Brit/pol/ - Glasgow Edition

>The government has suffered a second Brexit defeat in the House of Lords as peers backed, by 366 votes to 268, calls for a "meaningful" parliamentary vote on the final terms of withdrawal.

BBC Presenter Given Warning after Saying Transgender People Can Never Be ‘Real Women’

>A move to require councils in England to identify whether they have spare capacity to house unaccompanied child refugees has been rejected by MPs

>Labour can win says Jeremy Corbyn - after Hawking criticism

>Remainers BTFO: Government BEATS pro-Remain peers' demand for SECOND Brexit referendum

>Cash for grammar schools in budget

>Phil wants to raise taxes on us and cut spending "because brexit"

>Thread theme

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Victoria cake desu

Nice! I could go a wee slice of that with a cuppa right now.

Brexit is cancelled, I tried warning you lads. At least we keep free movement so it's easier to move away.


>life in britain
is there anything more pointless?

>Right now, we probably all have CIA/MI5 collaborated malware on our phone/computers

Hmm yes... Global Brexit, very nice...

Might just have to move to the highlands and become a hermit...nobody will live on the high ground....

windows 10 was a mistake

reposing my advice

My long term plan is to emigrate before it's too late. If you have enough money try ->

Singapore, Switzerland, UAE (Dubai), Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Guernsey, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria, Qatar, Hungary, or any of the future world city states.


nice try amar s'qaik of arabia


>tfw called someone gay on gaiaonline back in the year 2004
>probably still recorded in their forum archives
>probably going to get arrested and sent to prison in the Retroactive Homophobia Reform Act 2029

some jellied eels and toast sandwich on the side right m80?

Hoping I can finish my degree and get out in time.


half of those are full of pakis what kind of a list is that

reminder scotland has contributed greatly to british culture.

Have the sweaty socks fucked off, or at they going to infest this thread too.


I'd only live in a white or asian country desu

What's going on here?

Tunnocks tea cakes, Irn Bru, Highland battalions...indeed we scots have!

>not being prepared for the inevitable
What did they mean by this?


Poor little white boi.

>someone at gchq could very easily query what sort of porn you watch

post yourself rn

Friendly reminder.

I hope she passes out drunk underwater

How can white boi even compete?

>watching porn

>Tfw niggers are permitted to touch royalty

Good point but...we are stuck with SNP so we are just as fooked as England

you and me both mate

They have few (if any) Pakistanis. Singapore is a multicultural city, Switzerland is also multicultural. The difference between their multiculturalism and ours is that they only allow productive, wealthy, and high IQ people live there. IQ matters much more than race or religion.

fair enough I suppose. I'd like to get a job in some Caribbean paradise island working in financial services.

She's a commoner

Ah yes, Scotland...

>tfw stoking the fire for the inevitable socialist revolution of the United Kingdom in 2020

Are you pretending to be Scottish again?

I know...fuck the SNP they are watching Scotland decline with their scottish nationalism....what a joke!


It isn't impressive to abstain from porn if you have actual sex
I could quit pornography forever if I had a hot devoted wife

Literally /who are you?

Loving the country life

Ooohhhhh sorry to be the bearer of bad news m8

by writing articles that get slandered daily for their utter retardedness even by your own readers


The SNP are not nationalists, they are separatists. According to the SNP to qualify as Scottish all you have to do is live there. Even people who were born in Scotland and move out of it are not Scots.

Wouldn't you like to know.

>North Korea bars Malaysians from leaving, in 'diplomatic meltdown'

War with North Korea when?

>mfw I venture out of my town and into more cosmopolitan cities

Never I hope, the norks are cool

The "Scottish Nationalist Party" is actually the European Unionist Party

just wait for automation. The yoof will be working in idea factories, intercommunicating in the cyber-web (a.k.a. internet of things) across digital highways. Automatic toasters will pave the way to a Universal Basic Income and a paradise for all.

t. delusional Londonite Corbynista

I don't see the difference desu all I know is that scottish independence would doom scotland to financial crisis since the SNP have not had a very good financial run since being elected

No, never pretended to be Scottish ya bawbag
I'm not telling you to go full nofap meme, if your sexual life isn't quite what you'd like it to be then you're obviously going to have to help yourself but that doesn't mean you need to watch porn, use your imagination if you have to.

Scotland should become independent because there would be 50 less leftwing seats in the UK.

You guys mad that you couldn't stop our expansion and set up a huge nation for the natives?

The eternal anglo is anti white



Evening lad

Slawischen untermenschlichen

They think they'll get the north sea fields

>anti white

only a pseudo-race as hopelessly polluted as the "Americans" could identify with the word "white". It is like a mongrel identifying with the word "dog". Indeed, you are white, but you are also a YANK, and that is something I will always hold against you. You are not my "white" ally.

>couldn't stop our expansion

Yeah we had such a hard time preventing your expansion into Canada, like you didn't try and got BTFO

Anyone have a paki gf? Might be, uh, going down that route myself soon


England would be crippled without the banter offered by Scotland.

I might try to stop watching the penetrative jew


you know they are all inbred right?

Yank please go.


into my heart an air that kills

>Bruegel has put out a report estimating the size of the future migration of financial services from London to the EU-27. The recipients of this migration will be mostly Frankfurt, Paris, Dublin, and Amsterdam, which will experience a big shock to their infrastructures given that currently they host much smaller financial sectors and smaller numbers of multinational firm headquarters. The report estimates that some 30,000 jobs will move to these four cities. Because of the expanded need for, in particular, foreign exchange trading, the trading floors of banks in the EU27 will have to expand substantially.

>Bruegel expects the EU-27 wholesale financial market to be dominated by Swiss and American investment banks, one large German bank (no prizes for guessing which) and three French banks. Large Italian, Spanish and Dutch banks will comprise a second tier.

>Germany and France have some clearing capacity, which will have to be expanded to accomodate the increased activity. There is a big question mark on what the FinTech industry will do, as it is currently largely concentrated in London as well.

>As to the legal system, there is an expectation that the EU27 financial sector will be able to continue operating largely under English law - this is relevant, of course, to wholesale banking (derivatives, repos) and not to retail banking.

Even canada said no more to britcuck anglokikes and left you tards to rot on your island. You will rot like the Native indians are now for your treachery.

Just been looking through the 2011 census data. We're fucked. In 2011 0-5s in ALL London were 35% White. Its probably down to 20% by now with the migration we have had and the white exodus. London is literally a South Africa tier situation now.

What you been up to?

We will get fuck all from Oil and we knew it when they first mentioned it...bunch of deluded bastards


Want to try again?

Should London be given independence and then a wall built around it? I think so.

Rain's pishing doon oh gloom oh gloom
I'd rather be anywhere else

She's a top lass though

>Couldn't take Canada even though we were still sailing around the world at war with Napoleon

weak and feeble


is Sup Forums a chat room or a bulletin board?

Not much just watched the Bayern v arsenal game on tv, you?

Aberdeenfag here.

I want off the mainland. What's life like in Orkney and Shetland?

Chat room, definitely.


>1 post by this ID

>bullet in
sounds like some right-wing terrorist stuff, Tommy
now off to prison with you, there's a good boy

Very good apparently.

Fuck the Lords

>"meaningful" parliamentary vote
What the fuck does that even mean? How does this fucking retired arms dealer Heseltine think he can personally defy the will of the British people?
These cunts need to be chopped up and fed to the pigs. Lords, my ass!

I guess we arent equal after all are we? You paki inbreds

(2008) Li JZ et. al., show the distinct population groups of the Earth by genetically testing individuals from each population group and mapping them by their single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Only three groups - South Asians, Central (West) Asians, and East Asians have overlaps while Middle Easterners, Central Asians, and Indian South Asians have genetic contributions from European population groups. There is no genetic continuum between Africans and any other population group alive. The 40.000 years of evolution put between the rest of Mankind and Africans can be shown as the source of this.

This finding is supported by (Lao et. al., 2006; Costas et. al., 2005; Xing et. al., 2010 (1); Xing et. al., 2010 (2); Jakobsson et. al., 2008; Huang et. al., 2011; Paşaniuc et. al., 2010; Huang et. al., 2009; Hao et. al., 2009; Nothnagel et. al., 2009; Chanda et. al., 2012)


it's a new thread and it's for section 22 of