Tim Pool interviews mayor of Swedish town

>these are the people that run Sweden


"I don't want to live in a world where the right to asylum is no longer there."


Other urls found in this thread:


As always, the left tries to turn a negative right into a positive one. Everyone has the right to apply for asylum, meaning that your native country is forbidden from restricting you from applying for asylum elsewhere. You don't have a right to asylum. Just as you have no right to free housing or free food, asylum is something conditional that may be given to you voluntarily by the foreign state.

You can't help but notice her tone, implying Tim Pool is an evil person for suggesting the notion that one could compare refugee status with violent crime to see if there is a significant correlation. This is the ubiquitous tell in Sweden. An acute fear of certain objective information and a conspicuous call to feel safe based on subjective emotional claims instead. Freedom of asylum as user points out is in regard to your home country not your potential host country. This woman doesn't seem sincere to me, she knows she is bending reality for her agenda. Although she is Swedish so maybe I an not reading her body language accurately.

>This woman doesn't seem sincere to me, she knows she is bending reality for her agenda.

they always do

they always lie, distort, omit, falsify, "forget" and feign ignorance to carry their stupidity forward



'Refugees' take charter flights home for a vacation- courtesy of the Swedish taxpayers


Lol, that is some crazy shit right there. I remember there was a parliament discussion about that in 2015 at the height of Swedish tolerance and someone from the moderate (conservative) party said it's unreasonable that someone applying for asylum in Sweden goes on vacation in the very country they are fleeing from. The leftist who replied got furious, called the M politician a racist and said that "just because they fled from one part of the country doesn't mean that the whole country is unsafe". Sometimes I wish the Swedish SVT show "SVT Forum" which covers parliament discussions would get English subtitles and be available to people worldwide. People would think Sweden is a different planet from the rest of the world.

guys it's not jews, IT'S WOMEN

>we don't think like that

in other words, fuck logic and fact muh fee fees are all that matter

women are driving the west off a cliff not anybody else

Women are just a vessel. Never forget it: it's always the jews.

Great Casey Neistat video



I honestly can't tell if that's a photoshopped picture or his naturally disgusting face.

Ugliest human Ive seen on here all day


Never post that image again

>"just because they fled from one part of the country doesn't mean that the whole country is unsafe"
Should've countered with asking why they'd flee all the way to Sweden when there are safe areas in their own country.

>"I don't want to live in a world where the right to asylum is no longer there."

Thank fuck they're starting to offer a solution. Does anyone have a rope and I'll make this cunt a noose.

That's what any sane person would ask. But do you honestly think that would convince a leftist? It's not like they don't know they're wrong.


That's it! We must invade Sweden!