He even lies about drinking diet coke.
Trump is a liar
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Former trump voter here
That's a piss bottle you autist. There is only 1 bathroom in the plane and Kelly Anne was using it.
The only black thing Trump allows in 'murica is his own piss
Donald Trump is a wigger
sneaky little coke bottle
Well he is kind of fat, so...
He said he's never seen a skinny person drinking diet coke
He is not a skinny person
See how the label is grey? DIET COKE
Look at the bright side OP. When Ruth Ginsberg dies he won't be either lying or telling the truth. He'll just be triggering a bunch of faggots as he picks his second constitutionalist supreme court justice.
gr8 b8 bot but i'm going to have to report and sage this thread
I don't think Trump will still be president when that happens. He'll perjure himself when the Senate Intelligence committee asks him to testify about the wiretaps.
Did it trigger you when he said that, xir?
>There is only 1 bathroom in the plane
Factually WRONG