Shit posting aside, what the fuck went wrong here?

Shit posting aside, what the fuck went wrong here?

On paper all the nations on this continent should be highly successful.

>inb4: muh cia
Shit was in the stinks long before the CIA even existed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its not our fault we are a buffer state.

I blame both the neoliberals and the socialists.

before the CIA everyone was reeling from Spain raping, murdering, stealing, and destroying history.

nice repost bro

What went wrong? Low IQ, for the most part.

You need to realize that IQ is more important than anything else people claim to be our problem (culture, socialism, climate).

There's no point fighting for this shit, we all should die. I'm waiting for ISIS to take me out of my misery.

>On paper all the nations on this continent should be highly successful.

This is like saying all African nations should be successful, they are not because they IQ is very low.

And now we are importing people with le 67 IQ, we are doomed.



Pull all your Sup Forums-tier arguments out, boys!
>low QI
>it's hot
>"they should just be one country"
>everything that is south is bad
Did I miss anything?

Not really, see my answer.

I remember as recently as like 8 years ago that Brazil and the other BRIC nations were on track to becoming the new dominant global players in the world. Now it seems only China is the only one with a real shot at that. Do you see Brazil as a top global player any time soon or is it a lost cause?

Lack of major bitter, tyrannical asshole to unite entire subcontinent.

We hated Argentina enough to do it.
IQ in Uruguay is pretty high compared to almost everything else in Latin America, we are still a corrupt shithole.

(((They))) used the continent for their social experiments.

The north is shit because it's infested with niggers and injuns. The south is less shitty, but still shit because it is inhabited by the Spanish.

Lost cause, it's fucking over, millions will die.

user which country has yahe?


The I stands for India you know that right?

Natives have thick asses, penis, and skull.

Man, stop believing simple (dumb) explanation to complex things. What are you? Retarded?

Africa has many reasons to be fucked. A lot of different tribes, with different languages that don't see each other as an unified people (like europeans in the past); the lack of major rivers to travel by boat; insane heat (makes it easy to get sick); that asshole little fly (tsé-tsé). Not even going to talk about colonization - no need.

Don't project things. Just because your problems are caused because your low IQ doesn't mean IQ is the reason for everything that goes wrong in another country.

We actually are the only nation in South America that did the right thing and eliminated all indians in the zone.

Brazil sure has potential, our most recent recession was 100% caused by the utter incompetence of our now ex-president and her team of retards, corruption is slooowly getting fixed but it still has a long way to go.
People also got pretty mad at leftists in general lately, they got crushed in the municipal elections we had in 2016.

There's still hope.


Ecuador is being fucked over by columbian and puerto rican immigration, we used to be poor as shit due to governmental corruption and a poor work ethic (latinos are the laziest fucks ever)BUT we were getting better until the fucking spics from other countries started ruining it.

Hey, you can ask for reparations if you don{t exist.

>almost everything else in Latin America

See, you're comparing your country to a pile of shit, of course it's better but it's not really that good.

And at least your homicide rate is not that bad, you don't have a lot of immigrants going to your country and demanding housing.

The biggest problem with Uruguay is that besides Montevideo you guys are just running cattle farms.

t. gaucho


You have to come back.

Yeah dude, people here work HARD.
Not talking about those funkeiro shitbags, whiny upper class socialists or Sup Forums lazy assholes; talking about the people who actually get shit done around here - the middle class. I'm sure you fit this criteria.

>these replies

Sigh... you are right...

Lula will be elected. You know that, right?

People are not mad with leftists, brazilians can't think for themselves.

Things are not getting better nor they will, don't buy into the propaganda. There's a civil war coming and we are gonna die.


Burgers and ruskies tried to take control of the continent, ended up shitting it all up
The teachings of Diego Portales are the true redpill, for this continent at least

You have to work smart, not hard. Low IQ is our biggest problem and it should be addressed.

communist shitheap
unironically India too

i keked at suriname
>too many pajeets
>two types of nigs
>fucking indonesians

you fucked up hard netherlands

isn't it because of a large uneducated populace that crave socialism due to not being competitive in the free market?

You know that those polls were commissioned by PT, right?
You also know that leftist parties lost more than 60% of their seats in the municipal elections, right?


I kinda agree with that, even tho I'm named after an Indian symbol of the Indian resistance, lol.

I mean, what the hell? Why they get the privilege of getting out of the globalization process? No one before 1800 had that (I may be wrong). Plus, they sell their land to woodcutters and seem to be willing to embrace civilization themselves. It's a tough situation.

Did they ruin Argentina? Not even Nazis would blame the shithole that SA is on Jews.

Latin America poses an existential threat to the US: oil, biodiversity, 600+ million, Christian majority, just two languages. They must control the entire place or inevitably die. "Low IQ Spics" fight each other and the smart brother rules over all.

Man, I get that you're mad at brazil-zil-zil.
We are too.
But believing those lies won't change shit. You in FFLCH? Out here, in the real world, everyone is mad at PT. They won't get elected. That's not automatically better, as you may know, but theres hope. Do your part, talk to people, make them engage in political discourse, shut a marxist cuck up and raise your head. We got this.

I know, but it doesn't matter, he will win.
Just wait and see.
Or try to leave before it happens.

Le Eternal Brazilian.

I do. From what I've read India is still growing, but you guys have a lot of internal problems that need to be addressed that are holding you back. Not like my country is any better though...

Thanks for the insight. It sounds like a long struggle, but the fight never ends it seems. Rooting for you hues.

We need a new left. One far from those socialists, but also far from the idiot far-right, bolsominion and church cucks. They're not like trump, don't fall for that. I just don't know where to start or who to vote for...


Oh baby, don't worry. We're gonna jail Lula this year.

I'm worried that he might go full nuclear and kill himself in jail and become a national hero, them PT might rise from the ashes.

For now? The left is making fool out of themselves.

Who do you think is going to win?

I mean, I really don't care about this country anymore, we kinda deserve to be genocided.

How can a nation that worships thiefs and murderers go anywhere?
How can a nation that "welcomes refugees" even though we all live in extreme poverty go anywhere?

And actually the election is meaningless if our laws don't change.

The only things that make people CHIMP is muh racism and muh corruption.

Listen to me, try to get out of this shit while you can.

>new left
I hope that was a typo and you actually meant a new right.
What we need is a non-statist right party, Bolsomeme is pretending to be libertarian lately thanks to his newfound fanclub but he's also a state cuck, NOVO party is our best bet so far but they lack the reach and are slow as fuck, they don't even have a candidate yet.

Brown people, and lots of niggers and nigger crossbreeds.

It's one quarter african and thus one quarter as bad as africa.

Shit man, you honestly just sent a shill down my spine lol.

I don't doubt he would pull that off. Or even someone from his own party, for that matter.

Do you really wanna know? All nations there were arbitrary made regardelss of populations and etnicities. There was never a sence of union nor identity. Independence was a meme, a convenient move of South Liberty Stream, to take the commercial monopoly with Europe. j
Just another fist to take the batton of Spain. Nobody cared about the countries because none felt itself as South American. Who were and were not the criollos? Not European, not natives but the rulers of newborn nations. But i can talk only about my country.

Indians, your whole country is doomed.
Well, there is also Paysandu and Salto, they do... Yeah who I am kidding we only have one city that does stuff.
Funny enough, we are probably the most homogeneous country in southamerica,
It doesn't really matter that maybe most of this wehite people aren't white on Pol standards, but they feel together as one.
Most of the fightst happen from the poor who are leeches that should be burned to death and your average Raul.

I consider myself a leftist economy-wise, also I hate the church, refugees, the army, cops and Brazil itself.

What are your political positions?

>NOVO party is our best bet

the "entrepreneur is a hero" meme needs to die.

If your party is not talking about building lots and lots of jails and changing the laws I won't care, sorry.

I don't know guys, honestly.
I think this pan is reaching critical mass melting points. We can't let all the frogs jump out, if you know what I mean. Look at last elections. Null voting won in many cities.

As for the right, I don't know if that would fare too well here. But I'll admit that new left was kinda far fetched wishful thinking. I fear Novo party is just gonna fill their pockets with money and play the game as everyone else.

If everything fails, instead of moving to other countries to bother people where we were not invited, I reckon we should shoot some of those parasites down. I always dreamt about that. I think that could really set things right for some time. Literal fear for the peoples reaction.

At the moment I consider myself desperate.
What about you?

The man has absolutely nothing to lose.
And getting Dilma out was just the final push PT needed to reform itself as a extreme left party. Lula was a centrist during his administration, Dilma was doing fine until money ran out because you can't put a country whole economy on commodities.

If he ever takes the seat in 2018, get ready for a real, full commie Brazil. The project that many radical petistas were screaming out of their lungs for Lula to put in motion and he kept ignoring, many bailed out from the party after the PMDB-PT alliance because PT wasn't left enough.

Now Lula has absolutely nothing to lose and his neck won't be in the rope if he goes full socialist experiment on our asses like he was in 2003.

Yes but our current direction is really positive so I have hope

user How's the yahe scene I really wanna try that out, have you?

Sure a better justice system is a priority but it's far from the only important thing, a sane economical policy and better education system are also extremely important and actually more important in the long term.

How new are you. This shitty recession is nothing compared to the shitshow the 90's where and your separautism dream isn't any closer than it was centuries ago when Brazil was far more unstable.

I feel that our only way out is secession, lots and lot of it.

Not like "Sul é o meu país", we need real secession, RS becomes a country, SC another one, PR another one, SP another one and so on.

I don't want to live in another Brazil, I want to live in another country.

And how are you gonna shoot people? You can't own guns, we are slaves of the government, don't you forget about it.


chile is pretty good

My friend... one would think it's just a joke at first, "haha! it's the jews" But once you go further on the rabbit hole, you cannot go back... once your start seeing their influence in history, the history of the Khazar Ashkenazi Jews, from the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth, to the rise of bolshevism, to the weimar republic, and to these days, their influence is undeniable, i walk by a synagogue every day, and in front of it i face the engraved names of many of our nation's leaders who sold themselves to the international jewish cabal... it's real alright... from slaves in hue land to immigrants today.


Also you are fucking stupid for shitting on entrepreneurs, Brazil is one of the worst countries in the world to run a business and it's a fucking miracle that we even have any private enterprise, right now our economy is being choked to death by the government and no one seems to know about it or even give a shit.

PT was the worst mistake in history.

>I don't want to live in another Brazil, I want to live in another country.

You can leave anytime you want, fella... Or, are you, and this word alone is enough to make me vomit, poor?

Chile hands out visas like candy for brazilians because of Mercosur, they're pretty white and decent, especially in Punta Arenas. There's Argentina too. You can go to Panama, Canada, Australia, hell, even America. I'm moving to Estonia (if russia don't invade) or New Zeland next year for work.

Brazilians are welcome anywhere in the world if you're not a lazy spic. We're blessed with a accent-neutral mother tongue and you can speak english like a goddamn natural and pretty much any other language.

Ok, but without it I won't listen, sorry.

I'm just sad because I see normal people defending literal murderers, robbers, graffiti artists, beggars, thiefs and invaders like it was a normal thing. How did this happen? Why do we worship everything that's UGLY?

Why people only care about things like if some idiot called another one macaco? Why is it always on the news? The laws are a joke, MP is a joke the judges are a joke and all things considered we are all macacos.

I gave up.

chile is a pile of shit

Brown people.

it's the equator effect. the closer you get to the equator and jungles the more fucking crazy people get.

no, it's not. maybe tocopilla, calama, but Los Condes in Santiago is just like rich white suburban neighborhood in USA.

Love your country. DOn't hate your self, weon.

I'm not poor, but people - myself included - are lazy, they only leave when things get extremely bad. Why do you think there are Jews still here?

I have money, a good job, some security.

Actually I have Italian Citizenship, maybe I'll go there wash some dishes or whatever rapefugees do.

>You can leave anytime you want, fella..

And FYI I was talking about making my state another country, not leaving. I don't want to reform Brazil or whatever, I want separation.

because latin american countries got colonized by exploratory colonies, they never created public services but extracted wood gold and such front these areas.

Based. One of the great thinkers of Chile

This guy is right. Talk to someone who tries to own a business here. And to think BNDES was sending workers ashore. Fucking PT was lame as shit. I voted for Dilma and Lula in the first time, I won't lie. I honestly thought he would distribute land thats sitting to raise prices, tax banks and shit that's reasonable but nah. Dilma was just a fool that got knocked out like a pawn. That was fucking lame.

I'm 28; I don't believe in separatism. That doesn't sound good, but at this point, I honestly don't know.

Better justice system, better economical policy and education is fair and what everyone wants. Not even to hard to make, I think. We just need to find a way to push it to our fucking asshole politicians.

This is just a nightmare, user. Stop scaring me, I intend on sleeping tonight.

>Or, are you, and this word alone is enough to make me vomit, poor?
Holy shit, so cringey.

This. be proud of the good things we have and improve the bad

Where you fare from?

>I don't want to reform Brazil or whatever, I want separation.

Just leave, you delusional bastard. You will NEVER get your separation. Do yourself a favour and either shut the fuck up or leave.

And you might as well throw that italian citizenship in the trash if you're gonna jump from one recession country to another which is about to blow up in shit. Italy is not that much different from here. But this realization that the rest of the world is not as green as underdog brazilians make it seem quickly vanishes when they realize what is inflation looks like.

I've spent the past two decades living overseas just to settle down here in Fernando De Noronha, but I do work for an american company and I do get my paycheck in dollar every week.

i think chile is beautiful. form desert in the north an d san pedro, to la serana, to patagonia in the south

Just Witnessed my trips

RS. And you?

Before the world goes to shit I wanna go to Argentina. Check Borges Museo. Maybe Ushuaya. Chile and Uruguay seem cool too. I dig my brothers down here at south america. I wish one day I'm going to send it all up in the air and just travel around in a motorcycle. Not caring about a damn thing for a while. Being upset and worrying sure takes a toll on you.

It simply ain't happening, I wish you dummies would spend your energy on advocating for more economical independence of the states with a less centralized union like any other sane country does.

It would be the exact same as separation in practice but without all the horrible side effects a literal civil war and balkanization would cause like extreme instability for decades and an absolutely ruined international image.
Or do you think that your state would have any chance of attracting investors and potential trade partners after betraying the union? Don't be delusional.

SP. Biggest tumour of the world. Where all the problems we are discussing are always up in my goddamn face.

Explain more user, we are all ears.
This seem reasonable.

(no irony)

>It would be the exact same as separation in practice

Not really: nowadays we can get 1000 immigrants a day sent from Acre.

I don't really think it's happening or that it can happen, but I would like to see it, that's for sure.

Not that I would get involved in anything, I despise our culture and our people and I'm not much into politics, so there's that.

Although is mostly right, I wanna just provide another point of view

Basically, we went full africa. When you look at some African countries' downfall, you'll notice that it follows a pattern: commies either take power or are arrested, and a few decades later are released and pretend to be heroes, then seizing power. That's basically what happened in Brazil. We arrested a few commies during the military government, who then became free and seized the power, one of them becoming president herself.

Our communism is also the same as the african one, which focus on whites vs blacks, and try to play us as shit because of our colonial past and not because they fucked us up completely. That's why the mere sight of the imperial flag triggers them so much, it just reminds them about what we could have been.

Also, have a D. Pepedro II

Europeans had great achievements before they viewed themselves as one people, moron

It's pretty simple really, gut the bloated mess that is our government and apply libertarian ideals, letting the private sector grow without bureaucracy up the wazoo and the government stealing 80%+ of the richer states' GDP, people here are so used to the government controlling everything that they don't even realize that it's just not how any developed country works.

Yeah, I agree on that. Just not full blown lib, right?
But what are the means to get to this? No one seem to be selling that idea at all.

... ok? Can't you read your own language?
Where did I say otherwise? I meant europeans were at constant war in the past.

Exactly bruv

It cringes and saddens me to no end imagining our economic potential If we got free from the government's tentacles but It seems fucking impossible

Btw vote for NOVO, faggets

Nice pic

Unironically NOVO, I don't agree with their ideas of privatizing literally everything including healthcare but they are by far the best choice when it comes to economy.