What Went Wrong America?

>From this, to that fat pig.

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It isn't easy for President Donald John Titor Trump. You realize he is a time traveler and has deep knowledge of a nuclear holocaust that would've happened had he not won.

Now kindly gtfo out this board.

Can't even take care of his own body and we expect him to take care of the country.
Totally lacking in self control.

but this is the average in america. obama was below average weight


Wow I cannot even, the bigotry here is astounding, fuck off you thin privileged piece of shit!

cia operative smoked tobacco his whole life to stay fit, could not be trusted with the nuclear codes, versus the sign of ascension to glory. Yeah, ill take drrumpf any day and give him my nuclear codes. also sage goes into all fields

Anyone else regretting their trump vote? Please respond I'm literally shaking right now.

>Obama spends $100 Billion on CIA cyber tools
>Obama gives them away to the enemy

>insulting 70% of Americans

obongo stays thin cuz he smokes ciggies

His idiot mask if flawless, too. He is a true Master Spy.

from smoker and drinker and weed and cocaine user to teetotaler

You would think a billionaire with political ambitions would work out a little more and get fit. He was pretty damn attractive when he was younger; if he lost just 20 lbs he'd take away one more thing the left bashes him on.

Too many burgers. Usual story.

SCRIPT: ShareBlue Sahara 2.13a Ver.:4pol
STATUS: Offline
ERROR: 335252ND

Obama is a 55-year-old nigger who eats nothing but bananas, leaves and dirt

No you the SHaria blue, you the puppet


it's what made him successful against the soros machine an the hordes of "journalists". they assume he is stupid, but then they play into his favor every time

>Obama. In his 40s and skinny like a girl - his beast of a wife is literally more hench
>Trump. In his 70s and in average shape for his age.
Yah valid comparison.

michelle was in charge of his diet, probably

"From a nig to a pig" would have sounded better. Unfortunately Hillary didn't get elected.

Let’s dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama knows how to dress himself

Obama smelling like newports and cocoa butter, plus he probably staying thin from the cocaine

Obama keeps himself trim for all that gay sex.

>From skinny weak faggot to fat pig.

I would never vote in someone that isn't ripped

And people say that Obama has "class".

From a limp-wristed skinny faggot (married to a man) to an Alpha male. Yeah, sucks to be us.

>from a faggy nigguh to a fat trailer trash shart marter

I doubt anyone from the top truly believe he's dumb.

Pretty much only libcucks and tumblrinas with purple hair believe that

Wow you racist xenophobe don't fatshame him

That's why you live in a shithole

Did Obama bleached his skin?


Does he have aids? wtf.

No, but he isn't black.

Couldnt take care of his own body and we expect hom to take careof the country. Totally lacking in self control #SAD#TERRIBLE

First term, lets make fat Trump thin again! We need that hashtag. #MakeTrumpthinagain!

You mad bro??? lol