Sums it all up really

sums it all up really

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Yeah and everybody who ever drank water died, so I guess that means water is also bad for you.

I'll take the trade.
Now what?

anyone have historical data on keto diet and heart disease?
Also, op is a faggot for shitty low tier post quality saged and reported

>6-10 extra years of a miserable meatless pointless life

lol gud1

Vegitarians are more likely to be college professors and people with the best healthcare services known to man propping up their living corpses. The fact that they only live ten years longer suggests their vegetarian diet is killing them.

This is misleading data.
This is true for Vegans vs. Not Vegans
Paleo Diet vs. Non Paleo has similar numbers.
Meat is not the issue, it's just the shit that people eat. Ironically the most unhealthy part that your typical American eats is completely vegan.
Take a Big Mac Meal for example. The Vegan parts (fries and soda) are far worse than the burger for you. Empty calories with pointless carbs and fat. Hell the meat is one of the healthiest part of the burger (along with the calorieless tomatos and veggies). The bread is less healthy. Although the most unhealthy part is indeed non-vegan (the sauce, which has mayo).
Although since Veganism is more concerned with ethics than health, one could argue that if you are a pro choice vegan, to stay ethically consistent, the eggs in mayo must also be vegan.
TLDR, vegans are retards.



>Eating carbs



Eating synthetic foods and living an inactive lifestyle is what causes the damage.
Eating in general matters little if you keep your weight down.

Correlation not causation. Vegetarians tend to be rich white women, less susceptible to disease and with higher life expectancies.

Source is horseshit. It has nothing to do with eating meat. Vegans tend to be health nuts that exercise regularly and keep fit. You can be fit and eat meat but they don't tend to mix. The food isn't the problem the lack of proper and routine exercise is.

>saturated fats and carcinogens

typical deluded non-veggie

>rich people with access to expensive food and good healthcare live longer than poor people who are okay with eating anything just to survive
>10 pointless years of meatless suffering
>avoid quick death from heart failure, live long enough to die from cancer
makes you ponder


Normal people.

Yet they die if they try and climb Mt. Everest.

Vegetarian diet raises risk of heart disease and cancer
Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

After almost getting colon cancer and suffering with health problems for a long time, I took my doctor's advice and completely cut out bread and junk meats (any meat that's been processed, like pepperoni or sandwich meats) and substituted it with Paleo.

I've felt amazing ever since and my depression and anxiety went away as well.

Meat isn't the problem... unnaturally produced food is. Even food made out of natural ingredients can be processed in a harmful and unnatural way.


This is the thing I never understood, why the fuck they call us meat eaters when our diet consists of everything

>british tabloids

Meat is not carcinogenic.
If you are talking about the chemicals in McDonald's food in general, it's in the vegan shit too.
Saturated fat readily turns into testosterone in the body. It isn't bad per se. Yes in excessive amounts at an old age when obese it is bad. It's true beef isn't the healthiest meat for this reason, but the fear mongering against red meat is overblown.

>never enjoy the sweet sweet taste of meat
>have another 6-10 years tacked on to your elderly years, where you will be a burden on the social security and Medicare systems, and your children will probably have to pay for your round-the-clock care.
Sweet trade-off.

Is this where "rare candy" comes from?

All elders in my family were meat-eaters. Grands and great-grands, all who already dies were in their 80s or close. Don't forget they're generations of war times, they worked really hard. Both my grand-dads were captives in Germany, one even twice. Wounded people after some great stress, they raised several children and lived for decades after WWII.

Think about it. Vegetarians are little poofs who are obsessed with looking after their poofy little body. It's not hard to imagine that if they're going to go out of their way to buy expensive protein replacements for what you're supposed to eat, they're not going to be poor. Therefore they've got better jobs in an office somewhere, not inhaling fumes on a construction site or killing themselves in some other way.

>correlation = causation
Really.... makes... you... think...


What kind of retard would actually want to live longer

P-please user, j-just a bite of my meat...

>living until 80 instead of 70

>saturated fats are bad for you
get a load of this pleb

Meat is delicous and I will continue to eat it.

Stay mad

>source: my wordpress website

vegans are 6 times as likely to be homosexual

Who the hell wants to live past 70?

Wanting to live an extra 6-10 years after you reach 60.

Not in my timeline

Lions in captivity live longer than lions in the wild

correlation not equal to causation faggots

Every vegetarian looks after what he eats ,most meat eaters are basic joes which mean they eat shit

>Heart deseases are the only thing people die from
Fuck off. I bet these fags cherry picked such "statistics" from obese "people", which tend to eat literally everything.

Saturated fats are good for you, actually really good for you

Why would I want to live 10 more years if I still can't eat meat?

checkmate atheists Forums/#

38°43'59.1"N 104°50'48.5"W

The CIA is being retaken by patriots on our side as we speak.


Are you actively trying to sound like a mouthbreather?

So if i eat vegans i wont die from a heart attack and live 10 years longer?

nothing to do with meat ingestion

it's rather a general lifestyle thing, the general population doesn't exercise and doesn't eat the recommended portions of fruits and vegetables every day, obviously vegetarians are more healthy people

so it has nothing to do with eating meat itself

except for intestine cancer, that's the one thing correlated with meat ingestion

Says here that meat diet reduces heart disease risks

And women make less to because the patriarchy. Nice shit logic.

What are ten years of being a faggot worth?

I hate this vege bullshit nowadays. Hurr save the animals. Yeah sure. Thats just a poor excuse to virtue signal and eat fancy shit. Or often eat real garbage that dont meet your macros. Not even closely, like cereal in the morning, some tofu with god knows what for dinner and just bread with green shit on it afterwards. TERRIBLE

>people who have to pay very close attention to their diet to not violate their ethical principals and therefore select their food very carefully live longer than regular people who eat whatever.

You dont fucking say.

If you start measuring your food you will lose weight too. You dont have to try and cut down or anything, the very act of measuring it makes you eat healthier with out you even knowing it.

Life expectancy of India, a majority vegetarian country is 68. Iceland a country that eats plenty of meat is 82. Checkmate vegans

vegetarians are more likely to be rich fuckers who can afford medical care, and likely avoid other more harmful activities like smoking or working in coal mines

Can someone red pill me on red meats?

>OCD calorie-counting vegan that exercises regularly
>tweaker meth-head that eats meat
OMG guys, did you know that the guy eating meat is going to die sooner?

They're delicious. Cook your steak with just a light salt and pepper crust, and make sure to let it sit for as long as you cooked it to let the fluids redistribute

>source is a fucking no name wordpress blog


they're tasty but don't overeat them

typically when I feel like cheating or eating less-healthier food, I only eat them on weekends

on weekdays though it's strict dieting

Ignore the fact that most meat eaters drink tons of soda, eat fast food and barely make exercises.

There are soo many variables

vegfag here, meat is not always unhealthy in moderation if you can get it without Ronald McDonalds special cum surprise recipe for mobility scooters and magic insulin shots. Also don't complain about eating intestines and guts, that's an artificial distinction.

Yes, that's because restricting calories below optimal levels increases longevity.

It's like with a car. The less you ride it the longer it will survive.

That's the poster source (as in who made the poster). Not the information source, of which there is none.