Redpill me on the "gender pay gap"

Redpill me on the "gender pay gap"

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Not an actual thing. Bitches just don't get good jobs so when you average what they make then the number is obviously smaller than how much men make

There's all the redpillin' you need. Bitches are just stupid man

I can't find reliable sources and need to shut my uppity Dominican gf down.

Men make more money because men are better than women.

The quality of work women provide is about 75% as good as a man could provide for the same job, perhaps even less.

It is an actual thing. Women just don't get access to high paying jobs like men do so when you average what they make then the number is obviously smaller than how much men make.

Myth caused by feminists.

Women on average get paid less than a man.
For the same job, no.
Overall, yes.
More men go into fields such as engineering which pay higher amounts of income than fields such as psychology which is dominated by women.
Is there a prejudice in society telling women they are guided away from math classes to go into these engineering studies? Debatable. I say no, but the left says yes.

Despite decades of marxist propaganda, women still like having children.

>uppity Dominican gf down

Kind of gross, you should kill her. Also, how can't you explain this to her? It's very simple

this happens

men don't take paid maternity leave

men are more productive

Men work harder jobs. Men work more dangerous jobs. Men work more skilled jobs. Men work longer hours. Men get paid more. Women think they should get equal pay for unequal work.

the average woman works for at least 1 week less that the average man, and insteady of finding a carrer, they chose jobs thats the main reason as to why theres some discrepancy.

>You never have a cushy job where you can just sit at a desk and fiddle with paper work all day

How can the gender pay gap be real if gender isn't real?

ITT: Misogynists

Zorna Joshi should be here to set you male chauvinistic pigs straight

Study STEM or Business/Finance and notice the distinct lack of females. Study Primary School Teaching or Liberal arts and observe the distinct lack of males.


Shut up whiteknight nigger loving leaf

Don't be racist.

Really makes you think

>Women just don't get access to high paying jobs like men do

But there are women CEOs, doctors, lawyers, politicians... what are those high-paying jobs which only men can do?

Women are less productive and work fewer hours, but the pay gap is nonexistent. "Muh 77%" is a meme.

You're a new business owner. You need to hire 10 full-time employees. You can pay a man $50,000 a year, or pay a woman $38,500 a year according to the "gender pay gap"

No company would ever hire men. It would be unconscionable to pay 23% more in wages when the simple solution is to only hire women.

Shut up whiteknight nigger loving leaf

it doesnt exist.

if it did, why dont CEOs just hire women, to put more money in their pocket?

no really, why would you pay more than you have to? makes no sense right?


Think about it, user, he's dating a shitskin. He likely is one himself or has a comparable IQ.

it wouldn't exist if they weren't allowed to work :^)













Thank me later, user

Stop being a nigger loving atheist bitch and I won't have to

Gross though. Dominicans are disgusting. He probably is stupid


Quick rundown:

>79 cents on the dollar comes from total wages earned by women divided by total wages earned by men
>men dominate 9 of the 10 highest paying college majors
>women dominate 8 of the 10 lowest paying college majors
>men are 95+% of all "high risk" jobs (increased chance of injury or fatality)
>women are more likely to choose jobs with better benefits, including more flexible schedules.

When you adjust for all of these variables, women earn 98% of what men earn for the same work. For women under 35, it's 10% more.

Read Christina Hoff Summers if you want the full Bogdanoff.

It exists abstractly, the way an infinite number of gaps exist in every comparison between people no matter how you divide them. its only sexism if we define it so broadly that it does not imply anything wrong.

Women don't take dangerous or labor intensive jobs that pay more.

mind blown

but for srsly i wonder how lib/prog/rads would respond

So if you'd like an answer that isn't sexist for no reason.

Less women in high paying jobs. so when most of these studies compare the average wage of women compared to men, then the men make more.

Women aren't stupid.
they're not lazy or bitches or hate working.
They just pick worse jobs, for various debatable reasons.

The Gender Pay gap is the accurate title.
Often shills use wage gap to mislead their audience. Key nuances!

The pay gap is what results from tallying the earnings of all men in society and contrast that with the earnings of all women. Out you have a rough 100:79 men-to-woman distribution of earnings.

Feminists and leftists claim this is evidence of systemic anti-woman discrimination and do not care to cater to any other argument.

Unfortunately for their narrative, it is literally illegal to discriminate against women on the basis that they are women when it comes to pay. So if a women is legitmately being discriminated against on the basis of her vagina, she can take her employer to court. No problemo.

However, on the other hand, meninists and other misogynists claim that the resulting earnings gap is merely the product of different life choices. Men and women have very different preferences on average and also follow different roles as they progress throughout their lives. Men, following their traditional, biological engine, typically become the bread winners of their respective households while women often take a number of years off of work to raise children. What this important fact causes is men become more experienced at their jobs while women care for children, rising in ranks and earning promotions while the labor skills of women deteriorate while she is out of the work force. Upon reentering, the mother will most likely find herself behind in terms of skill, especially in rapidly developing industries such as technology (one major reason why women prefer teaching to tech).

But what the hell do us bigots know?


Take what women make and put that over what men make. The difference should equal 0.80 right now. I found it by doing that and realized the claim is bullshit.

women avg.
men avg.

It really is that simple.


women aren't as good as men, so they don't earn as much because the market regulates income based on value.

>they pick worse jobs

Because they are lazy and stupid. That is the complete reason

the gap is real, women are getting paid more for the same job everywhere you look.

where they claim they are getting shafted, they are not doing the same job



And why would they when they can just have low stress jobs like receptionist, nurse or day care without even trying and still get decent wages? Men should be the ones upset, we are forced to learn difficult shit jobs.

how can you spout such bullshit?

there is no way women earn less than men for the same work. absolutely none.

The only exception is jobs where the salary is market driven (when your salary depends not on the company that pays you, but in how much the market is willing to pay, for example acting or women basketball)

do you have this picture without that shit writing on it?

Not lazy or stupid.
They just pick different jobs.
They're taught to be nuturing so they go for nuturing jobs.
they're taught to not accept injustice and to be a free spirit so they go for civil service and more flexible jobs.

a small percent go for stupid careers like womens studies, because other stupid women told them to.

most women just have different goals from men.

>the only unprofitable major where men outnumber women, philosophy, is the one with the highest iq scores of all majors
really inspires ponderousness

>Don't get access

I love this line of thought. People think anyone "gets access" to demanding and or ridiculously competitive, high paid work. And if the job is paid high but not competitive, that's because it's going to be something dangerous or shitty, like working on an oil rig. Women avoid both of these cases. So by and large, women make less.


Men are more likely to work more hours than women in the same job. This effect is increased if the woman is a mother.

Thomas Sowell does a great job of disproving any wage gap nonsense.

have you ever thought, that maybe women just have different life goals from men? and its not about being lazy? nobody is forcing you to go get a high stress job. you can literally go be a nurse right now, nobody will bat an eye.

>women just don't want to be paid more, HURRRR

Get a load of this retard. I bet you voted for Drumpf.


philosophy is our catch-all major for lazy /r/iamverysmart-tier faggots who want undeserved accolades

Nurturing and fighting injustice are pretty much useless though and useless jobs like that are given to dumb people, many women, almost all are dumb people, so they get useless jobs by choice

All the bitches that went to high school or college with me could have easily majored in business or stem, but they didn't. Their choice ultimately, despite what they're told to get in to


Sup Forumsacks in industries that privilege women over men, chime in!

>grad school
>thought i'd like it
>all jobs and opportunities go to women and darkies
>shit out of luck
>happier now, but fuck affirmative action

>low stress job

Hans. You fucked your own point up the ass right there.

iq tests don't lie burgerm8

>redpill me on X

Women are paid less because they are worth less.

Its proportional to brain size.

Nurses make a lot of money and they work a very stressful job. Date a nurse. They're all nymphos.

so teachers are useless?
nurses are useless?
secretaries/human resources is useless?
childcare workers

think about what you're saying here. they take important jobs, that are meaningful to them. they have different goals from you, that doesn't make them stupid.

For one, it is based on earnings over a life time. The use of the term "pay gap" is purposefully misleading as it is used to insinuate "women earn less for the exact same work". That isn't what happens at all. The more you actually take into account for why women earn less, the more the earnings gap shrinks. Factor in maternity leaves and hours worked, factor in majors, factor in more and more. The gap is only around 98 cents to the dollar, which can be further explained by the fact that women are less likely to be aggressive about promotions. Finally, if it actually did exist, how the fuck would you fix it? At least in America, we already have equal pay laws. Should the government go in and negotiate a wage for every woman individually? What about force companies to pay everybody the same amount regardless of how much they actually produce? It is just empty rhetoric someone spouts to get that sweet female voting bloc.

>women just don't want to be paid more
They do want to get paid more, but they don't want to put in either the work or the hours.

why should they? life is on easy mode if they look halfway decent.

Men work harder

this is true.

It's real. See this video for detail:

Chad makes 20 an hour working his ass off pouring concrete and the roads we drive on
Stacy is making 10 an hour being a social 'engineer'

men take on better paying jobs*

working harder is debatable

If we build the wall we won't have to look at shitskins like her anymore.


It is not that they are useless. It is just that their work is valued as much as other professions.

tl;dr women show exactly why they do deserve less pay by not being able to understand the pay gap

Men are better teachers
Notice how most men are doctors? Women take the dumber job in this field
Pretty worthless but still useful desu, still a job for dumbfucks
>human resource
Useless busy bodies that put forth their own agenda
>childcare workers
People who think they can take care of children better than fucking parents
Total fucking worthless job for nigger loving clowns that know it's a scam. The DSM and psychology in general is bullshit. Talking about your problems with some nu-male or some bitch is not going to help you. Getting prescribed amphetamines because you're distracted is horrible
Male dominated job. Also a very good job coincidentally
>social workers
SJW: the job. There is no worse job that does less than this. The job is literally to virtue signal, that's why it's filled with cunts and libcucks

They dominate worthless careers that we could easily do without . In the 50's they were basically only secretaries, nurses, or clerk typists. Now they occupy other meaningless jobs. They ain't worth a damn except for household work

aside from nurse and to a much lesser extent accountant none of these jobs are critical to a country's infrastructure.

>nobody is forcing you to go get a high stress job.
You can't comfortably support a family without a high stress job in western countries. Single women manage with public and child support.

Also because most women expect to trade his wealth for her snatch. So, as the vagina Jew has done since the invention of civilization they complain and we give in the implied agreement that,that will allow us to get access to their vaginas.

Women invest in careers that are less demanding with a lower pay ceiling. That was slowly changing over time before the pay gap meme started.

Can confirm

>the same work
this term does not usually mean "doing literally the exact same thing every second of every hour of the day"

it means like, male police officers might make more than female police officers because they do their job better or take less time off. Stuff like that.

just kill her dawg


I'll assume you mean isn't.

The guy I was replying was saying those jobs were useless and women were stupid for taking them.

I don't expect those jobs to be paid as much as other jobs, I'm just saying, those jobs have value and are prized by women because they tend to be more nuturing and more "make the world a better place" like.

not because the jobs are lazy and women are stupid.

Men work longer hours and tend to take more dangerous work, hence the pay gap.
It's literally a load of shit and you can completely ignore the fact that the male body, mind and natural tendencies are useful for a far broader range of things than females.

What's this queer ass left-handed handshake bullshit


Good shit lead. Good shit.


>1 post by this ID


It's misleading because it's a general trend. On a job by job basis, men and women generally make the same.

It's just a pay Gap because men just make more money than women. It exists that is the reality of the current situation in the world. It doesn't mean that women get paid less for the same work that would be illegal and you can take it to the EEOC.
