Keeping with this policy is ruining my life. Weeds out literally every woman.
How do I stay sane until I can afford to go to some Asian country and buy a qt foreign waifu?
Keeping with this policy is ruining my life. Weeds out literally every woman.
How do I stay sane until I can afford to go to some Asian country and buy a qt foreign waifu?
inb4 /r9k/
Hymen doesn't necessarily mean someone is a virgin. There are plenty of reasons why a woman's cherry is popped, many of which aren't actually related to sex.
Uh that policy kinda sucks because Hymens heal. You've been told a lot of lies about hymens and virginity. So you better just go with "have you had sex before" instead.
>buying into the jew diamond conspiracy
no thanks zales
>not mining your own diamond and making your own ring
fucking lazy pleb
the idea of a wedding ring is entirely made up.
jew corporations designed it as a marketing campaign and implied that you cant be a real man if you dont buy a woman a ring
you cant do that any more OP. chinas wealthy will out bid you at every turn . they women have a say and they choose the guy with the most money. your meager savings is a joke.
even to become a american they choose one of their own with more money
and as far as the black market nobody sells anymore. you can "rent" but you cant walk off the premises with the merchandise. they will kill you if you try
you grow the fuck up.
because it does not matter to anyone who has sex.
the only chick I'm dating right now that is a virgin is black from jamiaca. what do?
Yes i was horseriding with jamal and it disappeared teehee
What about flipland or northern Japan?
It's meant as a replacement for the dowry.
Tits or GTFO
This guy knows what's up
China has tons of excess men from birth control policies, don't do that.
If anything preserve your bloodline and marry a Russian.
>Weeds out literally every woman.
It's super effective.
I couldn't stay long enough in Russia to do that. Their immigration policies would require that I stay in a hotel the entire time and that would be a ridiculous cost. The only hope I would have for a Russian would be one in Petropavlovsk, flying back and forth every week, and I bet the male-to-female ratio in Petropavlovsk is just as high as across the strait.
>marrying a non-virgin
>Enjoy divorce later on.
I bet there is science on this.
You bet?
You are fail, find an asian studying in the US, they want Greencard the fast way, H1B is not secure and takes long time.
They've been corrupted by their classmates. Source: experience trying this
Holy shit, do you care about them being virgins this fucking much?
If you're not too autistic you should be able to assess their character by yourself and see if they're trustworthy or not.
I am able to assess them like that. That's why the only female I talk to is my cat. No woman I've ever met is worth my time.
Yes, I do care this fucking much.
>I am able to assess them like that.
Oh. I'm not.
>That's why the only female I talk to is my cat.
Same with my waifu.
>No woman I've ever met is worth my time.
Well shit.
And if you meet a virgin you can tell she's different and worth it?
Are you sure you don't also have autism? It's OK if you do.
No, I have been diagnosed ass burgers.
You guys are idiots. Eventually the at virgin you marry will get tired of you being terrible at sex and will fuck your best friend, just out of curiousity.
It pays to not have friends.
we're not talking about having one night stands here, we're talking marriage material, if she's had sex before chances are really high that she WILL leave you and take half your shit and you'll be making payments to her
She can't fuck my friends if I don't have any
OK. There's no more ass burger now though, it's all autism spectrum.
This sucks dude.
Not trying to demotivate you, but autism will make it much harder to have a stable relationship, even if you get your ideal virgin qt3.14 3D waifu. Autism is a problem.
It's probably A LOT more important for you to find someone you can have some sort of meaningful connection with (whatever it is) that can keep on developing rather than trying to optimize a bunch of simplistic parameters about your mate.