What does Sup Forums think of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

What does Sup Forums think of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

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Based. Should really get around to reading For My Legionaries.

The best thing to come out of Romania since Vlad the Impaler

a lunatic


look at first post and you will see this guy was considered dangerous even by nazi

The first post is mine, retard.

The Che of the right wing. It's less socially frowned upon to like him so all insecure people flock to him instead of forming an own personality or viewpoints

and and the quote is this only a sick mind would have this type of quote


He was a true traditionalist, which is better than being a nazi. He is saying that a moral and God-fearing people will be able to rule themselves and not give subversive elements standing in their society.

We miss him.

he did literally nothing wrong

Could you compare and contrast? I don't mean to offend you, but I don't think you know what you're talking about. I don't believe that you're able form a coherent argument. He's the Che of the Right? Go on. Elaborate.

That quote is very nice, actually. Hits the nail on the head. Jews are in a sense the manifestation of the moral decay of a society. Healthy societies don't allow the Jew to proliferate, but sick ones don't have the strength to stop him and thus he takes over.

The eternal Jew is always there, waiting in the ghetto for White man to let him in.


If even the nazi considered him dangerous he's fucking based.

>Go on. Elaborate.
I did.
>but I don't think you know what you're talking about. I don't believe that you're able form a coherent argument
I take your opinion very seriously.

I think you've made your point.


Anyone want to hear his speech?



Take your diversity


Gypsy detected

I've got to ask, how come Corneliu Codreanu is very popular among nationalists in Sweden?

this guy was mentally ill maybe that's why they don't teach us about his at school

Back to the oven, Schlomo!

Fuck off shill

No idea, I just know that he's popular here and that his book was translated into Swedish.

Guy was a saint

A great man silenced for spreading the truth. So many during that time were either killed or exiled for sharing similar truths.

Does Romania have any Nationalist/Populist/Right leaning leaders running for office today in any elections this year or next?

Fuck off gypoo.
They don't even teach you what jews are, they are taught about as if they were this mysterious good Samaritan minority group that dindu nuffin. The entire educational system beside a few STEM fields is fucking cancerous.

He was a fanatic for a good reason, and that got him assassinated by that cunt gobbling king.

shepple falling for the right wing jew

You are such a worthless bug. Being a sheep would benefit you actually.

Fascism is center-left

Learn English


>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

the single greatest political leader ever

This. The vast majority of people are degenerate scum who deserve to get fucked by the Eternal Merchant.

Jews are God's punishment for the rampant faggotry and degeneration. Just like their father, Satan, is doing God's work.

Gypsy scum. Back to the gulag with you.

Thanks mate

are you fucking serious ?

Du-te in pula mea inapoi pe Reddit.

The Iron Guard invented the Death Squads before anyone else in history


too bad they didn't kill your ancestors

Du-te dracului de tigan imputit

Can any Romanian here tell us what Romanians actually think of Codreanu?

Orthodox version of al-Baghdadi
maybe not so fucked up and violent but still
I kinda get where people like that come from given Balkan conditions, but I don't think that's the solution

>implying Jews aren't the ones who bring rampant faggotry and degeneration

As Codreanu said: the people has the Jews it deserves. A vital, fervent and strong people could not fall for their scheems and poisons.

taci draq de sclav

O ce @Barbadaca am

St. Corneliu, pray for us!

There are a lot of Romanians that think he was a criminal, a gangster and an agitator because the communists portrayed him so. But a few know that he was a hero of his generation and a true patriot. Only gypos and traitors spew at his name.

t.Zabalosu Codrecescu

fucking trolls

ba desteptule asta a fost un criminal cum dracu poti sa lauzi o persoana ca asta? asta e o pata neagra in istoria Romaniei

bine ca il dai exemplu doar pe el ca "pata neagra in istoria Romaniei" , ca de cei 45 de ani sub comunism nu zici nimic. Nu incerc sa neg crimele comise sub Legionarism, dar nu uita ca pogromurile au fost planuite de renegatul Horia Sima si nu de Corneliu Zelea Codreanu sau Antonescu.

Da ba ca cei de azi sau din comunism au fost ingeri nu?

ok nu neg ca cei 45 de ani de comunism este poate cea mai intunecata epoca din istoria romanien dar legiune este echivalentul isisului ortodox

astia de azi nu sunt ingeri dar nu poti sa ii compari cu comunistii e prea mare diferenta de bine de rau Romania este singura tara din regiune care nu are afinitati cu moscova

Tu spui asta pentru ca ai auzit de asasinatul lui Nicolae Iorga, Armand Calinescu etc. , dar aceste asasinate s-au petrecut dupa ce miselul de Carol al II-lea a dat ordin ca sa fie asasinat Codreanu. Aici era vorba despre personalitatea lui Codreanu si nu de actiunile teroriste dupa uciderea sa, in timpul conducerii lui Horia Sima, actiuni care nu aduc glorie Miscarii Legionare.

Du-te sa te futa tiganii.A fost un criminal pentru ca a trebuie sa curete jegul pe care tot noi l-am facut.Si-a murdarit sufletul doar ca sa salveze tara asta dobitocule.Omul ala a fost un patriot si un erou care a luptat pentru idealurile Romaniei.A preferat sa fie vazut ca un "criminal" doar ca sa mai curete putin Romania asta...care oricum nu merita asa eroi precum Vlad Tepes,Ion Antonescu si Codreanu.
Rusine tradatorilor de patrie!

Orice domnitor al Tarii Romanesti si rege a luat vieti.Toti au fost criminali dar au facut-o pentru binele tarii si al neamului.Daca aveam fetite ca tine noi acum vorbeam turca si zburam pe covor.

salut PLebbit

Great man, the Iron Guard was one of the best fascist organizations of the time.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=eniuwal6GBQ

salut shill

fucking retarded gypsy-ass motherfucker, stop making all of us look bad,

Dont listen to the shill. Romanians ( not jews or gipsyes ) respect The Legion and The Captain. We need people like them now more than ever...

he was a based patriot.

he was based

((there, I said something nice about a Romanian))