
>The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.

I know there have probably been a hundred threads already on this subject but what are you guys expecting to see? Is it just hype or is it going to actually change shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

was also the title of a trent reznor album a few years ago

bump? :L

Nothing will change unless nukes start falling, aliens come to visit, the resurrection of christ, a global pandemic, electricity/the internet disappears, the oceans dry up, a portal opens up from another dimension, or some type of global catastrophe, and any other type of insane event takes place that dramatically effects the populations of the world directly in some way

Year zero is part of the culture, checkmate atheists

Isn't it funny how zombie apocalypse scenarios became popular in recent years...

>portal opens up from another dimension
make it happen

thanks leaf that was dope

Using toxic GMO food as a weapon of mass destruction is just a small coq in the NWO plan to cull 90% of the world population. The testing ground for these kind of bioweapons are north and south america and more recently, Ukraine.

The 'Year Zero' thing is a jewish plot to replace the christian year count (2017 AD etc) with the antichrist year count ('Year Zero' of the inthronisation of the false jewish messiah).

Isnt it amazing that biological weapons are outlawed by international treaties, but there is no such thing for GMO weapons?

Year Zero is from the Communists of the Cambodian killing fields.

Pol Pot


Why are everyone posting pics of Svalbard Global Seed Vault and how is it related to this?

Try 10.

>forget everything to move on anew
>forget all your mistakes so we can trick you better this time

>Nothing will change unless nukes start falling, aliens come to visit, the resurrection of christ, a global pandemic, electricity/the internet disappears, the oceans dry up, a portal opens up from another dimension, or some type of global catastrophe, and any other type of insane event takes place that dramatically effects the populations of the world directly in some way

Seriously. A couple of years ago we learned that literally every electronic communication in the world is being unlawfully recorded and spied on in realtime, all with the complicity of every major government, and nobody gave a shit.

"Vault 7" could prove the CIA is in bed with China, it could prove that Obama personally ordered drone strikes on sites that he knew were civilian, it could prove that Hillary ate a baby alive during a Satanic Black Mass, and the useful idiots will be back to whining about petty social justice shit by the end of the week.

Nothing will change.

Not even going to speculate or get all hyped. Just waiting for the key which is just 5 hours away.

>This is why wikileaks kept posting photos of the seed vault.


Google universe 25





>mass effect plot line

Sup Forums pls

i hope i die


Steve here.

Dave says to check out the Gulf of Aden.

Hi Dave.

The communist ideal.

Children and those with child-like minds think the past has nothing to teach them.

If your vision ever comes to pass, it will end as it has a thousand times that this has been tried before:
Mass killings. Mass starvation of the survivors. And what's left will run...teach their children about the horrors of that method...and their grandchildren will start the cycle again.

Wikileaks posted images of that ages with "What is Vault7?"

Nothing is going to happen. Please go to sleep, there is nothing that will come about from this uneventful "Year Zero" everyone is mentioning. Kek isn't real, he is asleep. Have a drink, take a Xanax and have a good, long rest. There will not be any UN Troops entering your US grid anytime this year.

It certainly will not happen tomorrow morning so please go to sleep and relax, take a rest. Log off Sup Forums for a while. Time to sleep, citizen. Vault 7 is just a Book Deal with WikiLeaks.

Nothing to see, please, go to sleep.


Nothing is going to happen. Please go to sleep, there is nothing that will come about from this uneventful "Year Zero" everyone is mentioning. Kek isn't real, he is asleep. Have a drink, take a Xanax and have a good, long rest. There will not be any UN Troops entering your US grid anytime this year.

It certainly will not happen tomorrow morning so please go to sleep and relax, take a rest. Log off Sup Forums for a while. Time to sleep, citizen.

I have this thread, you can go control the others.

They specifically say on their twitter account what this release will be about. It is about the CIA interfering in french elections.

>A couple of years ago we learned that literally every electronic communication in the world is being unlawfully recorded and spied on in realtime, all with the complicity of every major government, and nobody gave a shit.
Maybe because it's not news? It wasn't surprising?
Why do you think intelligence agencies exist?

Vault 7 was a vault created by vault tec to examine and lead its inhabitants into inner earth to gather information, only top scientist and officials were put in that vault.

Also a 30 Seconds to Mars song on their first album.

It's the disclosure of pole shift, which will cause massive freezing, lowering ocean levels. It's why the elite have been performing weather manipulation in an attempt to raise global temperature and mitigate the damage.

Affirmative, Case Officer ####.

Lol what is in the gulf of aden?

You idiot. You were supposed to go to thread #2 not #6. #2 is a priority, this one is sec. 4 now. Ray specifically told us to get our asses in priority sec. 1 and 2 threads.

Are we gonna make it NEETbros?

Wikileaks has discussed "Year Zero" before...

"Year Zero" according to the 2016 Wikileaks press release is referring to everything that happened from 1979 (aka Year Zero) with the Iranian Revolution up to and beyond 9/11.

Basically, if vault7 is what former Wikileaks statements say it is than the release/leak tomorrow should contain some form of information connection US/Israel government/military actions to the destabilization of the Middle East, thus the attacks of 9/11, and the on going war and troubles around the world related to the middle east (aka immigrant/refugee crisis).

you forgot to mention the possibility of another world war

John here.

I was activated by Paul, so Steve and Dave won't answer.

It was a reply pointing user in the right direction to his query.

There's an awful lot of military hardware from 7 nations used to take down "pirates." That should get you started.

Hi Steve, Hi Dave.

delet this

Yeah I've seen that tweet but why?

In all honesty we cant trust wikileaks anymore. It is compromised and will be fucking nothing. Its not happening.

Check them.

>Maybe because it's not news? It wasn't surprising?
>Why do you think intelligence agencies exist?

have more bread and circuses, friend.

Lmao gmo food isnt toxic you retard

Mutagenesis has been used for 50years and alters the genes in a much more drastic way

>It's why the elite have been performing weather manipulation in an attempt to raise global temperatur

no, the elite have been trying to raise global temperature because they are reptilians, which are cold-blooded, and they are more active when it is warm

why do you think rich people vacation where it is hot and sunny? nobody likes to be sweaty and uncomfortable--except lizards

First I'm hearing about Year Zero, can I get a basic gestalt?

>inserting insect DNA into a food plant occurs naturally
>inserting insect DNA into food plants that makes those food plants secret toxic substances that kill insects occurs naturally

>hiding the truth in plain sight somehow makes it less true

Rothschild Internet Defense Force detected




it's the new conspiracy that the losers are latching onto

Who the fuck gave Dave access to the portals again?? Steve? God damnit Steve, you know Dave needs to relax and recover from his incident.

Orwell came up with that.

fucking Kundera can't come up with anything original.

>Year Zero

So umm, if the shops are closed, where am I going to get my food from?


So let me get this straight

Sup Forums thinks that basically the entire population is about to be completely wiped out so that the rich elites can start the world from scratch?

The amount of monsanto shills on Sup Forums is insane.

Fuck off. Old Sup Forums always hated gmo poison, nobody will believe your lies here.

i was considering showing this song to that AI I was dickin around with.


I haven't been this hyped for a happening in a while. I know I should be expecting nothing, but I can't help it.

What makes it worse is that I dropped out of NEETdom on inauguration day and have been working 6 days a week since. I wish I were a NEET right now, so I could follow this all day.

Steve here.

Dave still thinks I sabotaged his workstation. No portals are in danger of being exposed by a warmer climate, rather a blueprint for long term survival that is being replicated under our feet.

Hi Dave.

That's been the theory behind the NWO conspiracy for years, what the fuck have you been doing with your life? The georgia guide stones are essentially a fucking guide for it.

If you are looking to take things in the most extreme way that you could, yes. But we know you are not trying to be logical with this question, you are just trying to make a point where you can say "look Sup Forums is sooooo stupid that they believe __________! (because I say they do)).

I'm more concerned with the amount of power Monsanto and other agricultural corporations have achieved thanks to the ability to patent seeds. What makes it even scarier is that most of these companies are also some of the top developers of chemical and biological weapons for the United States. All these people who whine about >muh farm subsidies fail to realize that mega-corps use agriculture as a way to cloak weapon development

i was suspecting that they are trying to destroy our culture since the early 90s when american NGOs were giving out free english textbooks, organizing trips to the recently opened McDonalds and etc. nearly 30 years later I see young children on the street playing and they are swearing in ENGLISH. I bet that they can't even understand some of our dialects or even read some older books.

So much money at stake with GMO. GMO means centralized control of the ENTIRE world food supply. GMO together with the oil monopoly and the central bank oligopols -> jewish world domination.

Apparently it's how the US government basically runs every major european power. They're not legitimate governments.

Then what do you believe actually is happening?

Im having trouble telling through all the stupid meming in the threads

Sounds like idealistic bullshit similar to communism. Sounds nice in theory but put it into practice and millions die.

Good, start in Botswana and work through all the other shitholes first faggerts.

>The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it
this is such shit retarded logic, fuck all of you drooling retards who want to nuke a functioning society because of what? hillay clinton's fictional pedophile ring? barack obama's fictional wiretapping scandal?

you people don't have the combined expertise to run a mall, much less restart society

>czech intellectuals

>year 0

Already happened bro. We refer to the time before year zero as "Before Christ."

Well every European military has the "hold the line until America saves us" as their grand defense strategy, so yea... we kind of do control Europe.

Year Zero + destruction of all 'cultures and traditions' means nothing but the destruction of christianity. Christians claim that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised messiah, the eternal king of the jews. The synagogue of satan wants a different eternal that caters to their warmongering, bloodlust, sexual perversity, sadistic viciousness, and avarice.

That's why they want to replace the christian year count with 'Year Zero', the year their false messiah begins his globalist reign of terror.

i've never heard of kundera outside of that quote, but two people can have the same thought user

>Im having trouble telling through all the stupid meming in the threads
this is you not understanding our culture. you need to lurk more.
you're supposed to lurk for years before you comment.
did you do your probation like you're supposed to?
be honest with us now.

I believe that the global elite are trying to make things more favorable to them, since it's hard to control smart masses. I'm not sure how'd they go about it but I doubt this "vault 7" has much to do with it anyways. It's more so about (hopefully) the shady things that the intelligence communities (in various countries) have been up to for the past 30+ years, which would shake things up a bit in regard to world relations and more.

Ummm, "Before Christ" refers to the time before year ONE.

Et disclosure or a nation wide pizza owner/distrubuter list.

Assange is talking to /us/

Definitely /ourguy/

I'm hoping for definitive proof of subversion with the intent of white genocide. I want to see docs transferred from world bankers and earth shakers to world leaders and policy makers that confirm an assault carried out against the white male.
The entire world narrative would flip as the sedated and emasculated victimizers become enraged and vengeful victims.
>The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it
This is what they've tried to do, Kek wills a revolt against it.
Deus vult

pseudointellectuals adored by the hoi polloi have merely the right to be gassed.

other than stealing quotes why dont you like him



religions are not real Merkel

Monsanto's are jews fyi.

In the Kingdom of the Cyber you have 0-day releases (pre-releases)

Year 0 could be a reference to a 0day

B U M P!!!! :3

Did someone say Year Zero?

It's old tech user, the Boeing bird of prey hangs in an aviation museum now

Abot the Prefecture 333

I'm absolutely sure I saw this image in an ARG before.

I think it was Cicada 3301.

Does anybody who did the puzzles remember?

pic fucking related???

Steve here.

Good thing he didn't post the sb-3 ghoul.

Instant v&. Xkeyscore is activated after this post.

Hi Dave.

we've known about intel's dirty secret for years now...

thnks qt .3,14

tax returns not tinfoil

This artifact is in DC