Female traffic light signals

Please nuke us already

Wtf it's not like the regular one has dick.. I don't get it.

>person in a dress is automatically a woman
wow thats so racist

Is this a woman from the 1850s?

>regular one is a nondescript stick figure
>can be taken to be either gender
>only represents the head, torso, and limbs, things that every human has
>doesn't represent any sex characteristics

>this new "female" option just adds a skirt
>implies that women have to wear skirts
>or that skirts are somehow innate to women's very existence

>the proponents of this shit have no sense of irony

At least the woman is conservative dressed.
Much better than having some unisex/transgender traffic light.
Anyone else becoming slightly more tolerable of more 'classical' feminism? I mean the SJW stuff is worse.

My thought exactly

In western iconography a figure lacking any defining features is always considered male by default.

Wait a second

My mother defended this, she told me that I was wrong for disagreeing with her because I had a "male perspective" and that it is a somehow sexist stereotype that the figure is a man. Should I perform an honour killing?

Inshalla brother

How do we know we're not misgendering them?

It seems racist to me.

Ask her how it's a man and not just a woman in pants?

They tried this in another country and they couldn't agree on what the
woman should look like.

Maybe we just need "stop":and "go"

Then in different colours that aren't fucking over colour blind people.

Or maybe we just fucking need a green and red figure of a pedestrian

>a figure lacking any defining features

Try drawing one. It's literally impossible.

That too.

How much is this crap going to cost?

>In western iconography a figure lacking any defining features is always considered male by default.

In Australia, the pedestrian crossing goes "pew" like a laser gun and then "ratatatata" for the duration of the green man signal. Australians believe this is as normal as fairy bread

Oh my god, nuke the whole Earth. Seriously, wtf.



is that mary fuckin poppins? what were they thinking jesus

No, otherwise that one would be red and the green one would have her holding a brolly and taking off from the walkway.

That's for deaf people so they know when to cross

>his traffic lights don't make sci fi laser noises
lmaoing @ ur country desu senpai

haha scrub traffic light having, former empire bein, 50% muslims havin, 45% indian being country

Why'd they put a ufo on her head?

lol they put those in near me

fortunately I grew up near NYC before some twat come up with them so all these crowds of dopes huddle up at the walkways waiting for the bells and whistles of approval and I just barge across the street whenever an opening suits me.

It's great when the crowd grows half a pair and tries to follow and the cars honk at them because they have no independent thought capacity.

>A nondiscript stick person is sexist
>A characture of Mary Poppins isn't

Way to be progressive.


You mean sexist right

>Maybe we just need "stop":and "go"
Here is where you're wrong, none of this is needed and none of this is actually doing anything for women

>sound for deaf people

Well I don't think they made it that loud for people who aren't stone deaf.

The deaf and the colourblind should be run over anyway

well the sign said no pedestrians

Don't assume that walk light's gender you shitlord.

Let Melbourne burn at this point, has too many homeless now.

Beginning of the end the way its going...

>"Muh Melbourne is better than Sydney"
>Read this


Did you backhand her?

ur mum sounds like a cunt, tell her shes a cunt from me, righto?