Daily Reminder


Fuck off divide and conquer shill

white european here, this is 100% true

That's like, completely wrong

But yes of course, americans became their own race in just 200 years of evolution. lel

no u

The average American male in 2050

It must be sad taking this board this serious

like 65% of this place is underaged and the rest are autistic weebs

>It must be sad

butthurt european nigger detected

Hide your daughters, the itty bitty mexican manlets are busting through your doors!

What's it feel like knowing America will be majority non white in your life time

it won't

some 30 million mexicans and their spawnlings are gonna get deported



you wish

Stop this divide and conquer bullshit already.

Keep telling yourself that, Madison Grant was right we are now witnessing the passing of the great race

the one on the left is a fine African American gentleman

I have seen maybe 20 niggers in my entire life in Poland.

i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...