Racist Jokes

Hello. I woud like your finest racist jokes please.

op Is a nigger redditor looking to be spoonfed instead of googling

How is that?


How do you get 30 Jews in a car?
2 in the front, 3 in the back, the rest in the ashtray.

What's the difference between this thread and a nigger?

The thread at least tries to communicate

Around Semites, expect fights.
Around blacks, never relax.
With Jews, You lose.
Niggers,Jews, bad news!
Kikes, dykes, YIKES!

What's a Jew's favourite number? 6 million.

You're a fucking legend.

Very funny joke mate. Never heard anything like that before.

how do you get a nigger down from a tree.
>you cut the rope

What do you say to a bunch of priests who are acting immature?

>You guys are fucking children!



HAH that was good




what do you call a black astronaut.
>dont be silly we stopped sending monkeys to space years ago

Your life, nigga.


A bus full of muslims collides with a bus full of kikes. There are no survivors.
Who wins?


Why do jews have big noses?
Air is free.

What do you call an authentic gay football player?

>A real cock soccer!

>irish mick

Why do niggers have white hands?
>Everybody has a lil' good in them.


What do you call black man in college?

9/11 Never Forget
11/9 Always Regret

What did the black boy say when he had diarrhea?
>"Mommy, why am I melting?!"

What's the only positive thing about living in the ghetto?
>Pregnancy tests.

What's the other?

How does a black girl tell if she is pregnant?
>When she pulls the tampon out all the cotton is picked.

Why did President Obama get two terms?
>Because every black man gets a longer sentence.


I've heard nearly the same but it goes :
A Jew, a Black and an Arab are on a bridge, they all jump off at the same time. Who wins ?


Jesus christ man.

How do you get the little black kids to stop jumping on the bed? Put Velcro on the ceiling. How do you get them down? Tell the Mexican kids it's a piƱata.

Why can't Mexicans play Uno?
>They always steal the green cards.

What's the word that starts with an "N" that no one wants to call a black person?
>A neighbour.

How do you blindfold a Chinese person?
>Put floss over their eyes.

An African American and a Mexican are in a car. Who's driving?
> The cop.

Would a white or black kindergartner have a bigger dick?
> The black one because he's 20.

>How do you stop 4 niggers from raping a white woman?
Throw them a basketball

What do you call 1 nigger in the ocean? Pollution

What do you call all niggers in the ocean? The solution.

A black baby dies, goes to heaven, gets his wings, asks God, "Am I an angel?" God looks at him and says, "Naw nigga, you a bat."


>How do you get an Muslim woman pregnant?
Cum on her shoes and the flies do the rest

What can a bucket of chicken do that a black man can't?

Feed a family of five.

More of a fact than a joke.

You just posted it OP


Whats the difference between a jew and Santa.

Santa goes down the chimney, and the jews go up the chimney

Why are there so many trees in the hood?
Public Transportation!

How do a nig know she's pregnant?

Takes out tampon, all of the cotton's been picked off.

Why do black people smell bad?
>So that blind people can hate them too