I actauly believe islamic terrorism is created by the CIA...

I actauly believe islamic terrorism is created by the CIA. There is nothing about terrorism in Koran or beheeding people. This is the hardest prbably redpill to swallow for right wingers.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?q=muslim whipping themselves&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB724GB724&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgu6XxiMXSAhWBJ8AKHbRqDL4Q_AUICSgC&biw=1920&bih=935#imgrc=T7qjfTrMNfri8M:

"Terrorism started 20 years ago"

Because there was almost 0% non-white immigration to Europe/North America.

Was the islamic invasions of europe not terrorism?


Talking about during the middle ages.

It could be because the CIA needed a new enemy after the cold war ended. They had to justify their budget and created islamic terrorism

>There is nothing about terrorism in Koran or beheeding people.

blame Jews.

>Terrorism started 20 years ago
t. Someone who doesnt understand what a terrorist is

But think about it why did they start to immigrate? war, war caused by CIA and shit especially during the cold war to stop ruskies ,prove me wrong

>terrorism started about 20 years ago

Ah, The Siege. A film so liberal and ahead of its time when it came to race politics nobody gave a shit about it when it came out.

Looks like someone rediscovered it

>there is nothing about terrorism in Koran or beheeding people.

quran 9:5

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Modern Islamic terrorism as we know it started at least a hundred years ago. Munich was 45 years ago. "Red pill". Ha!

>I actauly believe islamic terrorism is created by the CIA
That's a proven fact, you don't need to believe in it.
>There is nothing about terrorism in Koran or beheeding people.
This is wrong though. Every ISIS video is filled with quotes from Quran that they use to justify their massacres. Trust me, I'm an araboo, I know what I'm talking about.

Did the CIA travel back in time and force Islamic forces to invade India murdering tens of millions of Hindus and Buddhists?

Did they force Muslims to invade Spain and take slaves from Southern Europe?

Sahih Bukhari (52:261) - "[Muhammad] had their hands and feet cut off. Then he ordered for nails which were heated and passed over their eyes, and whey were left in the Harra (i.e. rocky land in Medina).

Sahih Bukhari (11:626) "...take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.'"

Sounds terrifying to me.


Do you know what was the first time us military forces deployed outside the us?

Look that up and tell me how violent muslims is a new phenomenon.

>We wuznt terrerists

I suppose if you ignore islamic conquests.

And Islamic Piracy

And the Islamic Slave trades

Then sure. Yeah Islam was awesome until 20 years ago.

Hi Mohammad

Arent you tired of these easy mode bait threads oskar?

What? Terrorism is as old as islam. It's exactly what Mohammed did to gain a following, he terrorized cities and made people join him.

The Muslim Brotherhood(1928) predates the CIA (1947)

Someone doesn't remember the string of suicide bombings in the middle east in the early '90s

the sad thing is that normie retards on facebook believe retarded pictures like the one OP posted

>20 years ago

Munich was 1972.

2017 - 1972 = 45.

45 years ago. At least.

>terrorism started about 20 years ago

Was this supposed to make me laugh hysterically?


islam is 1400 years old
they have been chimping out for 1400 years

Pretty much this, US intervention is really the cause of our modern problems. Look at the drug cartels in Latin America, most of the people who were hired during the original onset of massive drug cartels were paramilitary trained by the CIA to combat the surge of communist factions in Latin America.

America basically engineered our own archnemsis.

no chyba Cie pojebalo, pajacu. Postujesz takie gówno, bez refleksji. Gdzie to dorwałes? Na sokzburaka ? Jesli nie wiesz czym jest terroryzm, działanie asymetryczne, to nie postuj i wypierdalaj. Najlepiej wskocz do smieciarki, bo już podjechała.

Prove it with evidence both sides, don't claim the red pill. Prove it NIGGERS

500 years of slavery, rape and genocide on the Balkans and Caucus is not Islamic terrorism?

Ask a pooinloo if Islamic terrorism is 20 years old.

>what is al-andaluz
>what is ottoman empire

I suppose you should ignore the inquisition, or the crusades, or the rampant pedophilia in the catholic church.

Not the brightest little dude are you?

t. Abdul

terrorism has been happening since before america was even a country

>Islam has been attacking enslaving and murdering non-muslims for 1400 years


thats just empire, retard

Don't forget about the Barbary wars. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_Wars

Just business

Why "Suicide Bombing" Must be a Myth and What Purposes it Really Serves

After reading The Logic of Suicide Terrorism--It's the Occupation, Not the Fundamentalism by Robert Pape, the main idea that we come away with is that suicide bombers are real, very real indeed. Though we were promised a revelation of the logic, these questions remain:

If the purpose of a suicide-terrorist attack is not to die, but to kill and to inflict the maximum number of casualties on the target society, why do they die?

If the purpose of the suicide bomber is to end the occupation of his country, why is the suicide tactic not as old as war and territorial occupation itself?

If the purpose of the suicide bomber is to end the occupation of his country and to inflict the maximum number of casualties on the target society why are the targets so disparate and scattered, without a clear relation to the occupation?

Why are suicide bombings publicized before any proof is brought by investigation?

For me these questions underline the illogical nature of suicide bombings. I believe to find logic you have to see the suicide bomber as a fabrication of the Zionists for their own purposes:

To demonize Islam

To make Muslims look stupid, fanatical, and murderous.

To create worldwide terrorism that they can claim has nothing to do with Israel, but everything to do with Islam.

To attack those who think themselves to be allies, but are not, e.g. America, Spain, Britain.

To shift the blame for any bombing Zionists perpetrate onto the Muslims, simply by calling it a suicide bombing.

To control public opinion in favor of Israel as the most grieved victim of terrorism.

To justify apartheid in Israel.

To justify war in the Middle East with the spoils of war accruing to themselves, while the costs are borne by their "allies".


Muslims and kikes both follow a childfucking religion. Both need to be gassed but if you want to know the real cause..


Rebels/Soldiers? No.
Drug-addled, mind-controlled fanatical Jihadists? Yes.

Captagon was made in Hungary and is mostly produced in Israel, with its biggest factories located in Lebanon and Southern Ukraine.

Since 2014, the spread of Captagon from the Ukraine has skyrocketed. But whats interesting is that, in the same year, companies like Chemonics, Monsanto, Cargill etc essentially took over agro industry and drug production in Odessa on the Black Sea.

That's one reason (other than military intervention) why ISIS started losing territory so quickly after they got too successful.

>Islam is 1400 years old
>Terrorism started 20 years ago
>Leftism started 20 years ago
Really fires up my neurons

Let's start a new meme.

Terrorism was invented only a couple years ago.

[Something else happened a couple years ago]

If you're looking for the root cause, here it is.

I am assuming you are retarded. Jihad and hijrah are very much in the Koran. One is armed struggle, the later is conquering through migration. Read you dolt. Just a sample for you:
Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

but indeed...the CIA has stoked this

Islam has spread by the sword since its very founding. Muhammad was a warlord who used religion as a pretense for conquest and assimilation

Hell, at least Christianity had a few hundred yeas of pacifism. Violence is central to the history of Islam

Again, I despise muslims. They're a bunch of shitskinned goatfuckers but people need to be aware that kikes want us to crush the muslimshits. We need to be aware that we need to crush both: KIKES AND MUSLIMS.

Fuck off; slide sage hide

Terrorism didn't start 20 years ago. Terrorism didn't start 40 years ago. Back before the United States existed the Barbary Pirates (Islamic Pirates) were enslaving millions of Christians and the Turks and Crimean Khanate were doing the same.

Shut the fuck up. I agree that we created our own problem here to an extent but it is frankly embarrassing that a Pole would say something this retarded. Did you just sleep through the second half of Pan Wolodyjowski?

Jihad is the 5th unofficial pillar of islam.
The prophet said one can redeem himself by fighting in such fashion.

Fuckin CIA started the crusades. Bloody jews,
CIA was at Carthage.
Fuckin CIA were the ones who caused the Roman niggers to invade Britain

The inquisition and crusades were retaliation for Islamic invasion, not the cause of it.
Pedophilia in the church is what happens when you take sexually immature men and force them into a life of celibacy, then give them "God's own authority" over other vulnerable people.


I have a Kor'an on my book shelf straight from Saudi Arabia... and it does say those things.

Also, you're not taking into account the sunni/ shiite split/ wars and the " Islamic revolution" spread by wahabiist Islam in the 70's.....

I dont think you know what the crusades were, and we do speak out against the pedophillia in the catholic church

but whatever, your post just translates to pic related


fucking kill yourself or convert to islam you cucked masochist

>Terrorism is Muslims killing Christians
Wew... All you guys are that stupid don't you

Islam has been at war with America pretty much since we became a nation. Have you heard of the Barbary Coast War?

OP please don't fall for this shit.

Look up the history of Jihad, Muslims have been leaving the UK to commit rape and murder for Allah since they first set up in the UK, there is a BBC documentary dating back to the 1970's of Muslims going for Jihad in Syria.

In Europe they did the same, fighting against non-Muslims during the Balkan conflict, they filled mass-graves with their enemies.

Here is a BBC timeline.

Note that in the 1970's there is this line
>1973 - Rioting breaks out after President Assad drops the constitutional requirement that the president must be a Muslim. Suppressed by the army.

The whole Syria conflict is Muslims fighting Assad because his father allowed non-Muslims to become president of Syria.

Don't believe the lies, the evidence is all there.

Islamic State has been around since Islam and didn't disappear with the destruction of the Ottoman Empire.

Do your own research OP, don't just believe the tabloids and Alex Jones.

Muhammad was definitely not a warlord who spread the religion through violence and conquest. Islam is a religion of peace

Islam isn't a race though.

This. Vile, hateful religion, has no place in civilised Western nations.

people here are retarded

Ah, so you missed the crusades? Christianity had no justification for holy war but the whole of the Catholic Church was behind running off to pick a fight with the turks.

They just want war and God is an excuse.

It was unified under momo but then all hell broke loose.
Terrorism 20 years ago^ Ever heard about the Ismaelians of the old man on the mountain, they make ISIS look like boy scouts. And yes that's a muzturd sect.
Islam and its many sects are inherently like that, you're a fucking liar. Gtfo

We're going to fucking nuke you one of these days, don't forget its the US, Russia, the UK and France who have most nuclear weapons

And we're all your enemies, remember that roach

Assad is not a muslim?

>terrorism started 20 years ago
I had an newspaper encyclopedia which covered the 20th century and there has not been a single year without a major terror incident in the middle east.

100 years ago, Arabs were committing terrorism against The Ottoman Empire, and Munich was targeting Israelis, But yeah, whatever, just Christians.

Terrorism started in 1997. Topkek.

Are you 12?

>I actauly believe islamic terrorism is created by the CIA.
You're essentially right, when it pertains to modern terrorism. Muslim conquest was a thing back in ye-olden-days though. They've always been pretty violent societies. Now they're just more targeted.

Probably because methods of killing were more fair, nowadays you can strap a bomb smaller than you and kill a block of people.
To be honest Islam is the pussiest religion there is. Their people can't even form to fight a war, instead they're all divided killing each other in the name of a child pedophile.
I'd rather breathe die than convert to islam where your main goal is to kill people (including your own race) that don't conform to every single ideal you have.

well that pic is simply not true, the middle east was a lot more secular in some places as recently as the 70s.

>I actauly believe islamic terrorism is created by the CIA. There is nothing about terrorism in Koran or beheeding people. This is the hardest prbably redpill to swallow for right wingers.

Terrorism is a lot older than 20 years old. There were terrorist attacks in the late 19th century.

The earliest I know involving Muslims was Jews and Palestinians carrying out terror attacks against each other in The British Palestinian Mandate in the 1920s.

Nah, Islamic terrorism was the result of massive cultural shock when the Arab coalition was defeated by Isreal (with massive U.S. support in the form of us replacing over 40% of destroyed Israeli military assets over the course of the war). Arab governments began exploring asymmetric warfare options, especially after the Six Day War in 1967. OP's pic says "20 years" which is asinine considering several major terrorist incidents happened before 1997. The 70's and 80's were chock full of them, though most were in Europe and the middle east. Also, sage all slide threads.

If our nukes work? WE have outdated technology which hasn't been updated. LOL

>actually believing (((Hollywood))) propaganda

This. Shocked nobody else is talking about it.

Yes he's a Muslim, but the fact is, a non-Muslim can now be President of Syria because Assad and his Father were real moderate Muslims, they believed anyone can run a Muslim country, which is why most Muslims today want Assad dead.

Are you an inbred with a mutilated penis?

We as a people are getting sick of taking this shit from Islam, there will be another crusade, just you fucking wait

That's what the picture's statement is.

>dude you invaded us so we are terrorists now

Islam has been aggressive since Medina. Or should I call it Yathrib? Muhammad attacked the Persia and Eastern Roman Empire. It is an aggressive ideology.

>terrorism started in 1997

hhahahahahahah what the fuck ?

OP is dead-on. it's a scheme to cuck the arabs out of their oil.

you all just believe it because otherwise you'd have to swallow the fact that you're the bad guys in all of these million-body wars.

You sound 12 dude
Nice source on that map

I'm Iranian, raised in Iran. There absolutely is talk of beheading and raping kofar in jihad and in defense. Don't try to redpill people on counterfeit facts.

You mean like in Iran where we had a pupet state that made you leftits cry and that made the muzturds go full kebab^
Make your fucking mind already Shah was a good guy, or was not, fuck.

ask your parents what it was like back in the 60s dumbshit. you missed the point.

>hueheue I asked him if he's 12, that'll show him

just answer my question, are you inbreds with mutilated cocks?

>Arabs were committing terrorism against The Ottoman Empire
By that logic, did you consider the American independence war "terrorism against the british"?

Munich was also a palestinian independence war. Remember, they released the non-israeli hostages.

Nobody gives a rodents rectum about muslims killing other muslims in some islamic shithole, it's when Westerners are caught in the crossfire that people sit up and take note.

The Koran is nothing more than a terrorism manual.

or colonialism alone...

Islamic "culture"

google.co.uk/search?q=muslim whipping themselves&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB724GB724&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgu6XxiMXSAhWBJ8AKHbRqDL4Q_AUICSgC&biw=1920&bih=935#imgrc=T7qjfTrMNfri8M:

>non white immigration
nigga you landed on redskin land and imported chinks

You are definitely a 12 yo

Question losers. Ever read the Koran? Thought not. Keep talking out your fat asses

No, the whole "haha we'll nuke you we're tired of islam" larpcrusader narrative leaks of underage. Is this your first week on Sup Forums? Did you come here from the_donald?

Asking you the same question, do you really think some islandniggers with double our population and a smaller geographical area would be "

>t. Mohammed Akbar Goatbanger