
This is a Safe Space for Neurodiverse people to discuss politics.

Take this test if you haven't done it already:

I would like this to be a neurotypical-free thread, but they are welcome if they contribute positively to the discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:

ADDer here. Did I qualify?


We are autismos, fuck off with these safe words

You are between the two worlds. You are an outsider in both of them.

this is a /safespace/

Fuck off with your safespaces, no one needs them besides people that have been weakened by the existance of safe places themselves

>implying I'm not the Übermensch

best of both worlds, pleb


Sup Forums itself is a safespace, buddy

Diagnosed sperg here.

Fuck off with your bullshit. We're not interested in identity politics and your attempts to paint a target on our back is obvious.

My pepes have autism do I fit in here user?

No, the problem is with the normalfags invading our board

>pepes xd

trying to have a safespace on Sup Forums is like trying to have a picnic sat on an ant hill in the middle of a hurricane.

my mom told me I was autistic one time but I don't believe her. I just didn't want anyone sitting at MY spot at the dinner table

yeah its a mistake to put people in boxes. Back in the day "neuro atypical" was not a concept and people were treated equally, even if the autist was mocked at least he was not labelled. The current PC culture is worse:
While you are free from mocking, the labelling effectively removes you from the gene pool, as you have been outed as "neurodeficient".

If you have these disabillites dont mention them, unless they are severe.

>you are very likely an aspie

How accurate is this test?

im not autistic fuck you

i have nothing related to autism

wrong pic

Also just because i scream without a reason sometimes and clap in the class and fart loudly on purpose doesnt mean im an autist

not at all, I'm awkward and unsociable

no, but you have a double digit IQ as the flag says.


you should also take the political compass test. If you are economically left of "6", then you are not an autist; a true autist is an individualist and does not fancy with s*cialism.

I ar first to see doggie

Autism = a dope addict's cold turkey

Oh and fuck this, autism is for the right what transgender is for the left: Attention whoring

get on my level boys


Forgot stats.