish are those fags. Nobody likes them. They are subversive fucks in Israel and they are subversive fucks in diaspora.


Basically the niggers of Israel for you american

Everybody wants to annihilate them but they have unlimited money from their best allies in the US, but need personnel.

Post boipucci

I mean all the shitty guns made in Israel. Just like there's weeaboos glorifying nippon steel there are faggots who fap to Tavors and Galils and Merkavas and what have you.

What does the portly one do , really makes you think ..

>Well, there's Finland that, as far as I'm aware of, also drafts woman.
No, Finland only drafts men. They got like 300 girls volunteering ... ever.

Conscription in Finland is part of a general compulsion for national military service for all adult males (Finnish: maanpuolustusvelvollisuus; Swedish: totalförsvarsplikt) defined in the 127§ of the Constitution of Finland.
Conscription can take the form of military or of civilian service. According to Finnish Defence Forces 2011 data slightly under 80% of Finnish males turned 30 had entered and finished the military service. The number of female volunteers to annually enter armed service had stabilised at approximately 300.[1] The service period is 165, 255 or 347 days for the rank and file conscripts and 347 days for conscripts trained as NCOs or reserve officers. The length of civilian service is always twelve months. Those electing to serve unarmed in duties where unarmed service is possible serve either nine or twelve months, depending on their training.[2][3]

Why do they think they deserve to have money from you if they hate you? Why do you give it to them?

Claudia hat nen Schäferhund und den hat sie nicht ohne Grund.

Here in Finland, I'm going to the army july, and if i dont, they either force to slave labour without payments or put me in jail. Meanwhile, bitches at my age are going to travel and riding the cock till their pussy falls off. Equality my fucking ass

>Pretending that I can't smell them
>Smells like three day old yeast infection


Jews jewing Jews. The most delicious of ironings.

When the state was being built, they demanded power, or else they bring the whole ship down. The Orthodox Judaism is in charge of state religion services and marriage. Their political party always gets a lot of seats because the entire Orthokyke community votes together for the fag who promises to keep their gibsmedats, and our Right wing leaders always have to strike coalition deals with them to outnumber the opposition, because fuck the ahmedlovers.

Where else are you going to find a light weight, modular platform running 7.62x39 with quality iron sights?

You guys are not even posting quality Israeli poon

>some filth


The real funny thing is that Israel essentially drafts little kids. I mean look at them, they are like babies.

But the IDF is making real women out of them. They don't take no shit from noone after they are honed into female Rambos in the IDF.

I never shot the Galil, and I hear the ACE version (a modern rework) is a great quasi-Kalashnikov, but Israboos are just as bad about Israel as weebs are about Japan. Normal discussion of anything Israeli related is impossible anywhere on Sup Forums, because it atuomatically attracts the Sup Forumsfags and their "redpills" and at the same time the Israboos. It's just annoying.

Because it's not 1990 anymore and we thought we didn't need too many soldiers anymore.

We forgot Islam.

Shit, the next ghostbusters movie looks really really bad.

>like babies
>that nose
Oy vey.

forgot pic

you can also leave the country since it's not belong to you, you piece of scum human shit. I hope Iran nukes you out of existence. The world will be much better without you jew scums

Those sandals ruin their look.

So much subhumaness in one picture

2nd from the right looks like an arab

>bitches about race, instead of looking at booties
We found the gaylord, ladies and gentlemen!

Nice flag Muhammed Mohammed. You need to go back.

>tfw no israeli qt gf

Mizrahis are chimps, but they are loyal to the death and fun to be around, and they are not nearly nigger tier on IQ.

Ashkenazis are traitorous leftie scum wherever in the world they are and need to be gassed.

Slav jews are the most secular but at the same time the most based crowd in this country.

Niggerjews are much better than Niggerniggers.

Depends. POG chicks are pampered as fuck and used to fuckloads of attention. Combat chicks are never as good as the guys, but the service builds character. I'd never bang a combat chick, personally, but they are great mates.

There are many fembois in finland

Imagine a whole lunchroom full of Sarah Silvermans.

>2nd from the right looks like an arab
What is a semite?

>Israel essentially drafts little kids
m8, that's what all us conscripts are when we go in. you don't get your call-up lettre when you're 30.

I just threw up a little.

The final redpill is when Palestine arent looked at as terrorists but as freedom fighters.

This isn't mudslime apology. This is reality. Zionists are the enemy. Never forget that. Even when you think it's mudslimes,

A jewish person created wahhabism. Remember this. Research it.

Why is Saudi Arabia on our 'they're okay' list. They bomb innocent people in Yemen and blow up hospitals. They are the opposite of what a USA SJW believes in. What the fuck.

Why was that faggot saudi seen running inside the white house, somone has a mp4 of this. Sauds are the biggest exporter of children, that's why. You 'drumpf' fags are in for a real surprise.


Then why don't the other 3 look like Arabs?

I'm going July and I fucking cant wait. Too bad only ugly qt go there

> riot police
Dunno what's with all the negresses, they usually draft unproportional amounts of slavs

Hey, suomi, thanks for the army spurdo memes. They (and the Terminal Lance comic) just helped me realize that however different the command structure and the food, the silliness in all armed forces is always the same.

This is mostly the division that walks through empty fields looking for mines.

Not quite, but nearly. Rough numbers: 1000 in a regiment, 20 of them girls, 2 of them hot.

>ywn be Jewish
>ywn have a Jewish girlfriend
Why is life so unfair?

This is why I get along extremely well with anyone from a conscription country, and even bullshit boy scouts like the British cadets. We might have served in different places, but we share the experience.