Tfw Imperialist Yankee Pigdogs think their Amerifat "soldiers" and Athletic Negroes dancing for pennies can fight the...

>tfw Imperialist Yankee Pigdogs think their Amerifat "soldiers" and Athletic Negroes dancing for pennies can fight the brave,noble,honorable Korean People's Army

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I guess so.

fight this *unzips dick*

Post more Nork qt's

sure thing leb





What kind of monster would wage war on these at 3/14's? Just because they don't have a Jewish Central Bank. FUCK Drumpf and FUCK white people desu senpai


Reminder that ethiopians and koreans are bros with eachother

slide racebaiting threads should fuck off


Qt 3.14's. Stupid autocorrect

That huge statue the norks built for them is pretty damn impressive

We must liberate the fishgirls

Wikileaks has released an encrypted torrent file which reportedly contains information on the mysterious "Vault 7", and which at a size of just over 500 MB can be downloaded now at the following URL.

The torrent will be made fully accessible to everyone tomorrow at 9am ET, when Wikileaks releases the decryption password.

>tfw you will never live in the free and prosperous land of North Korea

Why even live?

feels bad man

What's this the 1st brigade of the me suck you long time division?

Here's a pic of it

>non American doesn't know that our active soldiers are human killing machines, brainwashed to the point where instead of in WW2 when only about 30 percent of soldiers would fire at an enemy soldier (most soldiers had guilt and empathy), they know kill anything that moves, including children
DPRGAY is fucked lad

disgraceful, how could they not put one of the Kims' faces on it?

i will punt all of those malnourished faggots on their heads

i thought a bunch of nogs built that

They did. The face on the right.

Can't wait to see it brought down with mini gun fire

>Malnourished 5'3 manlets with cold war era weaponry beating anyone at anything

Pic very much related

>build anything


>The African Renaissance Monument, exported by North Korea’s Mansudae Studios to Senegal, is a 160-foot bronze sculpture built between the years of 2006-2010.


The South Koreans would take the brunt of the casualties. As we use them to soak Nork IDF, we would be establishing air superiority within a week and total air supremacy within 30 days. In conventional warfare, if you control the sky, you will rarely lose a battle. The importance of high quality soldiers is all but nullified when you can control the air and have the PGM capabilities that we have.
Will there be casualties? Absolutely. We'd have more dead GI's in the first week than what we had in more than we took in the entirety of the Second Iraq War. The only question our leaders need to ask themselves before letting all Hell break loose is if the American people can stomach such a cost.
The only thing the Norks can replace is live bodies. They can't make almost any of their own vehicles. Meanwhile I'm sure we could easily replace anything destroyed. The only concern I would have is if the first expeditionary force can hold out long enough for our replenishment supply to catch up with demand. But if I, as a former NCO have that concern, I'm sure that those in positions to make decisions like that have already thought of that as well and have ensured enough redundancies in their processes to ensure that never happens.
The thread was good enough bait to get me to respond, so I'll tip my hat to you.

I wonder what North Korean women are like, culturally speaking. If they collapse there's going to be a booming mail order bride industry over there. Tons of women who want to flee but have absolutely no skills or career prospects.

Asians are pretty ugly

>Malnourished 5'3 manlets with world war II era weaponry beating anyone at anything

pic very much related


>you will never have a qt nork waifu who is amazed by the new world and you get to guide her through it

That poor nork. To be chosen for that duty is basically saying he's the very best they have, and he probably knows it. Then he walks into the meeting room and sees these two space marine motherfuckers. How shitbaked is he at that moment?

oh moh god abdul why did you get your ass wiped by israel.. i swear you're weak uleh

>rekt by jews

Got fucking destroyed everytime they tried to turn it into a conventional war, which a Korea war V2 would be

NK are actually well-armed, dont believe MSM. NK has ballistic missiles and an industry that produce their own weapons and get a fuckton of handouts from China. Also, China would NEVER abandon NK and leave it to fall to the West. Its the only strategic depth they have. I wouldn't be surprised if we soon hear news of Chinese forces deployed in NK. This would be a tough war for USA

>tfw the state approved Nork master race memes turn out to be just memes

are you that weak to lose to tiny israel and gets occupied... only to be freed when you cried to UN

>Implying glorious 5'3 master race isn't the perfect size for the guerilla warfare slog the US army will inevitably find itself in again.
Best Korea genetically engineering anti US army confirmed.

>I watched a lindybeige video the post

There are no parallels whatsoever between the geographic, military, economic, and political situations between the two scenarios.

Vietnam is jungle, North Korea is mountainous.
North Vietnam had Russian military backing, North Korea has no military backing.
Both Vietnams had a functioning economy, North Korea cannot feed itself while South Korea is quite rich.
The South Vietnamese government was seen as illegitimate, the South Korean government is considered a legitimate democracy.

There's really no indication that North Korea would do anything other than immediately collapse should hostilities break out. They'd run out of munitions, fuel, and food within a few days.

If you have anything that leads you to believe otherwise, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Are you schizophrenic? Did you even read the article you posted? It states unilateral Israeli withdrawal. translation for your abo retard self, the Israelis tucked tail and ran away scared, as they did in 2006 when they couldn't conquer a few tiny towns on the border. Kys

commie planes a shit

If NK us so great, why aren't its people allowed contact with the outside world?

I watched that vid too and intuitively thought bullshit, once in a fight to the death surely empathy goes out the window for the sake of survival? Especially when most the time you'd be firing at blurs of movement in the foliage and muzzle flashes rather than people. But I couldn't actually find any stats on it.

Also I can GUARANTEE the shoot to kill rates weren't that low in the Pacific theatre

They don't wish to sully themselves talking to lesser beings

"Later, Israel withdrew from parts of the occupied area between 1983 and 1985, but remained in partial control of the border region known as the South Lebanon Security Belt"

yeah after they got what they want

South Lebanon Security Belt

"because Israel considered the maintaining of the security belt as a low-intensity conflict rather than a war"

you're sooooo weak israel wouldnt even consider you as country worth the medals

You know with the generational famine those Norks probably have super low test levels, even a small dick by American standards is probably pretty big over there.

Mountainous terrain is just as conducive to guerrilla warfare as jungle terrain. VC had USSR military aid, NK has China military aid. Why is everyone acting as if China is just gonna stand and clap and smile and be happy that the USA is conquering or even bombing their only ally in the region, which BTW LITERALLY BORDERS FUCKING CHINA. If Russia was willing to go to war in Syria to protect their only ally in ME, what do you think China would do to protect their only ally IN THEIR OWN BACKYARD?

>Implying the norks will have the will or the means to fight a protracted guerrilla war

I've been in a few firefights and believe me nobody gives a single fuck about the enemy. Watch any video on Liveleak or Youtube where infantry calls in an airstrike. The first thing everyone does when the bomb hits is to burst out laughing. You have a hard time finding a single video where the guys on the ground aren't laughing their asses off when their enemies get blown to fuck.

I want to dick all the female nork refugees after the war, this is the best timeline.

You don't think our generals and senior intelligence officials know that too? Countermeasures, homeboy. This isn't 1950. The Chi-Coms aren't going to give them the good stuff because then the Chinese will show their hand. Even if they're giving them the brand new shit, it's going to be missing a lot of the critical components.

Go read the state-sanctioned Winograd Commision's conclusions on the 2006 War. Israel themselves admitted defeat and failure to meet a single objective of their war. Now go away, stop derailing this thread, go suck Jewish dick somewhere else

>Mountainous terrain is just as conducive to guerrilla warfare as jungle terrain

No shit.

>this is how fragile the asian male is

in 2006 your ass got rekt again by israel.. sure defeated after they bombed the shit out of your city... the UN had to intervene btw its a UNSC resolution that ended the war

ROFL are you that weak that you had to cry to the UN whenever they rekt you

Fat > malnourished

The idea the China would never abandon NK is an outdated notion. NK costs China a shit tonne of money and is burden when it comes to world trade. The Chinese are not Mao era communists any more. NK is the autistic step child of China and I think many would be happy - even within the party -to part ways with them.

Sell more shit to SK and the US or pay for NK fuck ups?

Are they all holding proton packs

The Chinese have been looking for an excuse to drop NK for years. They're a fucking liability for them

Taliban hid out in mountains for over a decade while waging low-intensity warfare on the coalition and is basically reconquering Afghanistan ever since. One photo of a soldier with a good shot doesn't change the fact that mountain warfare has been interchangeable with guerrilla warfare for centuries

baited by a disgusting lebo

baited by a disgusting lebo

The Afghans can feed themselves, the North Koreans cannot. The Afghans are fighting for their god, the North Koreans are fighting for nothing. The North Koreans will break, and fast.

I admitted it was bait. It's just a topic that I actually know something about though. Doing my part, m8.

I still hold the position that the first wave of NK to invade - as if that is even possible -SK would give up upon seeing an all you can eat kimchi buffet.


The North Koreans can reach your east coast with missiles, , the afghans cannot.

They are not going to nuke anything. That is absolute silliness not worth debunking.

baited by a disgusting lebo


but right now the heat is up.

Just in case fill your nuclear shelter with food and ammo.


Thats why North Korea has no ghosts

So what if it's bait? We get to laugh at norks


>a fucking leaf
The TV in the cuckshed must be showing war movies or something

Your logic doesnt follow. China has a bunch of thorny issues with the USA, includng trade,Japans rearming, Taiwanese wanting independence etc... China will look at any attempt at US expansion (which lets be real, thats what any war on NK will be) in the region as a direct threat to them. China dont trust the USA, if NK falls, China will basically be surrounded by enemies. Its not a matter of communism, its pragmatism

How well do you think Nork women will be treated by US and SK forces after the war? Will it be a Japan situation or what?

Not a single brick will remain atop another in Seoul. They will only need to hold long enough for the Americans to counter-attack.
Remember this is a war that has already been fought literally millions of times through wargames. We have a pretty good idea of what they can do and what they think we can do. The ROK can and will hold long enough. Of this, I'm certain.
This is really important. The Nork civilians might be absolutely terrified of us but once they figure out that we won't rape their babies to death AND we have more food than what they need, they'll quickly soften to us.
Expect to see summary execution of US GI's for crimes like rape or other like abuses to civilians. Hearts and minds is huge.

proves to evryone that you're that stupid... if someone taunt you.. you would rather fight the guy because someone taunted you to it

why not make fun of OP's weak army


Bump for more Nork qt's

did he say that? widening my anus?

South Korea BTFO in a few hours from NK's massive missile inventory. Japan, who instantly help as much as it can will be targeted as well by NK missiles.

NK army will be good for 48 hours to a week on supplies and materiel on hand. After that, it gets bad for NK. Not to mention starving defectors and traitors internal to the NK govt.

Airstrikes from US airbases in Japan and South Korea will keep the horde from getting much past the DMZ.

At some point the UN passes a resolution to commit troops. Australia is close enough. Now there is more airpower, armor, etc. in the fight.

Lasts a month tops. NK looses, badly. Hell, even China might roll up their Northern border.

baited by a lebo... seriously you gotta stop yourself from being an easy prey to manipulation

sandniggers are posting west vs other countries or west in Sup Forums for years now

btfo sand niggers

also sage

why not tell the fucking truth for god sakes.