Post your political charts.
Post your political charts
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Here's mine
>tfw OP is right
That test is fucking bullshit. It even asked something about Astrology I recall.
one of my favorites
>it asks how you feel about astrology
To sort out the lefty emotional fags and whether you are someone that believes in hard evidence more than conjecture. Could also signal a religious person.
Just guessing, but there's no reason that a question about how you view astrology is irrelevant. I bet you can find a fuck ton more leftists who check their horoscope than right wingers.
Just now realized that I have been answering yes to that because I was being a retard and thought it said astrology, thought it was for the flat earthers, guessing I'm probably a snek now.
What the fuck does religion have to do with politics? Also in that test being in the blue part is basically being a kike (gorporations and bangs are gud :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD le fucking good goy strikes again :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
This is not what I expected at all...
Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.92
That is surprisingly very accurate compass
But weird in nazi/fascist/white pride part.
here is mine.
Keep talking conspiracy fag.
2010-2012 you has been me the past 3 years
That happened to me because of Ron Paul
When all the jobs you can do are mcdonald trier wagecuck jobs for foreign corporations and have to compete with akmed to see who can suck dick harder to get the job you'll remind this day I hope.
>reasonable people
IMO Nazi is located where it should be, but Facsist is hard to define as it it mainly about the authoritive stance and economic views so it ranges basically as far from the left to the right as possible, and the same goes for white pride, but I don't have space for all of them.
He should've ran just for the exposure for the LP
Pick one
A 2 dimensional political compass is so retarded
yeah it should be a 4 dimensional tesseract
A proper political test should have a nationalist/globalist axis to differentiate between us and the cucks. So it would be a political "cube" rather than a compass, I guess.
AXIS 1: Communist - capitalist
AXIS 2: Libertarian - authoritarian
AXIS 3: Nationalist - globalist
I am kind of in the middle on 1 and 2, but not on 3 obviously
Well we don't exactly have the means to post 4 dimensional ones on Sup Forums you fucking moron.
>Tfw in between Kel'thuzad and Arthas
mein neger
Did a new one, this time being able to successfully comprehend what astrology means.
Has very little impact I belive
5 years on Sup Forums
The astrology and luck questions are economic questions. If you believe in luck and astrology, you're psychologically wired to be more economically leftist. Still a pretty stupid question for a quiz this small and shallow.
Hmm, Yeah I do believe in luck, but not natural luck I suppose, but astrology is based on luck if you have more than 4 braincells.
Democrats should be more authoritarian than republicans. Other than that pretty good.
Purple master race
why the fuck am I laughing so hard
>center purple
Just took it again after a year of Sup Forums
Here is a link to my results from (
Basically I am a classical/uncucked liberal who supports a secular state but also capitalism and restrictions on immigration.
Don't fall for the Jewish lies guys.
I think NatSoc and Fascism should be swapped desu
>literal fucking stalinists and maoists
>reasonable people
Really jimmies my rustles
Interesting trajectory user. Welcome to club Fascist. We have guns, alcohol and cookies!
daily reminder that non-centrists are crackpots
Weeb version
Yep, about right
My le after Pol chart.
Top fucking kek
9 years too late
fuck off
lol me too brother
actually i didn't mean to post that one
wow i havent seen that comic for years.
Think you mixed up the top two panels.
>tfw you realize that the only way to get to "not a fucking moron" is to eschew democracy in favor of a racial cleansing, because without it, the shitskins and weak commies will keep cropping up and infringing on our rights and way of living
this is fucking gold
> 19
> Child
What is this garbage?
whatever you say, tyrone
>but Facsist is hard to define as it it mainly about the authoritive stance and economic views so it ranges basically as far from the left to the right as possible, and the same goes for white pride, but I don't have space for all of them.
When will people stop using fascism synonymously with any kind of authoritarianism? Is monarchy fascism as well?
thx OP
get out
I don't respond to commands