President Trump has Hillary Clinton's old White House Portrait hanging on the wall like a hunting trophy

President Trump has Hillary Clinton's old White House Portrait hanging on the wall like a hunting trophy.


He's not legally allowed to remove it, dumbass.

One such case!

looks like its framed in bamboo in this still picture
like something out of a tiki hut

Its just to remind him not to let Melania tell Bannon and KellyAnne to burn a bunch of people alive.

what did he mean by this?

He should put a bigger plant in front of it.

they have a basement with all kinds of artwork and presidential antiques. when he took office he could pick and choose what goes where, hence he brought back the Andrew Jackson portrait and Churchill bust


Someone needs to fix this picture so he's flipping the camera off.

Fucking lol.

KEK, could it be?

>Most powerful man in the world
>Can't take a picture off the wall

Next you're going to tell me he had to have this meeting in that location.

WP White Power

I don't know if it's considered disrespectful to take down a portrait of a former first lady. That is a piece of American history.

National Parks actually owns the White House.

Trump probably wanks to it, that's what I would do




White Power

but shillary is fucking devil!

make sure the eyes dont move

>hunting trophy

come on Bill isn't THAT bad
