What did Bernie Sanders mean by this?

What did Bernie Sanders mean by this?

Blacks are native-born


Berndog wants the Indians scalped and hanged

He means he gets his news from HuffPo

"Native-Born" as in the kids of immigrants from muzzie countries.

Yeah, no shit Americans are responsible for the majority of crimes in America.

What does anyone hope to gain by adding more crime from outside sources when we can't even solve our own natural problems?

He's calling out the niggers

>Crickets on gang violence
>will probably bring up Timothy Mcveigh and Roof.

I mean, niggers are "technically" american - even if they aren't necessarily human.

This. FPBP.

Also, Bernie stopped meaning anything by anything when he sold out and stumped for Hillary.

If we're being open about everything, when is Bernie going to name the Jew for holding down the worker?

I agree with Bernie we should ban Americans from enterin America not IMMIGRANTS.

number of crimes committed


number of crimes committed / number of people in specific group

obviously a leftie would use whatever is higher

intellectual dishonesty is usually strong with lefties

When will these stupid fucking faggots realize that terrorist attacks aren't the sole fucking reason for halting immigration? Holy fuck these people are dense.

Bernie is a jew so never

>Trump needs to address the elephant in the room, everyone whom has ever drank water has died later on in their lifespan. How long will we allow this deadly liquid to reach our children?
If the majority of crime committed in America was done by immigrants, we'd already be at Sweden levels of cuckery. AKA, too far gone to ever be saved. The bernout needs to stop embarrassing himself.

Why the fuck can't liberals into proportionality

Typical ant-Americanism from the left.


>vast majority
>native born

Here's how retarded his logic is, I'll use a hypothetical example.

>250M people born in the USA, 100 terrorist attacks.
>30M people born outside USA, 75 terrorist attacks.

Which group is really more dangerous?

He means that blacks are the real villians.

That immigrant aren't the ones causing terror attacks in America

But he's also a cuck, so self hating is probably a thing for him

What attacks?

>Which group is really more dangerous?

according to bernie, the 250m

and people unironically listen to this man


that's nice and all.

But let's not forget that 2 muslim brothers shut down the entire city of boston for more than a day.

if 2 muslim kids can do this, then imagine what more muslims are capable of.

Now that they've mastered drone bomb technology, things are about to get much more dangerous around here, unless we let trump do his thing and keep these animals out.

OMG he's absolutely right, deport all Americans!


I know you're a shill but this is the first time that this question has been asked in a way that is actually relevant. Does he think that all American citizens need to go back and we should leave the illegals in charge? If so where do we deport the Native Americans? I assume all blacks go to West Africa and all whites go to whichever country their ancestors immigrated from or that nations successor state. Really made me think.

Also reminder that our next success or (most likely) failure is 10 days away. Pic related.

Good idea. Mexicans are Americans, along with Canadians. Need wall on both borders.

Bernie cuck sanders can't stop selling out. Literally, he dropped every anti-establishment talking point he had when he started shilling for hill.

Now its Bernie "russia and racism" Sanders

Negroes are native born and second generation are also native born

Top tier memery.

I do what I can.

i keked

He's saying that the Indians were behind it all.

600,000 Vietnamese refugees came to the United States after the U.S. killed millions in there.

One hundred thousand wounded and killed since 1975 in Vietnam alone, not including Cambodia and Laos.

One hundred and fifty thousand more kids born deformed from agent orange.

Ask any Vietnamese citizen who came over to the U.S. and they'll suck up to this country harder than the most southern country hick.

Gauls, Celts, and Germans joined the Roman Empire and became citizens after they were brutalized. Nearly all people just want to be part of the most powerful group. They don't care about their old country or people, they just want to have sex, have a family, have a good career, and make money.

It's ironic those who love this country don't understand they see the contrast between how shitty it was in their old country compared to the new one they're in. That's why every major attack in Europe and the United States are from people who are natively born. Foreign refugees truly know how good it is here compared to where they came from.

it means hes a traitorous commie cocksucker that should be strapped to a rack and flayed. At the very least he should be forcefully expelled and dumped into some caliphate shitskin hellscape, where he won't have to worry about Americans anymore.

So with a 300M US population, it's OK to invite up to 999,999 people who are each 300,000% more violent than the average American since they would still not be the majority of violence?

Makes perfect sense, this man should be president.

What did he mean by this?

The number of the beast.
> He's summoning Satan already
> abandon thread