I feel really sad. She's blonde, scandinavian american, tall (like 5'9), has a beautiful face, and nice skin.
We have been dating and having sex for nearly 2 months now. It's not yet to the point where we are mutually exclusive. A friend saw her at a at a club with a black guy, he took some photos of her making out with him outside the club.
How do I approach this bros? She's really hot, practically model tier, and the sex is amazing. Do I walk away or fight it out for this coal burner?
>inb4 no politically incorrect This is a political and personal issue. Our love lives are a reflection of our political values. At what point do you remain true to what your political values are and when do you compromise yourself?
You're a fucking cuck. If you were actually a man worth her time and energy she would have seen you exclusively. You should have man the fuck up and red pilled her when you had the chance.
Cameron King
Prolly not the first time. Get checked for aids immediately. Forget her, she'll pay the toll.
Matthew Evans
OP is a nigger, Scandinavian girls hate black people.
Blake Sanchez
fake news
Nolan Hernandez
You should consult /r9k/ they always have good advice on women. You should just get out now and join the robot life.
Liam Sanchez
The fact that he's black shouldn't be the problem. The fact that you're even DEBATING about staying with her after you cheated just proves that you're a fucking cuckold and deserves castration
Benjamin Reed
Hot chicks are dime a dozen.
Carson Johnson
dump her so you do not get betrayed in the future
Jace Rivera
>How do I approach this bros?
You dump her and move on. She's damaged goods.
Nathan Foster
Tell her you hate niggers and it's over. Find a new girl
Ethan Campbell
Det är en lögn
Sebastian Howard
Nicholas Reed
Aids bro
Ryan Russell
So much this.
You're too late OP
Dominic Peterson
Tear her pussy apart next time you meet. Fuck her like a champ. After that, idk. It's not the biggest deal. I dated a girl for like a month and was in the same situation. We liked eachother, she had just broken up with a long time bf and was being "free". She was seeing this black kid and an Asian kid before we met. She told me after a couple times of us banging. I just said "ok" and fucked her even harder the next time. Eventually she started telling me she was falling for me but I didn't want to date her because she just kind of sucked in general. It took a few bonings and a few dates for me to realize she was unstable. Up to you. Don't fall for her. She clearly isn't falling for you. You can still rail her though
John Bennett
i'm not. I came here for help.
isn't that what this place is for? for us to discuss personal and politically incorrect problems?
I could go to another forum but they would probably call me a racist.
she's scandinavian american, not european
Robert Bell
I would personally walk away. You dont date multiple at once. Thats wrong imo. I would be raging if my gf went on dates with other men when we were dating before committing.
Srs, she doesnt see a future witj you or take you seriously. That is why she's doing this.
Grow a pair or drag yourself through prolonged emotional torture.
If she kicks and screams for yoi to stay make it 100% clear you will refuse to deal wth not being exclusive with her.
Cooper Ramirez
You haven't killed her yet? KEK!
Xavier Barnes
You are utterly retarded if you stay with her. Tell her you don't like girls who dirty themselves with niggers, and she'll enjoy being a single mom, and find a white woman worth a damn.
Asher Morris
fight for her, shame her ass.
Kayden Baker
I'm a white girl and i only fw black guys. Ask me anything. :)
Also op calm the fuck down
Ethan Jackson
Dump her.
Charles Jackson
> not exclusive Lmao you fucking cuck. Would it be any better if he was a white guy? Have a sage tho.
Cameron Cruz
had a decent girl i was with tell me she fucked a black guy once. broke up with her.
it wasn't fun but you know it'd drive you crazy knowing you're with a coal burner. and it'll only dig at you more as time goes by.
Benjamin Baker
>Not being exclusive
any shred of polygamy means she has already fallen for the jewish tricks. add that to coalburning and you shouldn't even be talking to her
Henry Johnson
Fight for a coal burner? nope
Colton Hill
Cut off all ties with her and when she asks you simply tell her to look in the mirror before asking.
Christopher Hall
She doesn't respect you. Why should you respect her? Get out.
John Taylor
You obviously don't have much experience with Western women.
Isaiah Edwards
Do you want AIDS? Walk away.
Anthony Richardson
Gross picture for degenerates
Carter Gomez
>Scandinavian >got BLACKED you can't make this shit up
Bentley Thomas
Do you have self respect?
Personally I'd walk away, but I hate women. Try /r9k/ for some advice
Isaiah Richardson
>have sex >not mutually exclusive You signed up to be her beta faggot in an "open relationship" and now you're shocked she's a coalburning alag? The problem is with you and what kind of relationships you're building with women. You got attached and therefore eventually cucked, you fucking lapdog.
Angel Murphy
Confront her. Be honest with how you feel about it (maybe leave out the coal burner line) if that bitch isn't honest back you she isn't worth your time and calmly let her know that she is a garbage person.
Bentley Morgan
Kys before the aids sets in
Jeremiah Young
>date and fuck someone for 2 months >not exclusive
You either didn't care enough to make it official or knew you were gonna get cucked in the first place. Your fault.
Mason Stewart
>Do I walk away or fight it out for this coal burner?
You should prep him as her bull. Then kill yourself once she gets tired of your pathetic ass. Better yet , you should kill yourself right now.
Elijah King
He's from the US not Brazil
Nathan Martin
>How do I approach this bros?
point shotgun at nigger.
problem solved, now go marry her and produce more white children.
Jose Thomas
Go look up the statistics for STIs by race.
Then go get tested.
Jeremiah Green
I can't believe people still take the bait. Ffs idiots, stop posting in slide threads.
Asher Anderson
Post pics of her or GTFO
Nicholas Bailey
have you paid the toll yet? honest question
Zachary Morales
Also while it may be kind of weird to do, but pretty satisfying is find out next time she is going out with him. Show up to the same club with another girl. Preferably a really hot girl. Just bump into her and when she gets nervous just say what's up, funny seeing you here etc. And then hang out with the other bitch the whole night. I've dated alot of girls. But I spent 6 years in a relationship I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life in. I started doing this after accidentally bumping into my ex with some other dude at a bar. She just hounded me for months. It as satisfying but like I said, don't fall for her
Jaxson Phillips
>. It's not yet to the point where we are mutually exclusive your just a fucking idiot, in more than one way. im having sex with this bitch who like to have sex with other people, now she going for the other dick, which the way she was brought up (if what little you posted is true), she was drunk throughout her late teen years and cant see past this friday night in regards to what the fuck happens when you have so much sex with random people. . and your asking why. ask why you care..
you cant be this stupid can you
Ayden Gray
I bet the sex is like throwing a sausage down a hallway
Jordan Cox
>casually dating You're either exclusive dating or not. Literal cuck.
Matthew Phillips
>We have been dating and having sex for nearly 2 months now >It's not yet to the point where we are mutually exclusive WAT?
Justin Thompson
Your whole country is a white woman getting gang fucked in the ass by niggers...
Jeremiah Rogers
Brody Taylor
>We have been dating and having sex for nearly 2 months now. It's not yet to the point where we are mutually exclusive Well there was your first mistake. Also sounds like a fantastic way to pick up an STD. If this is real, cut her off for your own health's sake. Who knows what horrors she will infect you with.
Dominic Hall
Drop her.
Christopher Phillips
Get out before herpes.
Not even a meme. Statistics.
Get your dick tested before you spread that shit.
Adam Miller
>casually dating >not yet the point where we agree to stop fucking people this isn't normal, right? this is faggot-tier degeneracy, literal truvada whore you've found >kissing a black guy, while you're 'dating' even prostitutes won't kiss clients. this cunt has zero respect for you.
Andrew King
it's not a slide thread. i came here for help.
I know I should walk away but I just came here for positive support that I should walk away. It hurts though, bro. surely you can sympathize.
please stop calling me a cuck.
this is how dating is in the US, at least in cities. we date multiple people and after a while we decide to be exclusive.
Nathan James
post pics you larping faggot
Jaxon Scott
Redeem her. You are a better man than that filthy nigger. If her womb bears white children then she shall be cleansed. If you can keep her you will have defeated the niggers. Niggers are not of this land and do not deserve our women. Any nigger in white lands deserves the rope.
Grayson Allen
Dump her right now.
She deserves a belt buckle to the face for not being your girl.
And you deserve a belt buckle to the face for not keeping her in line.
Fuck both of you; you're the reason West is fucked
Blake Gutierrez
Don't take your personal case for a generality. French women who fuck outside of their race are as good as dead. They're irrelevant. It's quality that counts , not quantity.
Ethan Hernandez
You even bothering to ask suggests you have zero respect for yourself. If you don't respect yourself, you will never accomplish your dreams, you will never making anything of yourself. Step the fuck up, or accept you cuck bitchboy future.
Juan Anderson
>fighting for a coal burner top cuck
Parker Harris
But final thing. You should just drop her. Be upfront and honest about the fact you thought you were both headed in the direction of a relationship. Don't make it about the guy being black. Just be an adult about it. Tell her you expected more out of her. Not to find out that she was seeing other people. Tell her you are not down with that and just move on.
Cameron Jackson
>casually dating >expecting women to not be coalburning sluts Pick 1 and only 1.
Nathan Ramirez
Lucas Lee
Sand Sharks get face marks
Anthony Foster
if you have enough going on to get someone this good then get another. Personally I'd lower her to fuck buddy status, emotionaly seperate myself from her, actively look to replace her, cut ties with her and above all else NEVER are you listening you little bitch? NEVER EXPLAIN WHAT YOU ARE DOING OR WHY YOU ARE DOING IT. Resist any urge to "educate" her, reform her, talk things out, share your feelings, be vindictive, "stand up for yourself" as in the I'll show her with my long monologue. Have the balls to walk away and the discipline to do so without spilling your feelings all over (yes anger is a feeling). Above all else remember closure is for women.
Mason Mitchell
Henry Brown
i think it is normal. i'm only 20 so our experiences are probably different.
all my friends and everyone i know dates multiple people. we date and fuck, and after a while we decide to be exclusive after fucking each other.
Samuel Baker
Show tits or GTFO you slimy cunt
Landon Parker
Dating for 2 months is not mutually exclusive? what?
Grayson Watson
I started talking to this qt that seems pretty nice. turns out she was raped.
what do?
Samuel Lewis
Don't even say anything to her just immediately and abruptly cut all contact. Ignore all calls and texts
Thomas Martin
Why would you "date" someone who is fucking other people alongside you... Just accept it for what it is a fuck buddy or friends with benefits. Don't make it into a relationship and cuck yourself. You will regret it. If you truly want a relationship with this slut I would walk away. If you just want sex just become emotionally detached more and more and you will realize she doesn't add anything to life other than sex.
Ian Rogers
Not trying to be mean, but she really is not relationship material, let alone commitment material. If a girl is sleeping with multiple men, she is a whore. If a girl is sleeping with multiple men while dating someone, she is an even bigger whore who is a serious attention seeker.
When females who are not degenerate whores care for a man, enough to date him regularly, we really don't sleep with other men. The fact that it was a nigger is the icing on the cake.
She is not going to be faithful, ever. Now you have the privilege of knowing she is open to nigger dick, she will be seeking it out. Run. Find you a nice, wholesome, pretty woman and get married, raise a family and be happy.
Jace Price
Most maps I've seen split I down the Pacific not Asia. Wtf kinda maps are you looking at?
What the fuck how does this thread have like 100 posts in 15 minutes
Robert Powell
Kill your self share blue/ctr Sage
Brandon Parker
Give her round 2
Jackson Price
Because people are trying to give OP some actual advice instead of talking about aliens or illerminaties.
Ryder Murphy
>We have been dating and having sex for nearly 2 months now. It's not yet to the point where we are mutually exclusive. I've never understood why Americans do this When you're dating someone it's pretty clear that you stop trying to date other people
Christopher Scott
>fucking a girl you aren't mutually exclusive with >fucking a coal burner
It's like you want AIDS and herpes
Sebastian Rodriguez
Jaxon Flores
Shes a woman. In the clutches of the Jew by default. She doesn't know any better. Assert your dominance over her and this wont be a problem.
Austin Edwards
user, you give up too soon. How far are you willing to go to keep your trophy wife's future genes white?
It is your turn to pay the toll. Since you and your son's mother are not exclusive yet find an equally sexy black chick and get wit her; a lot.
Don't be evasive if pressed regarding other women, but never volunteer anything without prompt.
If you give in now you lose.
Colton Bennett
Ask yourself honestly if you can accept that. Also if she appears broken from it i.e. dosnt get wet, leave asap.
Jacob Perry
What the hell does that even mean? Like why you even give a fuck what other people do? White boys fw asian and spanish girls but white girls dont give a fuck and neither do you. Pol is a bunch of hypocrites.
Just let people be. We all have preferences
Andrew Bell
>this is how dating is in the US, at least in cities. we date multiple people and after a while we decide to be exclusive.