Fucking drop the nuke already

>these are the kind of people that run your country

Kill me.

Other urls found in this thread:



This needs to stop Sweden. I can't believe you ppl just sit by and watch this happen.

You'll have to believe it.

disgusting children reduced to subhumans

>Pic related
You ppl are lost

Holy shit I live in Södertälje.

>Inb4 flag

I use a VPN + Sup Forums pass.

Swedecucks have been pussies for centuries



Bc these are your average Swedish males.

>gets a boner from sniffing a flower

This is what happens when you don't ever watch porn because you're homeless

Enjoy your ban

It is hard to stop it when all of the people in power are people with her mindset. They have no critical thinking and act like children, they can never be wrong.

It's sad to see a country go to shit because some people believe that they can create some utopia where everyone gets along and shit. It's like they live in a completely different world, a fantasy world made up in their minds.

Please don't remind me that these people live in my country.

Those are kids, but maybe they are the size of full grown Americans?

A Sup Forums pass allows people to use VPN, friend.

Eh, I don't give a fuck if they act like that, it's their opinions and how they respond to women being raped in their streets that pisses me off.

Although I had a hearty chuckle at the muslim girl being the most normal sans the white Swedish girl.

this is satire

wtf sweden i thought you all was first minded citizens wtf is this degeneracy

There is nothing wrong with that man or what he is doing.

Yeah, I like to spill my seed all over the trunk of a tree while shouting "REFUGEES WELCOME", too.

I've convinced myself in my head that I'm american these days. Whenever I browse the internet I do so in the faked headspace of a burger.

The national shame over the situation in my country and the people in it has become too great and I mentally cannot withstand it anymore. It's "pretend everything is fine, I'm not swedish" , or kill myself.

Did that bitch just call us backwards?

Nothing wrong with this either.

someone give me a tl;dw?

Sweden thanks for being such a huge joke. If it weren't for you we would be the laughing stocks

Sven, you can always immigrate to the middle east. All white Swedes can, and then in a few years there'll be no sandniggers left in the middle east and no white swedes in sweden. You just swapped geographical location, is all. And then when you want to have your homeland back, have more refugees welcome until they've all come back home, and then you go back to Sweden and close borders.

>wanting to be American
why? They are the reason the Jews have been able to spread their influence. Americans are the best goyim a Jew could ever hope for.

> if it weren't for you we would be the laughing stocks

You're still a laughing stock, leafboy

>mayor of the Södertälje
>Tim: Do you think crime has increased because of all the refugees you take in?
>mayor: "Oh no, we don't think like that here, that is an awful way of thinking"
>bla bla bla
>Tim: do you think conservatism and right wing politics will be relevant/still popular in a few years?
>mayor: yes I do but I don't like the way they think, they're one of the evils in this evil world
>mayor: I think we are the good guys and that everyone should be able to search asylum in any country.
>mayor: we don't want to get back to the 1930's, that would be awful
>mayor: the US should take it's responsabillity and let in more refugees, it's the big brother of the world but it has diminished over the years now

Basically she loves immigration and admires the US as a big brother and someone to rely on in big crisis times. She also don't think immigration has affected crimerates in any way. She's a leftist in denial and cannot see that her country is suffering because we want to be the "good guys".

With all the shit Tim's been going through there... you think he's catching on to the Stockholm Syndrome going on there?

That woman is delusional

Trump is in power and he ain't budging on the plans to keep the RITs (Radical Islamic Terrorists) out of the USA.


Someone pointed out in the comments that he shouldn't interview goverment people about what they think about immigration. He replied with that if he basically did the review so that it's not biased to either side as he seems to want to be neutral. He pointed out that he'd be yelled at if he decided to do it or don't do it.

His videos are interesting to watch and I highly doubt he falls for their bullshit, he's spoken to quite a lot of people living in those zones and they don't seem to be too happy with how the government does things. I still think he's pretty neutral but I don't think he likes the way these leftists try to guilt trip him into accepting their utopia world vision and see no faults with immigration.

I applaud him for trying to show both sides.
But from what I've read on his twitter people have been telling him not to take cameras out into the open. That and many normies are too afraid to speak against the immigrants.

I'll have to watch his videos when I get home.

>He replied with that if he basically did the review
Probably more grammar errors and misspellings in there but I'm too lazy.

>That woman is delusional
Agreed. She probably thinks Trump is evil/racist for not accepting all refugees and building the wall. If these people were ever to flee they'd realize not everyone is as welcoming as us and maybe that would be an eye opener. I think Sweden should focus on it's own problems first hand, like Trump is doing right now with the US. We had a housing crisis before we took all the refugees in, imagine what it is like now then, now we also have a job crisis.

Fucking hell, this country is going to shit with these retarded polititians.

Yes, that is how leftists see anyone who disagree with them, but if it's backwards to preserve society for the legitimate citizens (AKA legally immigrated and assimilated) who live in it regardless of background, then so be it, we are backwards.

Cognitive Dissonance: The Interview

i could fly over sweden and hit you guys with a rancid dookie blast if you want?

I unironically understand the camera thing, though, I grew up in a shit Dominican hood in nyc and if it was like an understood thing that people would go through our streets and film us like they were on safari but looking for crime (lmao) we would flip out too

>people have been telling him not to take cameras out into the open
This is mostly in the "no-go zones". Police show up and have to escort them for their own safety because they don't think they're safe in there with all the equipment and stuff. They had some niggers following them for quite a bit until they got to their car. Now he only brings small cameras when he walks the "no-go zones".

>many normies are too afraid to speak against the immigrants.
Because the general Swede is very distant and shy. They also don't want to say something racist or something that might offend someone. We're big pussies and have been raised/schooled that way. These migrants are really confident and to what they want because no one dares to speak up against them in fear of sounding racist. Refugees also tend to get violent and output fear, many swedes are not violent people so they usually back off.

It's also not just that, if you ever do something considered "racist" and have a good job/high education job you'll probably lose it because it goes against their political views. Anything "racist" = rightwing/literally Hitler in their eyes. It's quite sad how you can't have a different opinion without the fear of losing your job/career.

I suggest you watch his videos, they're quite good. Atleast from what I've seen so far.

True, as a politician, you should help fix the country's economic woes and restore infrastructure, not act like a bastion of morality. You were elected to serve the citizens, do the job you were chosen to do, not goof off playing hero.

>You were elected to serve the citizens, do the job you were chosen to do, not goof off playing hero.

So how do you explain your king nigger ?

Aren't some people just throwing up their hands and saying "Fuck it, this is what's happening". I remember some cop did? This is the kind of shit that makes me fear the possibility of SJWs getting into power here in the States.

But seriously, is there any hope for the Swedes? and are Norway and Finland trying to distance themselves from whats going on?

Already steaming with anticipation for the next election cycle. Its gonna b a fuckin bloodbath

People are too comfortable here.

So until shit hits the fan, say economic collapse, you're all fucked?

Yeah that cop was Peter Springare. He basically posted what he goes through/does on an average day in his job. He posted the ethnicity of the people he had arrested and mostly of them were non-whites or refugees.

He got alot of shit for it and they try to nail him for hate speech. Haven't followed it that much so I don't know much more than that but that's what happens if you post facts instead of lies (whites do all the raping etc). Pretty sad.

>So until shit hits the fan, say economic collapse, you're all fucked?

Basically, yes.

lol so glad im American. you guys are so fucked HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH
pussy ass euros

Serious question, no memes or jokes.

How are you guys seriously letting this happen? What percentage of the population there is waking up to this? How did you guys fall for the multiculturalism meme this hard? I would just really appreciate an answer. Is it really just shame from the whole Hitler thing? I mean, is that worth losing your country, culture, and genetic legacy?

I'm not trying to be a cocky American, even with Trump we will eventually lose this country to the third world hordes. But at least some of us in the country know it.

How does this song make you Swedes feel?


>at about the laws
>if it is a relative who cares about you it's a good thing but not always (if they choose our neighbourhoods)

Historically the trust in the state has been high.

I think you're right a little bit about the guilt of ww2 and that but it goes much deeper.

Sweden has always been seen as this "everyone should respect eachother and be nice towards eachother" kind of country. No one means harm or wishes harm upon anyone ans such. We've always been soft.

School and media is probably the biggest players here. In school you're taught that you should respect anyone even more. You're taught about islam and how it's the religion of peace and other stuff but they usually avoid talking about christianity such as catholics and protestants. Being racist is a big, very BIG no no. We're lectured about how ww2 was extremely horrible and bla bla, you probably know it, how facism is horrible but they never comment on communism or bring up other political ideologies and such. It's always about how Hitler and facism are the supreme evil, and "muh 6 gorillion jews". Maybe it was just my shitty school but I doubt that it would be any different anywhere else in Sweden.

Media is extremely left-wing, they promote QX-galan which is a pride thing (LGBT-whatever the fuck mental illness you have) and are extremely obvious with all of their LGBT and progressive thinking agenda. They shit-talk Trump like he's literally Hitler whenever they can, people probably catch on because they only see it from one side and so on.

Media and school both claim that alternative-media is false and nazi. If you ever cite alternative media it's considered non-legitimate or you'll get weird looks/chuckle about how they're not real news and purely nazi.

Atleast that's what I've experienced during all this time I've lived in Sweden. If you have a different opinion than the mainstream you're a rightwing nazi or a retarded outcast. It's fucking retarded. There's also nothing more I hate than swedecucks who deny all of this and say "durr chill out man everything is okay, you're overexaggerating", fucking retards all of them.

This got longer than it had to be, sorry

I remember searching up Swedish nasheed on YouTube and the singer was a crippled Albanian dude


Well fuck.
Good luck Swedebros.

fuck off with "genetic legacy", like that fucking means anything.

Are Albanians aryan?


I just don't understand what people think will happen when you have a beautiful homogenous high trust society like Sweden, and import low-IQ, low-trust individuals into it.

The low-IQ low-trust individuals won't change, meaning society will. SO you're essentially destroying an entire culture with these animals.

How come the other Scandinavian countries aren't as bad?

How doesn't it?

>even with Trump we will eventually lose this country to the third world hordes

Since you know this, you already know the answers.
They are the same.

10% know what is going on
20% have no info
20% dont care
30% want to be nice and cant be racist
15% hate the West
5% make shedloads of cash from it.

No they're Turko-Slavs

>unique genetic subset of a region

Ok can any swede bros explain why you fuckers haven't started bombing and killing these people, wtf is wrong with you, I wouldn't be able to take this shit

holy shit IM allergic to everything in the woods

this is my worst nightmare

>take this shit

1400 girls
you take it every day

lel, you funny.

I guess that is it. I just feel like America has always been guilted more easily because of
>muh melting pot
>muh slavery
At least with Mexicans here the difference isn't super obvious, but with blacks it's painfully obvious that they will never be productive in any sense.

We used to put men on the moon, now we're more concerned with making lazy niggers and single moms comfortable, and prosecuting Christians for not baking faggots a cake. It just seems so obvious that this is going to destabilize the country to me.

lmao that was in multicultural England m8 plus this country is nowhere near the level of sweden

The third one, would


Of course.
Dance for your overlords you ugly brainless cow.

We need to get women out of the workforce and have them manage social hierarchy within families again. Look at what they do when their eggs dry up and they isolate themselves with an arduous career. They can only play elder tribeswoman in the office for so long.


>I think we are the good guys and that everyone should be able to search asylum in any country and that is why I want to destroy western civilization so that asylum can never be offered again.


You're worse off t b h

Worst of all is France, but we don't even talk about them anymore.

No meme it's because Swedish media is Jewish controlled for decades now.

And no, I'm not a "da joos" stormfag.

That is the legitimate answer in this case.

diversity will lead to world peace

What did Sweden do in the 1930s that she is so guilty about?

I really don't know shit about Swedish history besides their little colonies in the new world.

Maybe the world resting in peace.

I have unironically seen 1 black person irl in my life meanwhile you italians are swamped with fucking niggers

>You're worse off t b h
fucking wat, the logic of a swede holy shit no wonder your country is fucked

Change is coming my swedish friends

Fan jag klarar inte ens av att titta på det

We didnt do jack shit

We didnt fight in any wars
We didnt have any revolutions

We were just blind and gave our power to women

>alla kan bli svenskar

SD är ett bra förstasteg men verkligen inget vi behöver i Sverige. Vi behöver ett riktigt nationalistisktparti.

women make great leaders




Sure mate hahahaha

Scotish are fucking candian tier, worst cucks eu.

This place is a democracy in name only. All the politicians come from families that have been powerful for generations. 7/8 parties have colluded together to block the only anti-immigrant party from power. Policy-wise there's nothing that can be done until 2018 at earliest and even then it's highly unlikely that Sweden Democrats are going to break 30%.

There are people who see a problem with this, but the way the society is it's hard to stick out and have an unpopular opinion. If you oppose immigration you can lose your job because the HR department now thinks you're racist against the inclusive corporate environment companies are required to have.

>Fight to the last Finn they said.
>Loose Finland in 1809.

We're nothing without finbros...


don't be jealous africa that my country is 96% white and only has 0.5% niggers

sure thing sweden

>be scotish
>brexit happens
>want to leave the union so you can keep importing jamal

You seem to have imegration on your first priority list, that's insane

>so you can keep importing jamal
lel, you are so delusional sven, its funny.

Any swedes here can tell me if Swedish Democrats are redpilled or not (in a way AfD is, for example)?

Because some anons made a thread where they put SD in echoes like (((swedish democrats))) went counting up on how they are too cuckservative, but I didn't bother to actually read it besides just quickly glancing the original post (I should have).
I am aware they have very, very tiny chance of winning, even with that Peter Springare facebook group redpilling where swedes redpill each other by thousands each day. I am also aware nobody in the government wants to co-operate with them. That's not what I want to ask. I want to only ask, are they are redpilled or not?

The party used to be more extreme, basically a skinhead party in the late 80s and early 90s. They've cleaned themselves up and are now a fairly average respectable party. In order to get voters they have to be more middle of the road. They are pro-Israel which is an edgy opinion in Sweden since our government decided to recognize Palestine as a state. They do want to reduce the amount of immigration and as such are the only party that will make that happen. Another nationalist party would either fail or would draw votes away from SD and weaken them at this crucial time.

You heard it folks. Its evil to want your own countries for your own people and not mixed mudskins.

Thanks for that rundown. Last question would be, is the MSM in Sweden constantly trying to get them into scandals like CNN does with Trump in america, or does the MSM avoid reporting them to not give them any press whatsoever?

SD is turning into cuckservatives, what we need is some URSVENSKT BARBARI

The MSM is has been actively trying to discredit since day one. The vast majority if not all of their press has been negative. One of our major newspapers coined a buzzword which basically means xenophobic (främlingsfientlig) or anti-foreigner to describe their policies which has been in regular use by the media for the last 15 years. Some of the criticism is justified in that they've had some questionable people in the party, but it's completely disproportionate since the media has never or rarely run any negative press on the Green Party (open borders party) to which a substantial number of journalists belong.