So Trump won't wear a tie clip, but he'll put sticky tape on it. Fucking sticky tape.
This is the leader of the free world.
So Trump won't wear a tie clip, but he'll put sticky tape on it. Fucking sticky tape.
This is the leader of the free world.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah and you're just a shill faggot, world keeps spinnin
>shill meme
Go tell your mom you love her instead of hating yourself like this.
That's it. I'm done with tweeting buffoon.
The most genuinely "man of the people" thing a president has done in years, not that any of you fags would ever admit it
No, normal people use tie clips. You can get them as cheap as a dollar from China, like everything else Trump wears.
>why don't you buy another product, goy
I keep seeing these shareblue sample filenames.
>seriously defending the leader of the free world looking like a lazy hobo
You can tell the bushes casted him aside in all aspects.
Poor dude.
If it looks stupid but works, it ain't stupid. Also, saged.
Don't be retarded, the shareblue meme has been rampant for weeks, and it was CTR before that.
Basically it's the meme drumpfkins shout when they want to disregard true information. In this case they're naming files that to further the meme.
Lying is literally all the GOP has left.
You have to buy tape too, jackass.
shut your cunt hole.
It's not working, his tie is still flying in the wind. And it's redundant for what he did it for since there's a loop.
it looks like one of those autism behaviors people talk about.
It's the standard in TV ,you ridiculous twat.
Also when you wear ties everyday pairing a tie clip is just another unnecessary step
only faggots would care about this shit you pudhuffing turdgurgler.
"Hey, have you seen my tie clip?"
"Oh shit. I think we left it behind."
"Oh well. I've got some tape. It's not stylish, but it'll do for now."
Wow. What a fucking monster.
That cannot be for real, can it?
Shareblue-Sample-05.jpg ?
no one here is GOP you jew. how much is david brock paying you to shitpost?
>Trump sir it's okay you can look however you want I still want to polish your dong mmmmmm that dick is like 12 inches thank you sir
He never fucking wears one, retard. Never. Not even once. He won't even button his fucking coat.
Who cares if his fashion sense isn't up to your standards. Jumpin Jesus on a Pogostick you're so superficial, OP.
just troll 2.0
Fuck your mother shill.
My mother is currently busy beating the shit out of your hooker mom while your dad and Jamal cry, but I'll let her know you asked about her.
Only faggots and women give this much of a shit about some gay fashion shit
Fashion is the invention of (((them)))
Hands on man.
I Love it.
And he's a man of the people. Awesome.
Baron helps his Dad in ways we won't understand.
Fucking lolled
Rich people stay rich by not spennding money on frivolous shit.
Same reason he eats meatloaf.
what did he mean by this?
Is this seriously worthy of a thread?
>sticky tape.
Well tape without any adhesive would be some shitty tape.
Fuck tie clips anywho that shit will tear up your tie and your shirt
So sad how so many meathead NEETS defend a sloppy manchild not knowing how to fix his tie or coat buttons.
I hope the rubles are worth it.
>So Trump won't wear a tie clip, but he'll put sticky tape on it. Fucking sticky tape.
Being so autistic you notice things like this.
Maybe you should just neck yourself?
>Trump is the leader of the free world
>there's nothing you can do about it
Stay salty and wallow in your defeat shill
>tie clip
*tips fedora*
They can hide bugs in tie clips
When you own your own clothing line and make your own ties, you can wear them however the hell you want to
This is probably shopped
kek'd 4 real.
Well Played.
Your twin sixes eliminate any obligation that proofs be presented to back up your claim, cyka blyat.
What a joke
>Look at catalog
>10+ posts with MAGA wojacks
Don't let the shills get to you. Sage an move on.
who the hell cares about this?
You fucking shills.
That's "Scotch" tape and he's a Scot. OBVIOUSLY he has personal profit industries showing off his Scotch tape.
I love how shills resort to gossiping and laughing like pissy ass lil school girls at little insignificant things like this that no one would care about or even notice at all until faggots like you bring it up.
>hahahhaha look I mad trump tiny and made him shake a finger hahahhaha this is so funny hahahhaha
Neck yourself you literal aids victimfaggot
Will this be the thing that gets Drump impeached?
>Worshipped criminal cunt dying of Parkinsons
Can't wait for the purge when Trump lets us loose to slaughter you paid shill faggots, you deserve it.
Yeah and he probably wears adult undergarments
Who gives a fucking shit?
Why would there be a difference between undergarments for children and adults?
I mean outside of the need for a bra.
Stfu piss ass Ur a little girl
Pls have cancer
I literally collect exotic tie clips (I have one with an honest to god representation of a vagina with fallopian tubes and ovaries in clear plastic) and I do not care what Trump does with his ties.
You're right, he should staple the tie to his fucking gut.
>And it's redundant for what he did it for since there's a loop
Tie clips keep the tie on your shirt, not just the end of the tie behind the front
>Goo is what tape is all about. Goo is what makes it tape instead of paper
>t. House of Yes
u might be onto something
tie clips go above the little hoop for the small end of the tie. the tape is clearly to keep the end of the tie from peeking out from the sides. at least know what your argument implies before you make it please.
Never seen this shit. You're clearly a heeb.
>poor family/social life meme
Go get a real job instead of shitposting on a Bhutanese shrimp scampi making imageboard, also, take that double spacing retardation back to plebbit.
It's a fucking meme, like all the tabs on the screenshots, how fucking new are you niggers.
Probably got something to do with security clearance with Metal detectors or something
Off course if he were wearing an expensive Tie clip ,if there is one, you'd cry about that too ....
Hahaha this is literally who trumplets voted for!