Ive tried learning Spanish for 2 years, and I fucking hate it. its a fucking dirty spic language I hate it. Should I try Portuguese, Russian, or French
What language should I learn
try killing yourself
German is a fun language, or you could try Welsh.
Basically install Duolingo and pick one.
Learn Mandarin. It's the only relevant language besides English.
>not learning latin
>Basically install Duolingo and pick one.
I've nearly completed Polish tree and can't read a bit of Polish, it doesn't help.
It's fun to waste time with though.
> It's a fucking dirty spic language
I'm hispanic but I fucking kek'd at this
I've been leaning Japanese because I will be moving there soon, and now I want to learn something new too. French is a dead language so I was considering Spanish but if you think its shit maybe I'll pass on it. I really like how russian sounds but have always wanted to learn German too. I am really shit with deciding
puta españa gora eta
Spanish is infinitely more useful to a burger than those other languages. That being said, Portuguese and French are very similar to Spanish
and you may not like them for that reason. Russian is cool but how much will you use it? Have you considered killing yourself?
Currently learning Russian. It's a cool language.
Or French, but I guess I'm biased on this one.
>Spic language.
Spanish is a nice language. If you cant learn it, you are stupid. Its not that complicated.
Stop making up excuses.
I think spanish is ugly as fuck. It's ugly when you write it and uglier when you speak it.
Though portuguese shares many similar words with spic-tongue, you should see a few videos where people speak portuguese and see if you like the feel of it. I'd say portuguese is a pretty language when spoken and written, though I'm obviously biased because hueland.
Italian, German and French are all alright choices.
I tried learning french with Duolingo, I did learn some words, but lacks what everything that tries to teach another language lacks
Explaination of pronunciation
Its one of the romance languages you know, from Spain. Dumbass
>Wanna learn German
>Work 7-4
>Get off at 4 and start drinking
>don't stop until i'm ready for bed
>instead of learning anything useful, I browse Sup Forums, listen to music, play video games, watch anime, etc
I've always wondered how long it would take me to learn German if I could just put down the beer.
Brazilian portuguese is quite literally the ugliest sounding thing on earth.
There's no denying. What's wrong with you? Are you deaf or just mentally deranged?
get out of here u white beaner
i took french for 5 years, my gf likes it, but russia sounds more badass.
You probably heard portuguese spoken by nordestinos or favelados. There are 30 or so different dialects in Brazil. Look for portuguese spoken by Sao Paulo and everything that's beneath it on the map. You're looking for southern states, kraut.
I'd say arabic is the ugliest sounding language ever. And I'd think you'd know all about arabic from the frequent cuckold sessions you, your wife and her boyfriend enjoy.
Download the Michel Thomas German course and you can learn German and drink beer at the same time.
Russian will be valuable in the future.
> 2 years trying to learn a language
Buy some adderal
>was having a ton of fun with Italian
>duolingo, pimsleur, just researching and writing stuff down, switching my software locales and movie subtitles
>someone asks if I plan on moving to Italy
>idk lol
>asks why I'm learning a language if I'm never going to use it
>haven't practiced in three months ever since then
Don't waste your time, it's impossible to learn how to speak a language as an adult, unless you actually live in the country where that language is spoken.
>spanish 2 years still learning too hard for him
>Portuguese literal gutter speak
>fag language
>Russian too hard for you kiddo
That happens when you're retarded
Learn !Kung so you can finally understand what your nigger family is clicking on about.
Learn portuguese
All your white friends will be impressed. In fact you'll become whiter because of it
Maybe even physically
Just ask any brazilian
literally monkeys talking and the way u act like niggers identical
Nice flag
I know how to read Cyrillic and I know how to roll my r.
I love my manime
Portuguese is a spanish dialect, not a real language
Portuguese is better and more usefull than French or russian, unleass you go live there.
Learning portuguese would also give you acess to the richest literature in europe from a nation of sailors and poets.
You could read "a peregrinação" by Fernão Mendes Pinto, "Lusíadas" by Camões, the poems of Fernando Pessoa, "the sermon to the fishes" by a portuguese-brazilian priest, the short poems by Bocage, and on and on...
Besides french and russian sound disgusting.
spanish can be useful.
Hispanic girls are the cutest.
Nobody cannot learn Spanish. This is a one-post meant to make us look racist as a result of being stupid and lazy.
Mods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
Don't learn a language for speaking, learn one for its historical literature, english vocabulary benefits, and verbal reasoning benefits, i.e. Latin or Ancient Greek.
mouro lampião
After 2 years I'm just going to assume that your just stupid OP. I'm taking French right now and I can speak it alright and it's been 3 months.
Try weaboo and do Japanese at leas they won't think your a loser.
Learn Latin you pleb.
Representing the West Coast I see
Supid burger what you have been learning is mexican, and you were learning to fuck
some latinas. As the don't give a fuck about you, you get all buthurt
Spanish is the easiest language after english. If you really couldn't learn it guess it's time to kill yourself.
german you faggot
Portuguese literally sounds like a Russian trying to learn Spanish.
Who the hell wants to learn a value brand version of Spanish?
> tfw english is so simple even third world baboons can learn
how does that make you feel anglo boy?
Really? I really don't like portuguese and avoid speaking, I think It's rather crude, with too many ugly words. The slangs and swearing is particularly awful. It's also overly complicated.
I have taught myself Afrikaans, German, basic Dutch, basic Italian, French.
Currently focusing on Lithuanian, which is much harder, but it's my fiancée's mother tongue and I have all the motivation and resources I need :)