So Sup Forums were the Jews behind JFKs assassination???

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I'm pretty sure the Babushka lady was Philippine de Rothschild AKA Zionist Jew

Actually, it was mobsters. So, Italians.

Picture related

That was A conspiracy but no real evidence. The USSR is also claimed to do it because Lee Harvey Oswald was in USSR at one point

JFK was a liberal dicksucker

Way to contribute you illiterate zionist nigger

Yes. Or rather he was killed by the CIA/intelligence community, who are in turn led by """illuminati""" powers that include jewish interest groups

After having his asshole clench to the density of a neutron star from neay witnessing a nuclear holocaust from the cuban missile crisis, he realized how fucking insane his masters were. He realized they would rather destroy the planet and the human race rather than back down, which is almost exactly what happened. It was his wake up call. JFK began having more direct contact with the russians afterwards, seeking ways to mend bridges and improve relations to end the cold war entirely. Hes the president who installed the "red telephone" that had a direct link to the kremlin in the whitehouse. Had he been able to continue his presidency, the cold war would have likely ended before the decade was out.

Meanwhile in the Soviet Union, PM Khrushchev had the same revelation as JFK, and the two began laying the foundation for a framework of moves to ease tensions between the two countries. Khrushchev was responsible for many improvements of quality of life in the SU as well as ending many Stalinist practices.

In 63' JFK was shot to death in broad daylight. The alledged assassin, who remarked "im just a patsy" was shot to death two days later. His assassin died shorty after from medical issues. There has never been any evidence Oswald was indeed the assassin that matches the physical and ballistic evidence of the attack. The case remains effectively unsolved and is at this point meme tier in how obvious something fudgy happened.

Meanwhile Khrushchev would be removed from power in 1964, less than a year later, by rivals within his own party, rivals that included high ranking members of the KGB.

>tldr intelligence community BTFO JFK and Khrushchev to keep cold war going to maintain control of the world

Sort of. It was the Soviets.

Perhaps more detail
Why they woukd do it
What's next

The Vatican


skip to about an hour to 1:30 in so if you're a fag and can't watch it all. that's when they cover JFK

If you read memoirs from the time as well as now declassified documents on the matter, you could see how fucking serious the cuban missile crisis really was. JFK and Khrushchev literally saved civilization by together backing down and removing nuclear missiles from cuba and turkey. Both men realized that they serve the same masters. And together, although serving different interests and nations, began to try and end the cold war, seeing how close it came to destroying the planet.

You can even see the stark turn around in policy by JFK from before the CMC and after. He rapidly began making executive orders to undermine the federal reserve, publicly denounced "secret societies" that rule from the shadows, and opened greater dialogue with the soviets. Before the year was out, JFK would be killed for his treachory against his masters, and would be replaced by LBJ, his VP, who is argueably the most harmful president the US has ever had. LBJ, of course, gladly served, and started his presidency by escalating the vietnam war and by extension the cold war.

Not a year after JFKs assassination, Khrushchev was overthrown in a bloodless coup. Having realized he no longer had an ally sitting as president in the USA, and that being killed for his idealogy would be pointless (as JFKs death was towards his cause), Khrushchev gave in willingly.

Thus the cold war continued.

That really accelerated my neuronal cells

The Israel were the assassins, sadly cannot post my info since I am on mobile.
Don't listen to , the CIA were nominally involved but this claim is dubious, they were already well involved in Vietnam.


old fucking news cunt


Read this OP

>(((federal reserve)))
>Deep State, CIA

It was one of these three, my bets on CIA

Thanks Friendo

I hace a theory. The purple gang (jewish) was hired by deep state zionist interest groups bc USA and russia were getting to close and killed them. So the purple gang was ordered to do so. Lee Harvey was known to go into the USSR

>it's actually fucking real

Fucking hell man, we really have no idea.

JFK did indeed escalate the vietnam war. However, as i said, he was more or less on board with the shadow government until the cuban missile crisis showed him how fucking nuts those people were. He didnt become openly a threat to the global banking cartel until after the crisis.

Its easy to just blame the jews, as they are to blame. But not all of the "banksters" are jewish. Plus blaming jews unfortunately closes alot of normies ears to information they would otherwise digest if they were instead told faceless "bankers" were involved - the ***coincidence*** that most of them are jewish can be brought up after they already opened their minds.

So it's deep state or is there other plausible theories

Deep state is the theory i believe and in my limited reading the one that is most plausible. Theres a theory that the mafia got him because his brother RFK (then attorney general iirc) declared "war on organized crime". Which is then fueled by the fact oswald was killed and silenced by a known mafia member. However theres practically nothing else to substantiate that theory.

The next best theory overall would be the LBJ theory, that JFK was killed by LBJ and friends in a coup. However i feel that falls under the umbrella of the deep state theory - theres no doubt LBJ was involved but i find it hard to believe he could pull it off alone. He wanted power and the deep state needed a new man in the house so they went together quite swimmingly.

What is most important to remember is that it doesnt actually matter what the truth is. What matters is that the official story is physically impossible to have occurred, and thus is a lie. Not a lie of ignorance but one intentional deceit. Our governent has purposely misled us on why and how one of our presidents was murdered - THAT is all that matters. We simply dont have the solid proof for any of the theories, but since we have rock solid proof we are being lied to, we know that the government is not our friend.

Yes, Sup Forums were the exact Jews who killed jfk