Poor people arent poor

there is no such thing as poor people

pic related

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lmao I'm not poor and don't even have air conditioning

also, all this motherfuckers complaining how poor and miserable they are always bring up stuff like vacations

huuurrr we're so poor we now only take 2 full week trips around the world when we use to take 3

there's also people who take thos kinds of vacations and then have no money for food and grab gibsmedat

gas poor people

these are modern day necessities and aren't the luxuries that these pictures seem like they're making them out to be


>lmao I'm not poor and don't even have air conditioning
>that flag
user I have some bad news...



You own a refrigerator?

I bet you think you're hot shit don't you.

You don't need air conditioning in Europe you retard.

if you're so poor that you need to have healthcare, sell your car

use public transport

anyone that uses public healthcare should not have any luxuries of the 21st century

A fridge is a necessity.

Coffee is arguably a necessity for many people, especially who work a lot for little pay. Also it's cheap as fuck, you can get a decent one for like 30 dollars.

You can get these cheap now, and it provides a trillion hours of entertainment for all the children.

You NEED a car to get around in America. In my city the buses end at 6 PM and don't even run on Sundays.

This is more retarded Fox news bullshit.

Temperatures rise above 40 celsius in summer

Funny how all the "poor people" in America are usually obese and own a car and piles of consumer electronics, isn't it?


So was this taken by people on government assistance or people that make under 25k? I only make 20k and have all of the above yes. Pretty easy considering I don't have to take care of a child.

Actually, you're close to the breakthrough... if you go back to a 1950s level existence (the supposed golden age) you'd end up with more spare income than you'd know what to do with. The last 50 years have been dominated by companies figuring out how to get us to spend every last dollar to our name on overpriced technology.

>Everything is a necessity
Fuck leftists

Kek heres a (You)

>tfw I don't have a fridge, air conditioning, oven or washing machine because I'm not a cuck who likes to be raped by (((power bills)))

>tfw I don't have a PS or Xbox because I'm not a degenerate Sonygger or Xbot

The relatively poor still have reason to protest their relative poverty. That things could be worse does not mean people shouldn't strive for things to be better. Also, this is a dubious representation of prosperity, because low income people, who aren't homeless, generally live in a place they don't own, meaning the furnishing is not their responsibility.

Oh boy

Most people dont have those things in mexico jose

how do you store food?

>or washing machine

yet you like to go to laundrymats with peering gooks and spics who will steal your clothing when you aren't looking

""""""""""""""POOR"""""""""""""""""" PEOPLE IN THE US OWN A FUCKING REFRIGERATOR

>$400 Xbox/PS4

Literally kill yourself

nevermind, didn't see your flag at first

it's mexico, most people dont have nice things down there

Obviously never been to Southern Europe in the summer

>You can get these cheap now, and it provides a trillion hours of entertainment for all the children.

or you can buy a cheap sub 100 dollar laptop and put it on youtube for the kids

I don't, storing food is degenerate. Buying fresh from the market is the way to go.

>letting the spinning jew destroy your clothes

I wash my clothes by hand, aka the proper way.

>dirt poor third-world shitskin making excuses for not being able to afford basic things

Or you can give them some rocks and sticks to play with, what is this the fucking Ritz?

or you can actually try to raise your kids like our parents did. without shitty glowing screens everywhere, and actually engage them with something intelligent

>Buying fresh from the market is the way to go.

lol, you eat your food as soon as you buy it?

A 360 and PS3 are 100 burgerbux, a cheap laptop can emulate PS1 games and older.

pretty based desu

traditional lifestyle i dig it


did you grow up learning how to remove kebab?

And yet here you are staring at a shitty glowing screen arguing with people on the internet


Citycucks miss the good stuff.

You don't really need air conditioning in America either. It's a nice convenience. I turned mine on twice last year.

Yet again the Serb makes me feel good about myself knowing that I'm not living in some shit europoor country

Down in Arizona its dangerous not to have it



spent 5 months in Austin, Texas in a high-rise apartment during the spring and summer and you will be saying otherwise

in the southwest and great plains the summer can get hot at balls, yes, you need AC

if you live in the pacific northwest or upper east coast....maybe not

>A/C isn't a luxury
>Coffee isn't a luxury
>Xbox isn't a luxury

k bro.

Florida here. Go fuck yourself.

>Power bills
Just how poor are you? I have a big fridge and use my washing machine at least twice a week and pay less than 300 mxn a month. Electricity is dirt cheap.

I agree with the fridge but coffee is literally the definition of luxury. I bet if you looked at textbooks it would be used to describe a luxury good like 40% of the time. Playstation is luxury as well, and car really depends on where you live. At least in my city I can walk pretty much everywhere or take public transport.

a microwave is not a frivolous investment and often cost less than a regular oven or as much as a toaster oven

You prick. I about choked on my water.

If you don't have the newest gaming rig you're poor in my opinion.

When does this end, though?

>99.9% of poor people have a change of clothes

>mfw Bernie Sanders actually said lower class Americans couldn't afford loaves of bread despite only costing around a dollar

lol people fuckin need cars to get to work and the store

not everyone lives in the city, actually.... it seems like Trump knows most people dont

need two people working to survive now a days. i'm actually surprised this isn't higher.... But i guess the marriage rate really is shit now adays

the fuck? bread is like 86 cents a loaf at walmart!

Once again proving that Fox News is irrelevant to anyone under 60.

Prices of consumer electronics have come down in the last 50 years thanks to improvements in technology. Having a microwave or a fridge is a sign of prosperity to a baby boomer because when when they were young it cost several months of the average salary to buy one. Now even on minimum wage you can buy them with less than a week's salary, especially if they're second hand. However, the fact that electronics are cheaper doesn't change the basic truth that there are millions of people in the US who can barely afford food, housing, etc. Anyone who thinks poor people wouldn't be poor if they stopped buying microwaves and spent that money on paying their rent needs to wake up to what century they're living in.

It's sleight of hand like this that keeps Americans from realising that when measured against the things that really count - rent, medical bills, college fees, etc - average Americans are poorer than they were thirty years ago and getting poorer.

It may not be a necessity, but a coffee maker cost like 200 here (basically

when being poor turns into gibesmedat
it's perfectly possible to survive on the income of most "poor" people
don't eat out, look for bargins, don't waste money, etc.
It's just that most "poor" people have poor judgement and rack up massive loans then complain about being poor.
I'm not saying that the poor don't exist. They certainly do and come with their own set of problems. It's just more often than not people use it as an excuse for free stuff instead of simply showing some self restraint

>if you live in the pacific northwest

He's right and you know it, idiot.

what type pf brand name coffee maker are you buying for $200? I can pick up a coffee maker at walmart for $20.
Also, you overestimate the reasoning abilities of your average person. Why do you think people end up in debt

T. Califag

look at the flag and the part of the sentence that immediately follows the number you're quoting. dummy.

>these are modern day necessities

My ass they are.

My parents grew up in homes that didn't have any of those things until the 60's.

>college fees
Literally first world problems and not a necessity for survival, hell you can even do community college.

>storing food is degenerate
>the ability to store food is literally what catapulted the human race beyond monkey-dom and into civilization.

Mexican intellectuals, everyone

I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means.—I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer.

And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer. There is no country in the world [but England] where so many provisions are established for them; so many hospitals to receive them when they are sick or lame, founded and maintained by voluntary charities; so many alms-houses for the aged of both sexes, together with a solemn general law made by the rich to subject their estates to a heavy tax for the support of the poor. Under all these obligations, are our poor modest, humble, and thankful; and do they use their best endeavours to maintain themselves, and lighten our shoulders of this burthen?—On the contrary, I affirm that there is no country in the world in which the poor are more idle, dissolute, drunken, and insolent. The day you passed that act, you took away from before their eyes the greatest of all inducements to industry, frugality, and sobriety, by giving them a dependence on somewhat else than a careful accumulation during youth and health, for support in age or sickness. In short, you offered a premium for the encouragement of idleness, and you should not now wonder that it has had its effect in the increase of poverty. Repeal that law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday, and St. Tuesday, will cease to be holidays. SIX days shalt thou labour, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them. -Benjamin Franklin 1776

I have everything listed any my electric bill is only around 100-115 dollars monthly. Lower than 100 if I rarely use the central AC. Sucks to be a spic.

Don't care about the shitty consoles because I play on PC.

>there was no civilization until the invention of the refrigerator

The ability to grow and store food is what ended natural selection for us.

>my parents grew up in homes that didn't have any of those things till the 60s
Because literally everything on that list cost just as much as it did in the 60s. Technology has come a long way in 50 fucking years.

What world do you live on where affordability dictates necessity?

Hey dumb nigger, you can't into agriculture without knowing how to store food

>Minimum Wage:
$8 an hour for 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year is approximately:
$16,000 a year or $1333 a month. (not taking taxes into account because minimum wage workers often get a decent income tax return, also to keep things more simple)

This amount more than enough for a single person to live on (if you're married or a couple then $2666 a month is possible income, if you are not disabled and don't have kids then you BOTH SHOULD BE WORKING!).

Rent for a single person (1 bedroom for $700 a month, usually includes utilities)
Food = $300

Rent for a couple (Low income apartment for $1500 a month)
Utilities = $200
Food = $600

Cell Phone Basic Plan $50
Cable/Internet $100


Single Person
$1000 a month to live
$150 for internet/TV/Cell
$183 left over at the end of the month.

$2300 a month to live
$200 for Internet/TV/Cell (assuming they both have a cell at $50 each)
$166 left over at the end of the month.

$8 an hour is more than enough to live on, if you want more money then put in more hours or get a second job. If the cost of living in your area is too high, then MOVE away.

If you have minimum skills you deserve minimum wage. But in this day and age everyone thinks that they are entitled to a Car, Smart Phone, Tablet, HDTV etc....... when in reality these are luxury items that you deserve if you are able to afford them.

I am a proponent in people working extra hours a week to have more spending money per month. If a guy working the Oil Field can hit 80 Hours a week, then it should be no problem for a cashier to at least work 50-60 hours a week.

The problem is these people have 3+ kids (who's fault is that?) and don't have the income to support them (who's fault is that?) and/or they put themselves in debt buying luxury items. Then they expect sympathy and become angry at people who aren't as stupid as they are.

In most cases, people create their own situations.

The complete opposite is true.

>1 bedroom for $700 a month
Sure if you're some urban retard

who said anything about a refrigerator, pajeet

>british intellectuals

is everyone in this thread a fuckin retard


Cost doesn't define whether something is a luxury or necessity. 'Can you reasonably live without it?' is what defines a necessity.

Unless you live in a location that makes it impractical or impossible to purchhase/have groceries delivered on a regular basis, you don't actually need a fridge.

There are a dozen places I could go for food within 10 minutes on foot. Having no fridge would probably be a great thing for my physical fitness, now that I think about it.

it is amazing hearing the way people talk about the poor

i know a guy who posts videos on youtube whining about welfare

one video the guy complains about food he got from the foodbank to last a week, it was an entirely reasonable amount of food i would gladly eat if given to me for free

>still paying for cable TV

Sling TV gives you an A La Carte tv plan for like 30 bucks a month

(A La Carte means "pick the channels you want, and only pay for those channels")

and the entire thing runs through your phone, you can watch it on a TV with either an HDMI cord or a chromecast....which is a one-time charge of 40 bucks from Walmart. Best-Buy, Frys, Target, etc etc

>modern day people have luxuries that even the wealthiest and most powerful of kings couldn't have imagined
>they still fucking complain

>you can even do community college.
which is also significantly more expensive on average than it was thirty or forty years ago.

And again, what century are you living in? There was a time when it wasn't deemed necessary for the average person to have schooling beyond the age of 12. Times change.

>Literally first world problems
well yeah, that's WHY america is a first world country dipshit - because having no education is considered a problem.

>$300 a month on food

you fat fuck

mah man, sling is the shit

Literally, when I was a kid, how many cars you had was a thing the government looked at when deciding to give you food stamps. I don't know why having two is bad, when it's a family with three kids... kne being the truck for dad to go to work in, but that was how it was. Refrigerators, is kind of a weird metric, even in those times.

Single bedroom, not a 1 bedroom apartment or suite. A bedroom in a house where you share the kitchen, dinning room, and bathroom with the other tenants.

>The second major argument, which takes up the final chapter, sets out to explain why Ashkenazi Jews have a mean IQ so much higher than that of the population in general.


Nice argument.

eh, i use a cheap 45 buck tablet from walmart to use it with chromecast,

I do pay Spectrum (Charter Communications) the 40 bucks a month for the 60mb internet but that's about it

i pay 55 a month for my phone service, and my smartphone is a cheap 100 buck LG Stylo 2, no it doesn't have the best camera in the world but i'm not a fucking photographer, nor do i take a picture every hour like a white girl, so i dont care


i also got from some folks

"hurr, how do you watch Fox, NBC, ABC or CBS?"

my answer is always pic related

>tfw gayman htpc in the living room
>emulators and roms everywhere
>over 1500 PS1 games alone

Living room PC is the way to go

and for all Ben Franklin's whining, in the hundred years after he wrote that Britain became by far the wealthiest country in the world, accounting for half the world's manufacturing output in the mid 19th century and propelling living standards steadily upwards. A social security net gave the British workforce the flexibility to do things like move to the ever expanding cities in search of industrial work.

Funnily enough, America also came to account for half the world's economy at one point. It was in the 1950s, a few years after FDR's New Deal which expanded government support for the poor to unprecedented levels. The golden age of America was from the 1950s - 1970s. Guess what happened in the 1980s? Reagan came in and gutted support for the poor.

fallacies everywhere

nah, i use an old HAM radio antenna my brother-in-law gave me (he upgraded to a better antenna

it's literally a sattelite-looking thing on a metal pole dug 5ft into the ground with a weather-proofed coax running into the house into the back of my TV, which is a cheap 32" HDTV i got from bestbuy for 130 bucks when it was a year-end model markdown

>what do you do for a living

Literally? i'm a burger flipper, no, seriously, i'm a burger flipper at a local burger joint and make 10 bucks an hour on 40hrs a week

Ashkenazi Jews do have an average IQ of 115.