What's your opinion on The United States of America?
Be honest.
What's your opinion on The United States of America?
Be honest.
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Pretty gay like OP
If a group of jews can control it...
It is over.
Was the best country in the world until Obama. The fact is everywhere in Europe sucks now, and Obama tries to make the USA like Europe. Any country in the EU has lost most cultural heritage. Yeah Italy still has Pizza and coffee literally everywhere but there's also a Turkish kebab and sushi restaurant on every corner now. More muslims walking around then I ever remember as a kid. Koreans fucking EVERYWHERE.
When I visited the USA I thought it was a paradise. I've been all over, west coast, south east, North east, and in my opinion the South was the best. The big cities were shit-holes.
If you're an American and have never visited the Europe and EU countries, don't let anyone here fool you: America is the best, Europe is shit. The only thing we have on the US is a more storied and rich history but even the powers that be are actively trying to destroy it.
A Necessary Evil
Anyone got that gif of him breaking his stick in half in the head of a antifa?
It's a lot like the Roman Empire. It was great in its heyday but the time comes when it must be put to pasture. It's all over.
We're the good guys according to kek.
best country in the world, moving as soon as possible(dual citizenship), probably to new hampshire
>America is the best, Europe is shit
We already know this. You're alright man I like you for admitting this. Greatest country on Earth too bad we're fucking losing it though
You can come chill with me that's where I live currently bro
I live in NYC. It's over.
the most opinionated place on earth. this fact alone makes it the greatest
Its fucked senpai, something needs to change drastically or we are going the way of the roman empire
It was okay when it was just niggers, spics and whites, but it's been shit since the Irish and the Germans started coming.
shit country full of retards
Watching the left cry every day is my soothing salve.
I think America is dying. She may lose her status as land of the free.
I am worried about antifa and the anti-antifa movements. I think the latter is all a very bad idea.
If you look at the history of Marxism and Fascism they have used the other as an excuse to escalate violence and to end discourse. The right should not organise, but rely on the initiative of individuals who are willing to defend their communities from the Marxist vandals and thugs.
>the most opinionated place on Earth
Always has been. Alexis De Toqueville made a fucking book just about how America was so opinionated in the 18th century
Not true at all Irish and Germans made it whiter and better. The spics all coming in after the 60's was the real problem
looks like kikes are pulling the plug on you amerifats. you had a good run as super power for 100 years
Canada will be better with that Max guy
Shut up nigger roach we aren't falling anytime soon if the white man has anything to do about it
It's the greatest country on the face of the Earth.
Its over. Enjoying the kaos. Wondering what I will tell my kids to do. Trump is an entertaining death throe.
>Even saying a word edgewise about a complete fucking ape being attractive is enough to end your career over here.
>But hey, every other perversion and irresponsibility is a-ok. Don't you go judging none of them single mothers either!
Oh yeah, and the closest thing you have to sane company are certain protestant sects. Lovely.
How's Trump going to fix three consecutive generations of fucking stupid exactly? The wall is well and good, but I feel like I'm going to be the one who's fucking scaling it with a ladder.
>that glorious bastard
Fucking hell lads, calm down
Relative indifference, needs to stop dragging us into wars, but other than that it's like another Canada I guess.
I really wish it felt more like home. Third generation immigrant from Germany, family managed to fuck off here before WWII started
Always felt like I was American and I'm proud of this country, but watching Europe slowly kill itself is so sad. I really wish I could go back and visit but they just act so different, they are abandoning Christ, they are letting refugees flood their country, hell they don't even have freedom of speech.
It's weird being German and looking at Germany and not feeling like it's meant for me.
It's the best country to live in, but still requires shitloads of refinement. We also need to be a lot more vigilant when it comes to socialism. The language is very very nice, which is how it manages to fool people, but it's just another form of fascism and slavery and needs to be stopped.
i think USA is a pretty cool country
nukes gooks and doesn't afraid of anything
he is free
Those aren't gooks, you windowlicker.
Gook refers expressly from Koreans. Hanguk is what they call their country.
We're the last best hope for the world as fucking usual.
We came closer to absolute destruction than any other time in our modern history, but we overcame propaganda to reignite the American spirit.
Even if Clinton was magically put into office tomorrow, the fire has been lit and the spirit is awake in people. America will not die. It will persevere greater than ever before. Count on it.
I personally believe in American exceptionalism, the principals on which we were established were unlike anything at the time, I really appreciate the freedom we were guaranteed.
We are also completely brainwashed. Every facet of our lives is controlled by the things we consume; our food, our media, our culture. We have fallen so far, that fall being even higher considering where we began.
The personal army of the richest people in the world, i mean do you really believe the west was justified for the war in afghanistan and iraq. And bringing your own building down on 9/11 and believe some fucking bullshit story the government gives you. I mean, how the fuck is the hole of the aircraft in the pentagon way to small to fit even just the body and the wing upto the engines. The whole area that should have made contact with the plane had most windows intact
Godspeed brother. We will never lose the fight
yeah yeah i know but it rhymes
zipperhead or nip just wouldn't work
besides, being ignorant to the differences between different asians is very stereotypically american
fuck them, why should I give a damn about some eurofags who are sliding back into recession AGAIN
>We're the best
>And nothings gonna ever keep us down
when will there be a stickman skyrim mod
the Stickman cometh
but nukes nips rolls off the tongue just fine
It needs to stop what it's doing